65 research outputs found

    Profil Juvana dan Pengurusan Pemulihan di Asrama Pokok Sena, Kedah

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    This study emphasizes on the Profile and Juvenile Rehabilitation management. The respondents were 20 juvenile delinquents of Pokok Sena Probation Hostel whom are under rehabilitation according to Juvenile Court Act 1947. The instruments used were interview and questionnaire which were given to the respondents using the ‘Non Probability Sampling’. This study was carried out to identify the profile of juvenile delinquents, causes of involvement and factors that encourages juvenile delinquency. The respondents’ personality, self-behaviour, perception, involvement and family background factors were also examined in order to know whether they play part in the scenario that occur. The responses from the questions and interviews have shown that lack of positive contribution from the respondents’ personal life, surroundings, environment, religious and academic education are the factors that restate them in the juvenile delinquency cases. Various ways and method have been utilized to prevent as well as minimized the juvenile delinquency problems including punishment to both delinquents and parents but the implementation does not prevail

    Hubungan antara penggunaan ilmu ICT dengan komitment kerja

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    Kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji hubungan antara penggunaan ilmu ICT dengan komitmen kerja dalam kalangan anggota polis pangkat rendah dalam daerah Kota Setar, Kedah.Tiga angkubah digunakan untuk mengukur hubungan tersebut iaitu penggunaan ilmu ICT, peluang kenaikan pangkat dan waktu kerja giliran.Walau bagaimanapun dalam artikel ini, hanya angkubah penggunaan ilmu ICT sahaja diterangkan.Kaedah kajian adalah berbentuk kuantitatif dan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Responden kajian terdiri daripada anggota polis yang memakai pangkat Lans Koperal hinggalah SubInspektor dan berjumlah seramai 196 orang. Hasil kajian mendapati faktor penggunaan ilmu ICT mempunyai hubungan yang sederhana dengan komitmen kerja berbanding faktor peluang kenaikan pangkat dan waktu kerja giliran

    The influence of language proficiency on job performance of media journalists in northern region on Malaysia

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    The main purpose of this study is to examine the influence of language proficiency on the job performance of media journalists in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia which comprising of Kedah, Perlis and Penang.The respondents will be journalists from the print media organisations in these states.The study is more focus on English language proficiency of media journalists in the three state. For decades, the language issues still cannot be addressed which prompt the researcher to conduct the study.The implications of poor language proficiency among journalists will resulted in journalists unable to understand the issues, missed quoting, careless grammatical mistakes, time consuming in clearing stories, late finish of works, increase workload, stress and declining of job performance of journalists. It is trend now editors clear stories to improve reporters’ language all the time.The findings of this study may allow educational policy planners, academicians, teachers to optimise English learning programmes to improve the language proficiency, language ability and language skills of students and universities graduates who will be the future main workforce of the country

    Hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dengan prestasi kerja guru: Peranan motivasi sebagai perantara

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    Guru boleh dikatakan individu yang paling penting dalam kumpulan profesional untuk negara kita di masa depan.Tanpa guru, sistem pendidikan akan lumpuh. Jadi ianya menjadi sangat penting untuk mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi kerja guru disebabkan oleh peningkatan kepentingan peranan guru yang berprestasi serta berkualiti pada masa kini. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mencadangkan satu model kerangka kajian berkaitan hubungan antara kepuasan kerja dengan prestasi kerja guru dan peranan motivasi sebagai perantara. Selain daripada itu, rumusan berkaitan kajian,kesan serta kajian untuk masa hadapan turut dikemukakan

    HRM practices and organizational performance: Organizational climate as a moderator: A proposed conceptual framework

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    There is a growing body of literature that recognises the importance of human resource management practices (HRM practices) in enhancing the organizational performance.The purpose of this study is to propose a framework of key human resource (HRM) practices that can contribute to the performance of the organization.The nature of what is the best HRM practice are remains unclear.Based on previous research, some studies have reported mixed findings. Therefore, this paper proposed organizational climate as a potential moderator on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance

    Examining multifactor leadership questionnaire construct: A validation study in the public hospitals of Sindh, Pakistan context

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    Present study examined the psychometric properties of the multiple leadership questionnaires (MLQ) in the health sector of Pakistan. Three hundred and fifteen medical doctors participated in the survey from all four regions of Sindh province.Using Smart-PLS 2.0 M3 software the data was analyzed. The results of the present study revealed that all the leadership styles including transformation, transactional and laissez-faire were highly relevant.The results of the study also demonstrated adequate level of internal consistency reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity for each of the leadership styles.Based on the results, it is suggested that the MLQ instrument could be useful for measuring all the leadership styles in the health sector in Pakistan

    Covid-19 pandemic: a demand for Malaysia to support refugees under international and domestic law

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    The WHO reported the Covid-19 outbreak infected 486,761,597 people, involving 6,142,735 deaths worldwide as of 1 April 2022. This contagious disease has spread rapidly throughout the world, including Malaysia. Since the outbreak in Malaysia began in March 2020, the Movement Control Order (MCO) has been implemented nationwide, leaving a significant impact on its citizens, non-citizens, as well as refugees. There is some exploitation of refugees, where enforcement officers are targeting them for criminal offences. Stakeholders claimed the Malaysian government did not provide any assistance to refugees during the pandemic, including health care and economy. This article examines Malaysia’s responsibilities as a host country to refugees during the Covid-19 outbreak. The Malaysian government is proposed to continuously support refugees on humanitarian grounds based on the country’s economic development capabilities. This paper will look into the current situation of the Refugees in Malaysia; discuss the challenges that the Refugees in Malaysia are facing; analyse the legal framework governing the status of refugees; and check the responsibility Malaysia should assume as a host country

    Stress, workload, time management and student performance

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    Education becomes one of major contribution to capital development in Malaysia. Education plays a great role in the life of everyone all through the life. Getting proper education is very necessary to get success and have a better life. Education develops personality of the people, provides physical and mental standard and transforms people’s living status. It promotes the feeling of physical, mental and social well-being by providing better life. Good quality education is constructive in nature which constructs the future. It helps a person to improve status of mind, body and spirit. However, the opportunity that have given to the community or workers for continue the study will affect to their daily routine, especially for those workers who done two different task at the same time. They need to be smart in order to balance their life, responsibility towards work and study. Otherwise, they will face a lot of issues when they failed to cope with their study due to working duration constrain. Equally important, their study performance also needs to be concern so do with their work performance. Realizing this solemn effect, this study attempts to examine the relationship between stresses workload and time management of part time student towards their performance in studies. The outlined objectives are: i. To identify relationship between stress towards part time student’s performance. ii. To identify relationship between workload towards part time student’s performance. iii. To identify relationship between time management towards part time student’s performance

    The Relationships between Leader Creativity Expectations, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creative Performance

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    Objective: The objectives of this conceptual paper are two folds: to propose and argue a) the direct relationship between leader creativity expectations and creative performance; and b) the mediating role of intrinsic motivation between leader creativity expectations and creative performance.  Design: Drawing upon Pygmalion effect, Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation, and componential theory of creativity, two propositions are suggested.  Findings: It is proposed that there will be a positive relationship between leader creativity expectations and creative performance. In addition, the authors also make the case that intrinsic motivation will mediate the relationship between leader creativity expectations and creative performance.  Originality: The significant original contribution of this article is that it suggests a theoretical relationship of Pygmalion effect with Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation and componential theory of creativity to propose a new conceptual framework. In addition, this paper extends our knowledge regarding the pertinent role of leader creativity expectations in stimulating the divergent thinking process of people in the workplace.  Policy Implications: This article attempts to provide a clear guideline to both practitioners and academicians to better explore the relationship between expectations and employee creativity. The proposed framework may be applied in various social contexts such as healthcare, education, creative advertising, research and development, hospitality and new business incubation