543 research outputs found

    Quantum Brownian motion in a quasiperiodic potential

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    We consider a quantum particle subject to Ohmic dissipation, moving in a bichromatic quasiperiodic potential. In a periodic potential the particle undergoes a zero-temperature localization-delocalization transition as dissipation strength is decreased. We show that the delocalized phase is absent in the quasiperiodic case, even when the deviation from periodicity is infinitesimal. Using the renormalization group, we determine how the effective localization length depends on the dissipation. We show that {a similar problem can emerge in} the strong-coupling limit of a mobile impurity moving in a periodic lattice and immersed in a one-dimensional quantum gas.Comment: 5+6 pages, 1 figur

    Localization-protected order in spin chains with non-Abelian discrete symmetries

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    We study the non-equilibrium phase structure of the three-state random quantum Potts model in one dimension. This spin chain is characterized by a non-Abelian D3D_3 symmetry recently argued to be incompatible with the existence of a symmetry-preserving many-body localized (MBL) phase. Using exact diagonalization and a finite-size scaling analysis, we find that the model supports two distinct broken-symmetry MBL phases at strong disorder that either break the Z3{\mathbb{Z}_3} clock symmetry or a Z2{\mathbb{Z}_2} chiral symmetry. In a dual formulation, our results indicate the existence of a stable finite-temperature topological phase with MBL-protected parafermionic end zero modes. While we find a thermal symmetry-preserving regime for weak disorder, scaling analysis at strong disorder points to an infinite-randomness critical point between two distinct broken-symmetry MBL phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures main text; 6 pages, 3 figures supplemental material; Version 2 includes a corrected the form of the chiral order parameter, and corresponding data, as well as larger system size numerics, with no change to the phase structur

    Particle-hole symmetry, many-body localization, and topological edge modes

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    We study the excited states of interacting fermions in one dimension with particle-hole symmetric disorder (equivalently, random-bond XXZ chains) using a combination of renormalization group methods and exact diagonalization. Absent interactions, the entire many-body spectrum exhibits infinite-randomness quantum critical behavior with highly degenerate excited states. We show that though interactions are an irrelevant perturbation in the ground state, they drastically affect the structure of excited states: even arbitrarily weak interactions split the degeneracies in favor of thermalization (weak disorder) or spontaneously broken particle-hole symmetry, driving the system into a many-body localized spin glass phase (strong disorder). In both cases, the quantum critical properties of the non-interacting model are destroyed, either by thermal decoherence or spontaneous symmetry breaking. This system then has the interesting and counterintuitive property that edges of the many-body spectrum are less localized than the center of the spectrum. We argue that our results rule out the existence of certain excited state symmetry-protected topological orders.Comment: 9 pages. 7 figure

    Measurement-induced phases of matter require feedback

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    We explore universality and phases of matter in hybrid quantum dynamics combining chaotic time evolution and projective measurements. We develop a unitary representation of measurements based on the Stinespring Theorem, which we crucially identify with the time evolution of the system and measurement apparatus, affording significant technical advantages and conceptual insight into hybrid dynamics. We diagnose spectral properties in the presence of measurements for the first time, along with standard, experimentally tractable probes of phase structure, finding no nontrivial effects due to measurements in the absence of feedback. We also establish that nonlinearity in the density matrix is neither sufficient nor necessary to see a transition, and instead identify utilization of the measurement outcomes (i.e., ``feedback'') as the crucial ingredient. After reviewing the definition of a phase of matter, we identify nontrivial orders in adaptive hybrid dynamics -- in which measurement outcomes determine future unitary gates -- finding a genuine measurement-induced absorbing-state phase transition in an adaptive quantum East model. In general, we find that only deterministic and constrained Haar-random dynamics with active feedback and without continuous symmetries can realize genuine, measurement-induced phases of matter.Comment: 36 + 8 pages, 9 figures; v2 includes numerical simulations of adaptive dynamics, clarifications throughou

    Quantum teleportation implies symmetry-protected topological order

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    We constrain a broad class of teleportation protocols using insights from locality. In the "standard" teleportation protocols we consider, all outcome-dependent unitaries are Pauli operators conditioned on linear functions of the measurement outcomes. We find that all such protocols involve preparing a "resource state" exhibiting symmetry-protected topological (SPT) order with Abelian protecting symmetry Gk=(Z2Γ—Z2)k\mathcal{G}_{k}= (\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2)^k. The kk logical states are teleported between the edges of the chain by measuring the corresponding 2k2k string order parameters in the bulk and applying outcome-dependent Paulis. Hence, this single class of nontrivial SPT states is both necessary and sufficient for the standard teleportation of kk qubits. We illustrate this result with several examples, including a nonstabilizer hypergraph state.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figure

    Locality and error correction in quantum dynamics with measurement

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    The speed of light cc sets a strict upper bound on the speed of information transfer in both classical and quantum systems. In nonrelativistic systems, the Lieb-Robinson Theorem imposes an emergent speed limit vβ‰ͺcv \hspace{-0.2mm} \ll \hspace{-0.2mm} c, establishing locality under unitary quantum dynamics and constraining the time needed to perform useful quantum tasks. We extend the Lieb-Robinson Theorem to quantum dynamics with measurements. In contrast to the general expectation that measurements can arbitrarily violate spatial locality, we find at most an (M+1)(M \hspace{-0.5mm} +\hspace{-0.5mm} 1)-fold enhancement to the speed of quantum information vv, provided the outcomes of MM local measurements are known; this holds even when classical communication is instantaneous. Our bound is asymptotically optimal, and saturated by existing measurement-based protocols. We tightly constrain the resource requirements for quantum computation, error correction, teleportation, and generating entangled resource states (Bell, GHZ, W, and spin-squeezed states) from short-range entangled states. Our results impose limits on the use of measurements and active feedback to speed up quantum information processing, resolve fundamental questions about the nature of measurements in quantum dynamics, and constrain the scalability of a wide range of proposed quantum technologies.Comment: 5 pages + 3 figures main text; 55 pages + 4 figures supplement; v3 supplement has overview section, clarified interpretation of main theorem, additional bounds and protocol
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