16 research outputs found

    Il libro dei cammelli errabondi e di quelli che li radunano

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    Il libro dei cammelli errabondi e di quelli che li radunano è composto da 175 domande di tema filologico, letterario, etico, filosofico, scientifico, di costume e dalle relative risposte. Ha la forma di un dialogo fra il letterato al-Tawḥīdī e il filosofo Miskawayh elaborato alla fine del X secolo nel clima creato dall’ambientazione della filosofia e della scienza greca nella cultura arabo islamica. Da questa opera, di cui viene presentata qui la prima traduzione integrale in una lingua europea, emerge il ritratto di un ambiente multiculturale, intellettualmente curioso e aperto, in cui è lecito per esempio, interrogarsi sul rapporto tra ragione e legge religiosa, o sul perché distruggere è più agevole che costruire, uccidere più semplice che far vivere. Se un senso ultimo si deve cercare nell’interrogare i testi, è proprio quello della conoscenza di un passato che aiuti ad aprirsi con coscienza critica al presente, perché «la gente osteggia ciò che non conosce».This book presents the first unabridged translation of Kitāb al-hawāmil wa-al-šawāmil – a work containing 175 questions asked by Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī and the related answers given by Abū ʿAlī Miskawayh – into a European language. It was composed at the end of the tenth century and belongs to the period of the complex acclimatisation of the philosophical and scientific Greek tradition within the Muslim Arabic milieu. The questions – which broach philological, literary, ethical, philosophical and scientific themes, together with those related to custom – possess the eclectic nature and literary style of the adab, whereas the answers lie within the technical domain of the falsafa, in its double dimension of ethics and logics. The dialogue takes place between peers: then, given the relative brevity of the answers and the wide variety of the themes, the peculiar nature of the work is the network of intertextual relations and references, which are quite often only allusive, to the heritage that was common to the intellectuals of the time, i.e. Artistotle’s, Plotinus’, Galen’s or Plato’s revised thought, in a milieu in which cultivating medicine, mathematics, astronomy, music, and perhaps even alchemy, together – and, above all these sciences, philosophy – was normal. Miskawayh was not an original philosopher and the book is not a philosophical treatise but, if we go through its interconnections, not only do we grasp its scattered allusions, but we also understand how an organic system of interpretation of the universe – which is, for example, comparable to Fārābī’s –, although not clarified, is always an implied point of reference. The considerable apparatus of footnotes tries, as much as possible, to provide the references, which were made anonymously or summarily by the two authors, with a context, in the belief that, in order to have an idea of the cultural depth of a work, it is necessary to know what it refers to and how it does it

    Vingt-et-un traités d'alchimie, par Djâbir ibn Ḥaiyân.

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    Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Le premier opuscule traite de l'or ; le second, de l'argent ; le troisième, du cuivre ; le quatrième, du fer ; le cinquième, de l'étain (الـقـلـعى) ; le sixième, du plomb, etc. On y remarque deux traités sur les vertus secrètes des lettres de l'alphabet, un sur les diverses catégories d'êtres (?(الـعـوالــم ; deux autres sur la pierre philosophale, et deux autres sur les combinaisons chimiques. Les derniers feuillets manquent. Le folio 163 n'appartient pas à l'ouvrage. Liste des ouvrages contenus (daprès l'Index de G. Vajda) : f. 2-10v : Al-Ḏahab f. 10v-20v : Al-Fiḍḍa f. 21-38 : Al-Nuḥās f. 38-44v : Al-Ḥadīd f. 45-50 : Al-Raṣāš al-qalʿī f. 50-56 : Al-Usrub f. 56-59v : Al-Ḫārṣīnī f. 59v-60 : Al-Īğāz f. 60-62v : Awlāf al-usrub f. 62v-63v: Bāb bunyā (?) yadḫul ʿalayh al-kibrīt f. 63v-68 : Al-Ḥurūf (II) f. 68v-74 : Al-ʿAwālīm f. 74v-80v : Al-Tanwīb f. 80v-92v : Al-Kabīr f. 92v-94v : Al-Wāḥid (I) f. 94v-95v : Al-Wāḥid (II) f. 96-101 : Al-Rūḥ fī al-mawāzīn f. 101v-105v : Al-Zaybaq al-šarqī f. 105-108v : Al-Zaybaq (zībaq) al-Ġarbī f. 108v-112v : Nār al-ḥaǧar f. 112v-115v : Arḍ al-ḥaǧar f. 115v-119 : Al-Tarākīb al-aʿẓam al-awwal f. 119-134v : Al-Tarākīb al-aʿẓam al-ṯānī f. 134v-139 : Al-ʿAhd f. 139-156v : Al-Raḥma al-kabīr f. 156v-162 : Ṣifat ʿamal al-isranǧ f. 162 : Risālat al-iḫtilāṭ f. 162v : Al-Miḥa

    Kitāb Tafsīr al-Qurʼān al-ʻAẓīm al-musammá bi-al-Nahr, [17th century].

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    Fine copy of the first third (through the conclusion of Sūrat al-Tawbah [9]) of Abū Ḥayyān al-Gharnāṭī's (d.1344) commentary on the Qurʼān derived from his more extensive commentary al-Baḥr al-muḥīṭ.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 941Origin: Lacks dated colophon ; paper, hand, etc. strongly suggest early 17th century.Accompanying materials: "a. Slip of paper: 8348; b. Slip of paper: 13713" - from handlist prepared by R. Dougherty, 1993.Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 90Binding: Fiberboards covered in maroon cloth with brown leather over spine and board corners (half binding) ; Western style binding ; pastedowns (now fully detached from boards, traces of adhesive visible) and flyleaves in shell 'marbled' (printed pattern) wove paper in brown, red, blue and gold ; board corners and spine leather extending over boards edged in gold-stamped vegetal accents ; spine gold-stamped with decorative accents over raised bands ; edges of textblock speckled red ; spine label carries title and subject "الجزء الاول من تفسير ابي حيان وبه الثلث الاول | تفسير" ; sewn (not original) in white thread, six stations ; Western style endbands ; overall in fair condition with some abrasion, lifting and losses of cloth and leather, etc.Support: European laid paper with 6 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), single chain lines evenly spaced roughly 28 mm. apart (vertical), three crescents watermark (see p.10, compare Heawood 863, Venice 1610), some inclusions and undissolved fibers ; heavy but crisp and well-burnished.Decoration: Keywords and sūrah headings rubricated ; textual dividers in the form of small red discs, hāʼs (ه), and inverted commas.Script: Naskh ; clear Egyptian hand in a thin line ; serifless with slight effect of tilt to the left, adhering fairly closely to baseline, many closed counters, pointing in distinct dots, alif maqṣūrah pointed as yāʼ, kāf mashkūlah (mashqūqah) preferred.Layout: Written in 33 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: Original gatherings now difficult to discern, though likely quinions ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.Colophon: "Scribal," triangular, reads "كمل الثلث الاول من النهر المأخوذ من البحر ويتلوه ان شاء الله تعالي سورة يونس عليه السلام والحمد لله وحده و بالله المستعان تم"Explicit: "في سوء العاقبة من الوقوع في العذاب ويحرص على هداهم ويرأف بهم ويرحمهم اللهم فصل عليه اشرف صلاة وسلم عليه ازكى سلام"Incipit: "قال الشيخ الامام العلامة الحافظ سيبويه الزمان ابو حيان محمد ابن يوسف بن علي رحمه الله ورضي عنه بحمدك اللهم استفتح وبنورك استوضح من فضلك استمنح ... وبعد فان لما صنفت كتابي الكبير المسمى بالبحر المحيط في علم التفسير عجز عن قطعه لطوله السابح ... فاجريت منه نهرا تجري عيونه ... وهذا النهر مدة من بحر ليس له حرز ..."Title from 'title page' (p.1).Ms. codex.Glazer, Sidney. "Abū Ḥayyān al-Gharnāṭī." In EI3,Fatehi-nezhad, Enayatollah. (Tr. Rahim Gholami). "Abū Ḥayyān al-Gharnāṭī." In Encyclopaedia Islamica,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Fine copy of the first third (through the conclusion of Sūrat al-Tawbah [9]) of Abū Ḥayyān al-Gharnāṭī's (d.1344) commentary on the Qurʼān derived from his more extensive commentary al-Baḥr al-muḥīṭ.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in the Fall of 1950.On upper pastedown, label with ex libris of James Heyworth-Dunne (d.1974), stamped with inventory number, "Ex Libris | J. Heyworth-Dunne | D. Lit. (London) | No 8348" ; UM Library inscription on (p.3) "Dunning | Heyworth-Dunne | 6-12-51 | 71955" ; occasional glosses and marginal corrections

    Arabe 2605

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    Contient : فـصــول اسـطـانـس الـحـكـيــم « Les (douze) chapitres d'Ostanès le sage » ; كـتـاب الـمـلـك « Livre du royaume », traité d'administration politique, fondée sur l'alchimie ; كـتـاب الـرحـمـة الـصـغـيـر « Le Petit traité de la Miséricorde », traité d'alchimie, par Djâbir ibn Ḥaiyân ; Traité d'alchimie divine, attribué au sage OstanèsNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution

    ســرّ الـحـكـمـة فى شـرح كـتـاب الـرحـمـة « Secret de la philosophie (hermétique) pour servir de commentaire au Livre de la miséricorde (de Géber) ».

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    كتاب الرحمة الصغيرسرّ الحكمة فى شرح كتاب الرحمةNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Ce commentaire est attribué au célèbre vizir Al-Toghraï. Commencement : الـحـمـد لله الـذى هـدانــا لـمـا لـم نـهـتـدى لـه. A la fin du volume se trouve la note d'un adepte qui donne la composition de la pierre philosophale. Il déclare que la première opération avait manqué, l'opérateur ayant chauffé trop fort, et que, faute d'argent, il n'a pu la recommencer


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    Arabe 4606

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    Contient : Al-Durr al-munaẓẓam fī al-sirr al-aʿẓam. Muḥammad ibn Ṭalḥa al-Qurašī al-ʿAdawī ; الدر المنظم في السر الأعظم. محمد بن طلحة القرشي العدوي ; Controverse théologique entre un juif et un Turc ; مسالك الخلاص فى مهالك الخواصّ, par Ṭâsch-Kuprizâdè ; Gloses de Yoûsof ibn Djamâl sur quelques passages du Miftâḥ ; Gloses de Maulâ Ḥanbalî-zâdè sur le commentaire de l'Isagoge par Al-Fanârî ; Préface de Bâbâ al-Scherwânî ; حزب البحر de l'imâm Al-Schâdsilî ; Observations sur le chapitre de la Hidâya relatif au jeûne ; Observations d'Al-Scherwânî sur le commentaire des ʿAqâïd d'Al-Nasafî par Al-Taftâzânî ; Pend-nâmè ; Fragments et extraits divers ; Commentaire d'Aboû Ḥaiyân al-Andalosî sur l'AdjorroûmîyaNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution