651 research outputs found

    Hemanjioma of Cervix: a Rare Cause of Postpartum Vaginal Bleeding

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    Abstract: Hemangiomas of the uterine cervix are very rare. They are usually small and harmless. This is a case of cervical hemangioma presenting with intractable postpartum hemorrhage that made hysterectomy mandatory. This benign tumor may cause obstetrical complications. Keywords: Hemangioma, Uterine cervix, Postpartum hemorrhag

    M2 to D2 and vice versa by 3-Lie and Lie bialgebra

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    Using the concept of 3-Lie bialgebra, which has recently been defined in arXiv:1604.04475, we construct Bagger-Lambert-Gustavson (BLG) model for M2-brane on Manin triple of a special 3-Lie bialgebra. Then by using the correspondence and relation between those 3-Lie bialgebra with Lie bialgebra, we reduce this model to an N=(4,4)N=(4,4) WZW model (D2-brane), such that, its algebraic structure is a Lie bialgebra with one 2-cocycle. In this manner by using correspondence of 3-Lie bialgebra and Lie bialgebra (for this special 3-Lie algebra) one can construct M2-brane from a D2-brane and vice versa.Comment: 13 page

    Viscoelastic fluids in profile extrusion: relevance and characterization

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engineering and Science of Polymers and CompositesA extrusão de perfis termoplásticos é uma técnica de fabrico contínua essencialmente empregue na produção de produtos de seção transversal constante. O projeto de cabeças de extrusão requer uma modelação realista do escoamento que ocorre no seu canal de fluxo e, portanto, necessita de uma caracterização reológica rigorosa do polímero fundido. A presente tese de doutoramento foca-se em dois assuntos, nomeadamente: (i) os efeitos da viscoelasticidade no escoamento confinado que ocorre no canal de fluxo da cabeça de extrusão, e (ii) os efeitos de erros (dimensões das amostras e temperatura) que ocorrem comummente em de testes de reometria extensional uniaxial realizados com a plataforma Sentmanat (SER), com fluidos inelásticos e fluidos viscoelásticos. Os estudos computacionais foram realizados recorrendo à biblioteca computacional OpenFOAM. Relativamente ao primeiro assunto, inicialmente é implementado um sistema de cálculo computacional, e os resultados obtidos com modelos inelástico e viscoelástico são comparados. Para permitir uma comparação adequada dos modelos, primeiramente os comportamentos linear e não linear do material são caracterizados experimentalmente, e os dados obtidos ajustados com um modelo viscoelástico de Giesekus. Em seguida, este modelo é usado para gerar a curva de fluxo (viscosidade de corte versus taxa de corte), e os dados gerados são ajustados, com um código desenvolvido para o efeito, a um modelo inelástico de Bird Carreau. Subsequentemente, os modelos constitutivos viscoelástico e inelástico equivalente são empregues na modelação do escoamento numa cabeça de extrusão de perfil, para aferir o efeito do modelo utilizado na queda de pressão e na distribuição do escoamento previstas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a viscoelasticidade desempenha um papel significativo tanto na distribuição do fluxo quanto na queda de pressão, pelo que, idealmente, deveria ser considerada no projeto de cabeças de extrusão de perfil. Relativamente ao segundo assunto estudado, é desenvolvido um modelo computacional que replica os testes de reometria extensional uniaxial efetuados com a plataforma Sentmanat (SER). Numa primeira fase, o trabalho realizado com um modelo inelástico permitiu definir os requisitos computacionais adequados. Esta fase permitiu também concluir que os resultados obtidos com a estratégia de captura de superfície baseada num método Volume-de-Fluido (VOF) geométrico, são melhores que aqueles obtidos com a alternativa algébrica. Tendo em consideração os resultados obtidos com o modelo inelástico, foi desenvolvido um novo código para modelar o escoamento viscoelástico multifásico, usando o método VOF geométrico, para permitir capturar a interface ar-polímero de modo mais preciso. Para além disso, o utilitário do OpenFOAM usado para calcular forças e binários foi adaptado para fluidos viscoelásticos. O sistema computacional desenvolvido é então usado para avaliar o efeito dos erros comuns acima mencionados. Para quantificar o efeito dos erros induzidos, são comparadas as viscosidades extensionais resultantes da modelação numérica com os valores teóricos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o efeito de erros relativos à temperatura de ensaio é mais significativo do que o correspondente às dimensões da amostra, principalmente quando se utilizam modelos constitutivos viscoelásticos.Thermoplastics profile extrusion is a continuous manufacturing technique that is mostly employed to produce constant cross-section polymeric products. Proper extrusion die design involves realistic modeling of the flow occurring inside the die flow channel and, therefore, accurate polymer melt characterization. The present thesis focuses on two subjects, namely: (i) the effects of viscoelasticity in the confined flow that takes place inside the extrusion die flow channel, and (ii) the effects of common experimental error sources (sample dimensions and test temperature) on the accuracy of the uniaxial extensional rheometry tests performed with the Sentmanat Extensional Rheometer (SER), both for inelastic and viscoelastic fluid models. The computational studies were carried out with the OpenFOAM computational library. Concerning the first subject, a computational framework is developed, and the results obtained from the inelastic and viscoelastic fluids model are compared. To allow a proper model comparison, first, the material linear and nonlinear behavior are characterized experimentally, and the collected data is fitted with the Giseskus viscoelastic model. Afterwards, the fitted Giesekus model is used to generate the material flow curve (shear viscosity versus shear rate), and the data is fitted, with an in-house code, to a Bird Carreau (inelastic) model. Subsequently, the viscoelastic and corresponding inelastic models are employed in a computational study, aiming at comparing the effect of viscoelasticity on the calculated pressure drop and flow distribution. The results obtained demonstrate that viscoelasticity plays a relevant role in both the flow distribution and pressure drop obtained, and, consequently, it should be taken into account when designing profile extrusion dies. Regarding the second subject, a computational setup is devised to model uniaxial extensional rheometry tests performed with the SER device. The work carried out initially with an inelastic model allowed defining of the appropriate computational setup requirements (the computational domain geometry, mesh refinement level, and initial and boundary conditions). This part of the study allowed concluding that the results obtained from a surface-capturing approach based on the geometric Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method were better than the ones provided with the algebraic counterpart. Having in mind the results obtained with the inelastic model, a new multiphase viscoelastic flow solver was implemented using the geometric VOF, to allow capturing a sharper polymer-air interface. Also, the OpenFOAM utility devised to calculate forces and torques, was adapted to viscoelastic fluids models. The computational framework was then used to assess the effect of the common errors mentioned above. To quantify the effect of the induced errors, the extensional viscosities resulting from the numerical computational studies and the ones achieved with the theoretical counterpart were compared. The results obtained show that the effect of the test temperature errors is more significant than the one corresponding to the sample dimensions, especially when viscoelastic constitutive models are employed.I gratefully acknowlagde funding FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Program and National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the projects UIDB/05256/2020/, UIDP/05256/2020, CPCA/A2/6202/2020, CPCA_A2_6231_2020, NORTE-08- 5369-FSE-000034, under program IMPULSE – Polímeros e Compósitos: Drivers da Inovação Tecnológica e da Competitividade Industrial. I also acknowledge the support of the computational clusters Search-ON2 (NORTE-07-0162-FEDER- 000086) and Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC)

    Merovingian Queenship in Early Nineteenth-Century French Historiography

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    In my Ph. D. thesis I examine the way French historians represented Merovingian queenship in their historical narratives between 1814 and 1848. The French monarchy was re-established in these years and it changed considerably in the early decades of the nineteenth century, from an imitation of the Old Regime to a bourgeois and constitutional monarchy. These changes forced historians and politicians to rethink both the history of France and the function of the monarchy. My objective is to gain new perspectives on the period's historiography by looking at the way in which the early medieval queens were represented and how the representations were affected by the contemporary political and historiographical discussions about the French monarchy. The representations varied according to the author and the intended readership. A historian’s task was to write about events and persons worth remembering, and the Merovingian queens Clotilde (died in 545), Fredegonde (died in 597) and Brunehilde (died in 613) were among those persons. At the same time they functioned as mere types and instruments for the early nineteenth-century historians. The queens were categorized to certain types depending on the historians' political and cultural affiliations. All historiography had a political aspect and the queens were not studied or written about for their own sake, but used by historians to make moral and political claims, to teach and instruct the reader. The political aspects of historiography were visible in the way the new, or redefined, nationalistic agenda affected historians' narratives about the Merovingian period. A history of queenship was essential to construct a shared past. One of the leading motivations for the ways in which the queens were represented was the historians' desire to prove that women could not and should not govern in France. Women could be seen as good rulers despite their gender, but never because of their gender. Women who surpassed their gender were extraordinary and yet simultaneously very dangerous, because they had not stayed in their “natural” place. This was a paradox because, while rivalling the masculine gender was admirable given male superiority over the female gender, it was perceived as very dangerous for society. The Merovingian queens and their representations offered something for everyone in nineteenth-century France; barbarous and morally upright actions, love and passion, scheming and devotion, destruction and civilisation.Tarkastelen väitöskirjassani, miten ranskalaiset historioitsijat käsittelivät merovingikuningattaria vuosien 1814 ja 1848 välisenä aikana. 1800-luvun alussa monarkia palautettiin Ranskaan ja runsaassa 30 vuodessa se läpikävi muutoksen ennen suurta vallankumousta vallinneen hallitustavan imitaatiosta porvarilliseksi ja perustuslailliseksi monarkiaksi. Nämä muutokset monarkiassa pakottivat aikakauden historioitsijat uudelleenarvioimaan koko Ranskan historian sekä monarkian roolin historiassa. Tutkimukseni tavoite on tuoda uusia näkemyksiä aikakauden historiankirjoitukseen tarkastelemalla, miten varhaiskeskiaikaisia kuningattaria käsiteltiin historiankirjoituksessa ja miten heidän käsittelyyn vaikutti aikakauden keskustelu monarkian roolista ranskalaisessa yhteiskunnassa ja historiassa. Kuvaukset kuningattarista vaihtelivat kirjoittajan ja aiotun lukijakunnan mukaan. Historioitsijan tehtävänä oli kirjoittaa huomionarvoisista tapahtumista ja henkilöistä, ja merovingikuningattaret Klotilde (kuoli vuonna 545), Fredegunda (kuoli vuonna 597) ja Brunhilde (kuoli 613) olivat tällaisia henkilöitä, koska merovingit nähtiin ranskalaisen monarkian ensimmäisenä dynastiana. Samalla he kuitenkin olivat instrumentteja 1800-luvun alun historioitsijoiden käsissä. Kuningattaret luokiteltiin erilaisiin tyyppeihin riippuen historioitsijoiden poliittisista ja kulttuurisista sidoksista. Kaikella historiankirjoituksella oli poliittinen aspekti ja kuningattaria ei tutkittu heidän itsensä vuoksi vaan historioitsijat käyttivät heitä perustelemaan moraalisia ja poliittisia näkemyksiään sekä opettamaan lukijoita. Historiankirjoituksen poliittiset aspektit olivat erityisesti näkyviä siinä, miten nationalistiset ajatukset vaikuttivat merovingiajan kuvauksiin. Yhteinen historia oli tärkeä osa nationalistista historiankirjoitusta ja kuningatarten historia oli osa tätä jaettua historiaa. Yksi tärkeä osa kuningatarten jaettua historiaa oli naisten pois sulkeminen poliittisesta vallasta. Historiaa, myös varhaiskeskiaikaa, käytettiin osoittamaan, etteivät naiset soveltuneet käyttämään julkista valtaa Ranskassa. Naiset, mukaan lukien merovingikuningattaret, saatettiin kuvata hyvinä hallitsijoina huolimatta heidän sukupuolesta, mutta ei koskaan sukupuolensa ansiosta. Naiset, jotka ylittivät sukupuolensa, nähtiin erityisinä mutta samalla hyvin vaarallisina, koska he eivät pysyneet “luonnollisella” paikallaan. Tämä oli paradoksi, sillä vaikka naissukupuolen ylittäminen oli tavoiteltavaa, johtuen näkemyksistä miehisen sukupuolen paremmuudesta, se myös koettiin vaarallisena yhteiskunnan vakiintuneelle järjestykselle. Merovingikuningattaret tarjosivat 1800-luvun alussa kaikille jotain: barbaarisia ja moraalisia tekoja, rakkautta ja intohimoa, juonittelua ja hurskautta, tuhoa ja sivilisaatiota.Siirretty Doriast

    Divisible load scheduling of image processing applications on the heterogeneous star and tree networks using a new genetic algorithm

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    The divisible load scheduling of image processing applications on the heterogeneous star and multi-level tree networks is addressed in this paper. In our platforms, processors and network links have different speeds. In addition, computation and communication overheads are considered. A new genetic algorithm for minimizing the processing time of low-level image applications using divisible load theory is introduced. The closed-form solution for the processing time, the image fractions that should be allocated to each processor, the optimum number of participating processors, and the optimal sequence for load distribution are derived. The new concept of equivalent processor in tree network is introduced and the effect of different image and kernel sizes on processing time and speed up are investigated. Finally, to indicate the efficiency of our algorithm, several numerical experiments are presented