11 research outputs found


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    Abstrak:Dengan gaya bahasa refelektif, memberontak dan “kiri”, artikel ini berusaha menunjukkan relasi konsisten-koherensial antara kedewasaan beragama yang mengejawantah dalam kedewasaan berbudaya yang akhirnya akan mengantarkan pada penjaminan kedewasaan berbangsa.  Berislam, yang mencerminkan kedewasaan adalah keberagamaan yang berusaha menyadari bahwa praksis keagamaan bukan merupakan hakikat agama, sehingga –berislam—lebih merupakan tindakan manusia Muslim yang sadar budaya, sehingga untuk berislam tidak mesti mengidentifikasi diri sebagai Arab Murni, tetapi secara arif berusaha menyerap nilai lokalitas. Artinya, dewasa beragama, bermakna berusaha meletakkan yang universal pada tataran yang universal dan yang profan sebagai profan, memutlakkan yang mutlak dan merelatifkan yang relatif.Kata kunci:Islam, budaya lokal,  kedewasaan berbangs


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    This article talk about one of the fiction genre movie is a colossal epic movie. “Troy” is one of the example of epic movie. It is tell about Trojan war which based on a poem The Iliad and Odyssey by Homer. It also tells more about the heroism of Achilles (Brad Pitt) and Hector (Eric Bana). Generally, the true heroes always being honest and sincere in serve the society. However, thisepic move also shown us, that love, ideology and power relation also clear enough appear on the model of communication. The substance of this observation is the representation of love, ideology, and power relation by showing the bineary oposition that reflected in the story. This observation uses the semiotic analysis method. Analysis method is used to express the meaning of of love, ideology, and power relation of Troy movie. It is uses constructive perspective on binnary oposition and also critical literary discourse analysis, with emptive text analysis to express of love, ideology, and power relation. As shown in the film there is an opposite character of the heroism as on of the example of the data, Achilles and Hector, i.e Paris. Paris is a faint hearted person. Appears on his lack, such as small, thin body, immature, selfish and timid

    Pesantren and the Preservation of Islam Nusantara

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    This article describes the background of the rise of an Indonesian moderate Islamic understanding in the midst of a trans-national Islamic movement with the scriptural-puritanical in it's character which spread out pervasively in the country; and this new Islamic model is intolerant to local traditions. Meanwhile, historically, Islam Nusantara has been deeply rooted among the Moslems in archipelago, and this traditional-moderate Islam has been developed by Wali-songo. Islam Nusantara is accommodative to the local cultures and traditions. It produces a moderate and tolerant model of Islam. This article also describes the role of pesantren in protecting the heritages of Islam Nusantara. Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.71


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    Abstrak: Tidak seperti desa-desa Bali lainnya, semua warga Pegayaman adalah orang-orang Islam yang taat, dan mereka adalah orang Bali asli. Mereka menyebut dirinya dengan sebutan nyama Selam (saudara Muslim), tetapi pada saat yang sama mereka juga adalah nyama Bali (saudara Bali). Di Pegayaman, jagat Bali dengan tradisi Hindunya yang warna-warni lenyap. Dari fakta antropologis dan sosiologis terlihat bahwa Islam telah datang ke desa indah ini sejak dulu dan telah memainkan peranan penting pada semua aspek kehidupan desa. Sampai pada tingkatan tertentu, keseluruhan desa tersebut dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah pesantren. Sebelumnya terisolasi dari dunia luar, akhirnya Pegayaman memiliki akses dengan dunia luar khususnya dengan saudara Muslimnya di Jawa, Sasak, dan Madura, dan genealogi pengetahuan Islam Pegayaman terbentuk dari hubungan ini. Saat ini orang Islam Pegayaman menghadapi tantangan modernisasi dan globalisasi. Tetapi tampaknya common themes Pegayaman, yaitu kesadaran diri sebagai Muslim dan sebagai orang Bali, akan membimbing mereka sama seperti yang telah dilakukan para pendahulunya.   Abstract: Unlike other villages in Bali, all Pegayaman people are faithful moslems and they are native Balinese. They call themself as nyama Selam (Moslem brother), but at the same time as nyama Bali (Balinese brother). In Pegayaman, the realm of Bali, with it’s colorful Hindu’s traditions, disappear. From anthropological and sociological facts, it’s clear that Islam has come to this beautiful village for a long times ago and played an important role in all aspects of the village’s life. In some extent, the whole village can be regarded as Pesantren in it’s literal meaning. Previously isolated from outside world, eventually Pegayaman has access to touch with the outside world, especially with their fellow moslems in Java, Sasak, and Madura, in which a genealogy of Islamic knowlegde has been developed. Nowdays, the moslems of Pegayaman face the challenges of modernization and globalization. But it seems that the common themes of Pegayaman, namely the self counciousness as Moslem and as Balinese at the same time, will guide them just like their forefathers have done. Kata Kunci: Islam Pegayaman, Pesantren, Pegayaman, Bal


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    Abstrak Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji posisi dan eksistensi tradisi lokal dalam struktur nalar tradisi keislaman. Pola oposisi biner digunakan untuk meneropong relasi Islam dengan tradisi lokal, yaitu relasi akomodasionis dan relasi puritanis. Relasi akomodasionis sangat menghargai dan menghormati tradisi lokal secara cerdas, sebaliknya relasi puritanis mengambil pola relasi yang judes. Tulisan ini merekomendasikan pada pilihan sikap pertama, akomodasionis, dengan me-ngambil tradisi ngunya masyarakat Muslim Pegayaman di Bali sebagai kajian utama, karena ia  berhasil memaknai dan mengubah konsep ritual ngunya dalam tradisi Hindu di Bali menjadi suatu bentuk mekanisme penyelesaian konflik internal komunitas muslim Pegayaman secara cerdas dan elok. Abstract This article has examined the position and existence of local traditions in the logical structure of the Islamic tradition. The pattern of  the binary opposition is used to probe the relation of Islam with the local tradition, namely the relation of  puritanist and  accommodationist. Accommodationist relation appreciates and respects local traditions intelligently, otherwise the puritanist takes a bitchy relationship patterns. This paper recommends to take the first attitude, accommodationist by taking the ngunyatraditions of the Pegayaman muslim community in Bali as the main study because they can give a new meaning and change the  concept of ngunya ritual in the  tradition of Balinese Hindhu into a form of internal conflict resolution mechanisms among Pegayaman muslim community.   Kata Kunci: Islam akomodasionis, Islam puritanis, merangkat, ngunya, Pegayaman


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    This article describes the background of the rise of an Indonesian moderate Islamic understanding in the midst of a trans-national Islamic movement with the scriptural-puritanical in it’s character which spread out pervasively in the country; and this new Islamic model is intolerant to local traditions.  Meanwhile, historically, Islam Nusantara has been deeply rooted among the Moslems in archipelago, and this traditional-moderate Islam has been developed by Wali-songo. Islam Nusantara is accommodative to the local cultures and traditions. It produces a moderate and tolerant model of Islam. This article also describes the role of pesantren in protecting the heritages of Islam Nusantara. Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.718


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    This article describes the background of the rise of an Indonesian moderate Islamic understanding in the midst of a trans-national Islamic movement with the scriptural-puritanical in it's character which spread out pervasively in the country; and this new Islamic model is intolerant to local traditions. Meanwhile, historically, Islam Nusantara has been deeply rooted among the Moslems in archipelago, and this traditional-moderate Islam has been developed by Wali-songo. Islam Nusantara is accommodative to the local cultures and traditions. It produces a moderate and tolerant model of Islam. This article also describes the role of pesantren in protecting the heritages of Islam Nusantara. Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.71

    Nurturing Ethical Character in Islamic Colleges through Interactive Technology: Lecturers Perspective

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    This article examines the impact of integrating interactive technology in character education programs on ethical character development in Islamic colleges from the lecturers' perspective. The study addresses two research questions: (1) How does the integration of interactive technology influence ethical character development, according to lecturers in Islamic colleges? (2) What challenges do lecturers face in effectively utilizing interactive technology for nurturing ethical character education?. Data was collected through a survey of 50 lecturers from Islamic colleges in Madura, using a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions. The findings reveal that integrating interactive technology positively affects ethical character development by enhancing student engagement, critical thinking, and moral reasoning. This research contributes to addressing a research gap by providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of interactive technology in nurturing ethical character development in the context of Islamic colleges. Additionally, the study identifies challenges lecturers face in embracing the digital age, including limited technical skills, inadequate resources, and resistance to change. Addressing these challenges is crucial for maximizing the potential of interactive technology in character education programs. Overall, this research offers practical insights for educational institutions and policymakers, informing the design of strategies for incorporating interactive technology into character education programs while mitigating associated challenges. By focusing specifically on Islamic colleges, this study provides unique perspectives on integrating interactive technology in nurturing ethical character development, adding novelty to the existing literatureArtikel ini mengkaji dampak integrasi teknologi interaktif dalam program pendidikan karakter terhadap perkembangan karakter dari sudut pandang para dosen di perguruan tinggi Islam. Penelitian ini menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian: (1) Bagaimana integrasi teknologi interaktif memengaruhi perkembangan karakter, menurut pandangan para dosen di perguruan tinggi Islam? (2) Apa tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para dosen dalam memanfaatkan teknologi interaktif secara efektif untuk pembinaan pendidikan karakter? Data dikumpulkan melalui survei terhadap 50 dosen dari perguruan tinggi Islam di Madura, dengan menggunakan kombinasi pertanyaan tertutup dan pertanyaan terbuka. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa integrasi teknologi interaktif berdampak positif pada perkembangan karakter dengan meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa, pemikiran kritis, dan penalaran moral. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam mengatasi kesenjangan penelitian dengan memberikan bukti empiris tentang efektivitas teknologi interaktif dalam pembinaan karakter etis dalam konteks perguruan tinggi Islam. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tantangan yang dihadapi oleh para dosen dalam menghadapi era digital, termasuk keterbatasan keterampilan teknis, sumber daya yang kurang memadai, dan resistensi terhadap perubahan. Mengatasi tantangan-tantangan ini sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan potensi teknologi interaktif dalam program pendidikan karakter. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan praktis bagi lembaga pendidikan dan pembuat kebijakan, yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar perancangan strategi untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi interaktif dalam program pendidikan karakter sambil mengatasi tantangan yang terkait. Dengan fokus khusus pada perguruan tinggi Islam, penelitian ini memberikan perspektif unik tentang integrasi teknologi interaktif dalam pembinaan karakter etis, yang memberikan nilai tambah pada literatur yang ada


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    <p>This article describes the background of the rise of an Indonesian moderate Islamic understanding in the midst of a trans-national Islamic movement with the scriptural-puritanical in it’s character which spread out pervasively in the country; and this new Islamic model is intolerant to local traditions.  Meanwhile, historically, <em>Islam Nusantara</em> has been deeply rooted among the Moslems in archipelago, and this traditional-moderate Islam has been developed by <em>Wali-songo</em>.<em> Islam Nusantara</em> is accommodative to the local cultures and traditions. It produces a moderate and tolerant model of Islam. This article also describes the role of <em>p</em><em>esantren </em>in protecting the heritages of <em>Islam Nusantara</em>. </p><p>Copyright (c) 2016 by KARSA. All right reserved</p><p>DOI: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.19105/karsa.v23i2.718">10.19105/karsa.v23i2.718</a> </p