2,991 research outputs found

    For Miles Wolf / My Messenger

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    Impact on Distribution System Protection with the Integration of EG on the Distribution Network

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    A significant increase in EG connections on the distribution network over the past decade in Ireland has presented challenges to the Distribution System Operator (DSO). The connection of EG can cause co-ordination of Distance protection to be altered and has resulted in variations in short circuit levels. Multidirectional power flow has been introduced into a Distribution system that was not designed for the direction change in current flow. The impact of connecting EG to a typical 38 kV Distribution Network was demonstrated as part of this study. Increasing fault levels and protection co-ordination selectivity problems were identified when the network was fed as a closed network. The increase in short circuit fault levels was evident when the fault contribution from the EG was considered. This increase in short circuit fault current could be a concern if EG is installed in an area where the maximum current rating of the switchgear could be exceeded. The co-ordination of Distance protection IEDs were also affected when EG was connected. Case studies on a typical Distribution Network were presented as part of this study. The impact that EG can have on the short circuit fault levels and the co-ordination of Distance protection when the network is feeding as a closed loop network was identified. When incorporating EG to a typical 38 kV Distribution Network, considerations must be made to ensure that the connection of the EG does not inhibit the performance of the overall protection system. A protection review of the network is required before any EG is connected. The issues identified the miscoordination of Distance protection IEDs. A revision of current IED settings in the vicinity of the installed EG and the addition of duplicate protection IEDs may be required

    Uji Efek Ekstrak Daun Dewa (Gyanurasegetum [Lour]. Merr) Terhadap Masa Penyembuhan Luka Insisi Kulit Kelinci (Oryctolaguscuniculus)

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    : Marsh fleabane (Gynurasegetum [Lour].Merr.) is one of the medicinal plants used by the public as an anti-septic to accelerate wound healing. The contents of Marsh fleabane that could accelerate wound healing are flavonoids, saponins, and atsiri oil. This study aimed to determine the effect of Marsh fleabane extract on wound healing incision of rabbit skin. This was an experimental study. This study was conducted in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi. Samples were 3 rabbits. Incised wounds of 4 cm length and 2 mm depth were made on the rabbits' left and right backs. The wounds on the left backs were given Marsh fleabane extract, meanwhile the wounds on the right backs were not treated. The results showed that the wound healing process of the incised wounds treated with Marsh fleabane extract was faster compared to the incised wounds without treatment. Conclusion: Marsh fleabane extract could accelerate the wound healing process of rabbit incised wound

    The rise and fall of the 'Noble Savage' in Ann of Swansea's Welsh fictions

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    Stellar ages and masses in the solar neighbourhood: Bayesian analysis using spectroscopy and Gaia DR1 parallaxes

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    We present a Bayesian implementation of isochrone fitting in deriving stellar ages and masses, incorporating absolute K magnitude (MK\rm M_K) derived from 2MASS photometry and Gaia DR1 parallax and differentiation between initial bulk metallicity and present day surface metallicity, with allowance for incorporating further constraints (e.g., asteroseismology) when available. As a test, we re-computed stellar ages and masses of 4000\sim 4000 stars in the solar neighbourhood from six well-studied literature samples using both Hipparcos and TGAS parallaxes. Our ages are found to be compatible with literature values but with reduced uncertainties in general. The inclusion of parallax-based MK\rm M_K serves as an additional constraint on the derived quantities, especially when systematic errors in stellar parameters are underestimated. We reconstructed the age-metallicity relationship in the solar neighbourhood by re-analysing the Geneva-Copenhagen Survey with the inclusion of TGAS-parallaxes and initial bulk metallicity sampling. We found a flat trend for disk stars with ages <<11\,Gyr but with smaller scatter at all ages compared to literature.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of Nitrosamine (NNAT) on Embryogenesis: Evidence from a Study Using Avian Embryos Exposed to NNAT

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    Background Birth defects are a known cause of infant death in the United States with higher rates in the Midwest perhaps due to higher use of agrichemicals for farm activities. Nitrate and atrazine are two of the most prevalent agrichemicals contaminating drinking water supplies. When ingested together, in the acidic environment of the human stomach, they can react to form a nitrosamine, NNAT. Many nitrosamines are known to be mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic. Significance Preliminary studies have suggested that NNAT is a teratogen and mutagen. Several other agrichemical compounds have been detected in Nebraska groundwater wells that have the potential to nitrosate and studies are underway to evaluate the risk of adverse birth outcomes associated with exposure to these compounds. In this study, we evaluated growth in chick embryos after exposure to NNAT. Hypothesis We hypothesize that the embryo exposed to NNAT would have delayed development compared to unexposed embryos. Experimental design Three groups of eggs were observed in the study: the treatment group was treated with different doses of NNAT dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), the vehicle control group were treated with only DMSO and the untreated group (control). The air sac of the treatment groups was injected with varying concentrations of NNAT at one time to stimulate an acute response and at different times for a chronic response. Result/Data: All analysis was done on SAS 9.4. The effect of treatments on the weight and survival of the embryos were determined using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multiple logistic regression respectively. The effect of treatment was found to be significant on the embryo treated with NNAT after adjusting for the effect of the positions of the eggs during incubation (p\u3c0.0001). Embryos that were untreated (controls) had the highest weight (weight=0.34g), and as the dose of NNAT was increased during treatment the weight of the embryo decreased significantly after incubation for 5 days : 0.245 µmol/l of NNAT (weight=0.15g, p=0.0009), 1.11 µmol/l of NNAT (weight=0.13g, p=0.004), 2.22 µmol/l of NNAT (weight=0.11g, p=0.01) and 3.33 µmol/l of NNAT (weight=0.12g, p=0.01). Also, it was found that the odds of survival among the embryo decreased linearly with increased dose when treated with NNAT as compared to the untreated embryos: 1.11 µmol/l of NNAT vs untreated (OR=0.250 95% C.I. 0.078-0.799), 2.22 µmol/l of NNAT vs. untreated (OR=0.120 95% C.I. 0.042-0.347) and 3.33 µmol/l of NNAT vs untreated (OR=0.106 95% C.I. 0.036-0.311) Conclusion: This study has revealed that weight and odds of survival of embryo exposed to NNAT decreased after 5 days of incubation. Dose-effect of the treatment was also observed during the development of embryos exposed to NNAT. Additional studies, however, is needed to evaluate the toxic effects of DMSO on the chick’s embryo before a conclusion can be reached.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/coph_pres/1008/thumbnail.jp

    An Analysis of Correlation Between Agrichemical Contaminated Wells and Birth Defects in Nebraska

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    Background: Evidences that agrichemicals might be associated with the incidence of birth defects are inconsistent. Objectives: Examine whether Triazine, Acetanilide, Carbamothioate, Nitrate, Trifluralin and Uracil present in well-water are associated with birth defect rates in Nebraska Counties Identify the well types contaminated with these pesticides. Methods: Birth defects data obtained from Nebraska Department of Human and Health Services were merged with data on wells tested for agrichemicals obtained from Quality-Assessed Agrichemical Contaminant Database for Nebraska Ground Water. The 33 contaminants sampled from the wells were sub classified into 6 predictors and expressed as percentages for analysis in a multiple regression model with birth defect rates as the response variable. The pesticides sampled from the wells were also categorized into parent and degradate to examine the nature of pesticide associated with birth defects. Due to multicollinearity, triazine, acetanilide and trifluralin were summed together. Results The percentage for triazine and nitrate in domestic wells were 10.6% and 21.5% respectively. Birth defect rates were discovered to correlate with triazine (r= 0.21 p=0.041). triazine- acetanilide-trifluralin together was found to be linearly associated with birth defect rates in the multiple linear regression model (p=0.012). A stronger correlation was found between the parent contaminants and birth defect rates(r=0.22 p=0.034) than the degradate. (r=0.15 p=0.163). Conclusion: This study suggests an association between birth defect and percent of wells positive for agrichemical compounds. However, this association does not imply causation but provides direction for future investigation.https://digitalcommons.unmc.edu/coph_pres/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Virginia Demonstration Project Encouraging Middle School Students in Pursuing STEM Careers

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    Encouraging students at all grade levels to consider pursuing a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields i s a national focus. In 2005, the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), a Department of Defense laboratory located in Da hlgren, Virginia, began work on the Virginia Demonstration Project (VDP) with the goal of increasing more student interest in STEM educatio n and pursuing STEM careers. This goal continues as the program enters its sixth year. This project has been successful through the partici pation of NSWCDD's scientists and engineers who are trained as mentor s to work in local middle school classrooms throughout the school year, As an extension of the in-class activities, several STEM summer aca demies have been conducted at NSWCDD, These academies are supported by the Navy through the VDP and the STEM Learning Module Project. These projects are part of more extensive outreach efforts offered by the National Defense Education Program (NDEP), sponsored by the Director, Defense Research and Engineering. The focus of this paper is on the types of activities conducted at the summer academy, an overview of the academy planning process, and recommendations to help support a nati onal plan of integrating modeling and simulation-based engineering and science into all grade levels. based upon the lessons learne