161 research outputs found

    Assessing Transfer Student Performance

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    Higher educational institutions place a high priority on the retention and timely graduation of students. Previous literature and research studies have identified transfer students to have a vital role in the success of four year universities. The university in the study enrolls a high percentage of transfer students, primarily from two year community colleges within the state of Minnesota. To understand transfer students performance, the study used multiple measures of transfer student success, including (1) cumulative GPA, (2) one year retention rate, and (3) one year graduation rate. The comparison of transfer students and native students is examined, showing that generally speaking, there are few significant differences between both groups

    Ensuring Our Success in an Uncertain Future

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    What separates lawyers from most other professions — and what will distinguish us and ensure our continuing success in an uncertain future — is professionalism. Professionalism covers the wide range of attributes that make a lawyer a lawyer. The Florida Bar offers members six pages of “expectations” for professionalism, as well as a “Creed of Professionalism.” County and state bar associations, as well as the ABA, have written codes of professionalism. Perhaps The Florida Bar’s Standing Committee on Professionalism says it best: “Professionalism is the pursuit and practice of the highest ideals and tenets of the legal profession. It embraces far more than simply complying with the minimal standards of professional conduct. The essential ingredients of professionalism are character, competence, commitment, and civility.


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    This study was undertaken in Hayatabad Town, Peshawar. The study investigates socio-economic factors affecting invisible child labour. The study was based on a sample of 95 households and the data were collected in July 2006. The study found that although the wages of working children were small but they contributed significantly to their households’ income. More than half of the working children were not satisfied with their present job and their employers and more than half of working children reported that their employers were harsh with them. The regression results showed that household income, landholdings and parents’ education were significant determinants of invisible child labour in the study area.Invisible child labour, poverty, Hayatabad, Pakistan

    Implementation of Back Propagation Neural Network with PCA for Face Recognition

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    Face recognition is truly one of the demanding fields of biometric image processing system Within this paper we have implemented Back Propagation Neural Network for face recognition using MATLAB where feature extraction and face identification system completely depend on Principal Component Analysis PCA Face images are multidimensional and variable data Hence we cannot directly apply Back Propagation Neural Network to classify face without extracting the core area of face So the dimensionality of face image is reduced by the Principal Component Analysis algorithm then we have to explore unique feature for all stored database images called eigenfaces of eigenvectors These unique features or eigenvectors are given as parallel input to the Back Propagation Neural Network BPNN for recognition of given test images Here test image is taken from the integrated webcam which is applied to the BPNN trained network The maximum output of the tested network gives the index of recognized face image BPNN employing PCA is more robust and reliable than PCA based face recognition syste

    Implementation and Performance Analysis of Different Hand Gesture Recognition Methods

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    In recent few years, hand gesture recognition is one of the advanced grooming technologies in the era of human-computer interaction and computer vision due to a wide area of application in the real world. But it is a very complicated task to recognize hand gesture easily due to gesture orientation, light condition, complex background, translation and scaling of gesture images. To remove this limitation, several research works have developed which is successfully decrease this complexity. However, the intention of this paper is proposed and compared four different hand gesture recognition system and apply some optimization technique on it which ridiculously increased the existing model accuracy and model running time. After employed the optimization tricks, the adjusted gesture recognition model accuracy was 93.21% and the run time was 224 seconds which was 2.14% and 248 seconds faster than an existing similar hand gesture recognition model. The overall achievement of this paper could be applied for smart home control, camera control, robot control, medical system, natural talk, and many other fields in computer vision and human-computer interaction


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    Memeriksa kembali merupakan kegiatan penting pada tahapan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan memeriksa kembali siswa dalam pemecahan masalah kontekstual topik perbandingan. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 4 siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri di Surabaya tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa tes pemecahan masalah, dan pedoman wawancara. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan melihat hasil tes dan wawancara pada subjek yang mengacu pada 4 indikator memeriksa kembali, yaitu 1) memeriksa kebenaran jawaban yang diperoleh, 2) mencari cara penyelesaian lain, 3) menggunakan metode untuk menyelesaikan masalah lain, 4) menggeneralisasi berbagai cara penyelesaian yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pada memeriksa jawaban, semua siswa mampu memeriksa jawaban dengan baik dan benar. Pada indikator mencari jawaban menggunakan cara lain, terdapat 2 siswa yang belum mampu mencari jawaban menggunakan cara lain. Lalu, pada penggunakan metode untuk menyelesaikan masalah lain, semua siswa mampu menerapkan ke dalam permasalahan kontekstual lain. Sedangkan untuk menggeneralisasi atau menarik kesimpulan jawaban yang diperoleh dari berbagai cara, semua siswa mampu membuat kesimpulan mengenai berbagai penyelesaian yang digunakan dalam memecahkan masalah. Masih ditemukannya siswa yang belum mampu menemukan cara lain untuk menyelesaikan masalah, maka pada pembelajaran pemecahan masalah perlu dibiasakan menuntut siswa mengembangkan cara lain dalam menyelesaikan masalah

    Android Controlled Smart Wheelchair for Disabilities

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    This paper describes a control technology of wheelchair which may feel more flexible than traditional joystick controlled one. The main objective of our research is to develop new control architecture for a motorized wheelchair as well as an embedded system for monitoring critical patients. Such a smart wheelchair is designed for the disabled people in the developing countries as it will be very low-cost than existing others. Controlling is possible by android operated mobile or tab. In addition to button control, motion sensor controlling mechanism also has implemented. Moreover, bio-metric features have made wheelchair more suitable for critical patients. If the patient is in hostile condition, the wheelchair will produce an alert by raising the alarm with the measurement of the heartbeat at a particular interval

    Tecnologías de apoyo, mercado y nuevos sistemas de información

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    Los términos tecnología de apoyo o producto de apoyo hacen referencia a cualquier producto (incluyendo dispositivos, equipos, instrumentos y software) fabricado especialmente o disponible en el mercado, utilizado por o para personas con discapacidad destinado a facilitar la participación, proteger, apoyar, entrenar, medir o sustituir funciones/estructuras corporales y actividades o prevenir deficiencias, limitaciones en la actividad o restricciones en la participación. Esta definición, recogida en la norma UNE-EN ISO:9999:2012 “Productos de apoyo para personas con discapacidad. Clasificación y terminología” se basa en la terminología aportada por la Clasificación Internacional del funcionamiento, de la discapacidad y de la salud (CIF 2001, OMS) en la que se reconoce la importancia de los productos y tecnología como factores que pueden facilitar la participación de las personas con discapacidad en múltiples ámbitos. Entre estos se encuentran el aprendizaje, el autocuidado, la comunicación, la vida comunitaria o las relaciones interpersonales

    Enhancing Transmission Capacity of a Cognitive Radio Network by Joint Spatial-Temporal Sensing with Cooperative Communication Strategy

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    In static cognitive radio network a secondary transmitter communicates directly with a secondary receiver only when the spectrum is not occupied by any primary user. The secondary user has to stop its transmission when no spectrum holes exist. To improve the transmission capacity, in this paper we approach to combine cognitive radio network with cooperative communication strategy employing spatial sensing as well as temporal sensing. In our proposed scheme when primary user is active, a secondary user transmits to another secondary user via a relay channel. By enabling the use of both the direct and relay channels, the transmission performance of the secondary system can be improved significantly. Our information-theoretic analysis as well as numerical results show that the proposed scheme significantly reduces the average symbol error probability compared to schemes based on pure temporal or spatial sensing