30 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of the Main Ionospheric Trough Using Swarm in Situ Measurements

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    A statistical analysis of the topside main ionospheric trough is implemented by using the Swarm constellation in situ plasma density measurements from December 2013 to November 2019. The key features of the main trough, such as the occurrence rate, minimum position, width, and depth, are characterized and quantified. The distribution patterns of these parameters are investigated with respect to magnetic local time, season, longitude, solar activity, and geomagnetic activity levels, respectively. The main results are as follows: (1) The diurnal variation of the trough occurrence rate usually exhibits a primary peak in the early morning, a subsidiary peak in the late evening, and a slight reduction around midnight especially in the Northern Hemisphere. (2) The seasonal variation of the nighttime trough has maximum occurrence rates around equinoxes, higher than those in local winter. (3) The trough distribution has an evident hemispherical asymmetry. It is more pronounced in the Northern Hemisphere during the winter and equinoctial seasons, with its average nighttime occurrence rate being 20â 30% higher than that in the Southern Hemisphere. The trough minimum position and the trough width also exhibit more significant fluctuation in the Northern Hemisphere. (4) The longitudinal pattern of the trough shows clear eastâ west preferences, which has a higher occurrence rate in eastern (western) longitudes around the December (June) solstice. (5) Conditions for the trough occurrence are more favored in low solar activity and high geomagnetic activity periods.Key PointsThe occurrence rate of the main ionospheric trough at 450â 550 km exhibits a slight midnight reduction comparing with evening/morning peaksThe trough has a longitudinal preference with higher occurrence rate in the eastern (western) longitudes around the December (June) solsticeConditions for the trough occurrence are more favored in equinoxes than local winter and in Northern Hemisphere than Southern HemispherePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154408/1/jgra55592.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154408/2/jgra55592_am.pd

    An Ionosphere Specification Technique Based on Data Ingestion Algorithm and Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis Method

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    A data ingestion method in reproducing ionospheric electron density and total electron content (TEC) was developed to incorporate TEC products from the Madrigal Database into the NeQuick 2 model. The method is based on retrieving an appropriate global distribution of effective ionization parameter (Az) to drive the NeQuick 2 model, which can be implemented through minimizing the difference between the measured and modeled TEC at each grid in the local time‐modified dip latitude coordinates. The performance of this Madrigal TEC‐driven‐NeQuick 2 result is validated through the comparison with various International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Services global ionospheric maps and ionosonde data. The validation results show that a general accuracy improvement of 30–50% can be achieved after data ingestion. In addition, the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis technique is used to construct a parameterized time‐varying global Az model. The quick convergence of EOF decomposition makes it possible to use the first six EOF series to represent over 90% of the total variances. The intrinsic diurnal variation and spatial distribution in the original data set can be well reflected by the constructed EOF base functions. The associated EOF coefficients can be expressed as a set of linear functions of F10.7 and Ap indices, combined with a series of trigonometric functions with annual/seasonal variation components. The NeQuick TEC driven by EOF‐modeled Az shows 10–15% improvement in accuracy over the standard ionosphere correction algorithm in the Galileo navigation system. These preliminary results demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined data ingestion and EOF modeling technique in improving the specifications of ionospheric density variations.Key PointsThe Madrigal TEC data are ingested into the NeQuick 2 model through deriving an effective ionization parameter (Az)The Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis technique is used to construct a parameterized time‐varying Az model to make a predictionThe TEC data ingestion and EOF modeling are effective in bringing certain systematic improvement of ionosphere now‐cast/forecastPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146373/1/swe20760_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146373/2/swe20760.pd

    Conjugate ionospheric perturbation during the 2017 solar eclipse

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright 2021 American Geophysical Union.We report new findings of total electron content (TEC) perturbations in the southern hemisphere at conjugate locations to the northern eclipse on August 21, 2017. We identified a persistent conjugate TEC depletion by 10%–15% during the eclipse time, elongating along magnetic latitudes with at least ∼5° latitudinal width. As the Moon's shadow swept southward, this conjugate depletion moved northward and became most pronounced at lower magnetic latitudes (>−20°N). This depletion was coincident with a weakening of the southern crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), while the northern EIA crest stayed almost undisturbed or was slightly enhanced. We suggest these conjugate perturbations were associated with dramatic eclipse initiated plasma pressure reductions in the flux tubes, with a large portion of shorter tubes located at low latitudes underneath the Moon's shadow. These short L-shell tubes intersect with the F region ionosphere at low and equatorial latitudes. The plasma pressure gradient was markedly skewed northward in the flux tubes at low and equatorial latitudes, as was the neutral pressure. These effects caused a general northward motion tendency for plasma within the flux tubes, and inhibited normal southward diffusion of equatorial fountain plasma into the southern EIA region. We also identified posteclipse ionospheric disturbances likely associated with the global propagation of eclipse-induced traveling atmospheric disturbances in alignment with the Moon's shadow moving direction

    Coordinated Groundâ Based and Spaceâ Based Observations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles

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    This paper presents coordinated and fortuitous groundâ based and spaceborne observations of equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) over the South American area on 24 October 2018, combining the following measurements: Globalâ scale Observations of Limb and Disk far ultraviolet emission images, Global Navigation Satellite System total electron content data, Swarm in situ plasma density observations, ionosonde virtual height and drift data, and cloud brightness temperature data. The new observations from the Globalâ scale Observations of Limb and Disk/ultraviolet imaging spectrograph taken at geostationary orbit provide a unique opportunity to image the evolution of plasma bubbles near the F peak height over a large geographic area from a fixed longitude location. The combined multiâ instrument measurements provide a more integrated and comprehensive way to study the morphological structure, development, and seeding mechanism of EPBs. The main results of this study are as follows: (1) The bubbles developed a westward tilted structure with 10â 15° inclination relative to the local geomagnetic field lines, with eastward drift velocity of 80â 120 m/s near the magnetic equator that gradually decreased with increasing altitude/latitude. (2) Waveâ like oscillations in the bottomside F layer and detrended total electron content were observed, which are probably due to upward propagating atmospheric gravity waves. The wavelength based on the mediumâ scale traveling ionospheric disturbance signature was consistent with the interbubble distance of â ¼500â 800 km. (3) The atmospheric gravity waves that originated from tropospheric convective zone are likely to play an important role in seeding the development of this equatorial EPBs event.Plain Language SummaryThis study presents multiâ instrument observations of equatorial plasma density depletions occurred on 24 October 2018 by using Globalâ scale Observations of Limb and Disk far ultraviolet images, Global Navigation Satellite System total electron content data, electron density measurements from Swarm satellite, ionosonde measurements, and cloud temperature data. This multiâ instrument study generated an integrated and detailed image revealing both largeâ scale and mesoscale structures of the equatorial plasma depletion. Our results also suggest that atmospheric gravity waves originating from tropospheric convection activity could play a significant seeding role in the development of equatorial plasma bubbles.Key PointsCombined GOLD/UV spectrograph images and groundâ based TEC data revealed EPB features and development over a large geographic areaBottomside F layer oscillations and traveling ionospheric disturbance were observed by ionosonde and detrended TEC resultsAtmospheric gravity waves likely play an important role in seeding the Râ T instability and the development of this EPB eventPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153570/1/jgra55456_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153570/2/jgra55456.pd

    Merging of Storm Time Midlatitude Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Equatorial Plasma Bubbles

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    Postsunset midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) and equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) were simultaneously observed over American sector during the geomagnetic storm on 8 September 2017. The characteristics of TIDs are analyzed by using a combination of the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar data and 2‐D detrended total electron content (TEC) from ground‐based Global Navigation Satellite System receivers. The main results associated with EPBs are as follows: (1) stream‐like structures of TEC depletion occurred simultaneously at geomagnetically conjugate points, (2) poleward extension of the TEC irregularities/depletions along the magnetic field lines, (3) severe equatorial and midlatitude electron density (Ne) bite outs observed by Defense Meteorological Satellite Program and Swarm satellites, and (4) enhancements of ionosphere F layer virtual height and vertical drifts observed by equatorial ionosondes near the EPBs initiation region. The stream‐like TEC depletions reached 46° magnetic latitudes that map to an apex altitude of 6,800 km over the magnetic equator using International Geomagnetic Reference Field. The formation of this extended density depletion structure is suggested to be due to the merging between the altitudinal/latitudinal extension of EPBs driven by strong prompt penetration electric field and midlatitude TIDs. Moreover, the poleward portion of the depletion/irregularity drifted westward and reached the equatorward boundary of the ionospheric main trough. This westward drift occurred at the same time as the sudden expansion of the convection pattern and could be attributed to the strong returning westward flow near the subauroral polarization stream region. Other possible mechanisms for the westward tilt are also discussed.Key PointsPostsunset EPBs driven by PPEF were observed to merge with midlatitude TIDs forming stream‐like depletion structures over American sectorDepletions reached 46 MLAT that map to 6,800 km over the equator and drifted westward reaching the equatorward boundary of the main troughStrong convection flow near SAPS region and disturbance thermospheric wind contributed to the westward drift of the midlatitude depletionsPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148412/1/swe20807.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148412/2/swe20807_am.pd

    A Statistical Study of the Subauroral Polarization Stream Over North American Sector Using the Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar 1979- 2019 Measurements

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    This work conducts a statistical study of the subauroral polarization stream (SAPS) feature in the North American sector using Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar measurements from 1979 to 2019, which provides a comprehensive SAPS climatology using a significantly larger database of radar observations than was used in seminal earlier works. Key features of SAPS and associated electron density (Ne), ion temperature (Ti), and electron temperature (Te) are investigated using a superposed epoch analysis method. The characteristics of these parameters are investigated with respect to magnetic local time, season, geomagnetic activity, solar activity, and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation, respectively. The main results are as follows: (1) Conditions for SAPS are more favorable for dusk than near midnight, for winter compared to summer, for active geomagnetic periods compared to quiet time, for solar minimum compared to solar maximum, and for IMF conditions with negative By and negative Bz. (2) SAPS is usually associated with a midlatitude trough of 15- 20% depletion in the background density. The SAPS- related trough is more pronounced in the postmidnight sector and near the equinoxes. (3) Subauroral ion and electron temperatures exhibit a 3- 8% (50- 120 K) enhancement in SAPS regions, which tend to have higher percentage enhancement during geomagnetically active periods and at midnight. Ion temperature enhancements are more favored during low solar activity periods, while the electron temperature enhancement remains almost constant as a function of the solar cycle. (4) The electron thermal content, Te- à - Ne, in the SAPS associated region is strongly dependent on 1/Ne, with Te exhibiting a negative correlation with respect to Ne.Key PointsKey features of North American SAPS and associated Ne, Ti, and Te were analyzed using four decade Millstone Hill IS radar measurementsNorth American SAPS climatology in terms of MLT, season, geomagnetic activity, solar activity, and IMF condition was comprehensively studiedBoth ion and electron temperatures exhibit moderate enhancement around SAPS, with similar geomagnetic but different solar activity dependencePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163417/2/jgra56052_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163417/1/jgra56052.pd

    2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption Induced Global Propagation of Ionospheric Disturbances via Lamb Waves

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    The Tonga volcano eruption at 04:14:45 UT on 2022-01-15 released enormous amounts of energy into the atmosphere, triggering very significant geophysical variations not only in the immediate proximity of the epicenter but also globally across the whole atmosphere. This study provides a global picture of ionospheric disturbances over an extended period for at least 4 days. We find traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) radially outbound and inbound along entire Great-Circle loci at primary speeds of ∼300–350 m/s (depending on the propagation direction) and 500–1,000 km horizontal wavelength for front shocks, going around the globe for three times, passing six times over the continental US in 100 h since the eruption. TIDs following the shock fronts developed for ∼8 h with 10–30 min predominant periods in near- and far- fields. TID global propagation is consistent with the effect of Lamb waves which travel at the speed of sound. Although these oscillations are often confined to the troposphere, Lamb wave energy is known to leak into the thermosphere through channels such as atmospheric resonance at acoustic and gravity wave frequencies, carrying substantial wave amplitudes at high altitudes. Prevailing Lamb waves have been reported in the literature as atmospheric responses to the gigantic Krakatoa eruption in 1883 and other geohazards. This study provides substantial first evidence of their long-duration imprints up in the global ionosphere. This study was enabled by ionospheric measurements from 5,000+ world-wide Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ground receivers, demonstrating the broad implication of the ionosphere measurement as a sensitive detector for atmospheric waves and geophysical disturbances

    Midlatitude Plasma Bubbles Over China and Adjacent Areas During a Magnetic Storm on 8 September 2017

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    This paper presents observations of postsunset super plasma bubbles over China and adjacent areas during the second main phase of a storm on 8 September 2017. The signatures of the plasma bubbles can be seen or deduced from (1) deep field‐aligned total electron content depletions embedded in regional ionospheric maps derived from dense Global Navigation Satellite System networks, (2) significant equatorial and midlatitudinal plasma bite‐outs in electron density measurements on board Swarm satellites, and (3) enhancements of ionosonde virtual height and scintillation in local evening associated with strong southward interplanetary magnetic field. The bubbles/depletions covered a broad area mainly within 20°–45°N and 80°–110°E with bifurcated structures and persisted for nearly 5 hr (∼13–18 UT). One prominent feature is that the bubbles extended remarkably along the magnetic field lines in the form of depleted flux tubes, reaching up to midlatitude of around 50°N (magnetic latitude: 45.5°N) that maps to an altitude of 6,600 km over the magnetic equator. The maximum upward drift speed of the bubbles over the magnetic equator was about 700 m/s and gradually decreased with altitude and time. The possible triggering mechanism of the plasma bubbles was estimated to be storm time eastward prompt penetration electric field, while the traveling ionospheric disturbance could play a role in facilitating the latitudinal extension of the depletions.Key PointsPostsunset midlatitude plasma bubbles were observed over China and adjacent areas using GNSS TEC, Swarm Ne, and ionosonde dataThe plasma bubbles were triggered by PPEF and TID in equatorial regions and extended along the magnetic field lines to 50°N (45.5 MLAT)Plasma bubbles might reach an altitude of 6,600 km over the magnetic equator with the upper limit of upward drift speed being around 700 m/sPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143723/1/swe20573.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143723/2/swe20573_am.pd

    Next-decade needs for 3-D ionosphere imaging

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    Accurately imaging the 3-D ionospheric variation and its temporal evolution has always been a challenging task for the space weather community. Recent decades have witnessed tremendous steps forward in implementing ionospheric imaging, with the rapid growth of ionospheric data availability from multiple ground-based and space-borne sources. 3-D ionospheric imaging can yield altitude-resolved electron density and total electron content (TEC) distribution in the target region. It offers an essential tool for better specification and understanding of ionospheric dynamical variations, as well as for space weather applications to support government and industry preparedness and mitigation of extreme space weather impact. To better meet the above goals within the next decade, this perspective paper recommends continuous investment across agencies and joint studies through the community, in support of advancing 3-D ionospheric imaging approach with finer resolution and precision, better error covariance specification and uncertainty quantification, improved ionospheric driver estimation, support space weather nowcast and forecast, and sustained effort to increase global data coverage

    Multi-instrumental analysis of the day-to-day variability of equatorial plasma bubbles

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    This paper presents a multi-instrument observational analysis of the equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) variation over the American sector during a geomagnetically quiet time period of 07–10 December 2019. The day-to-day variability of EPBs and their underlying drivers are investigated through coordinately utilizing the Global-scale Observations of Limb and Disk (GOLD) ultraviolet images, the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) in-situ and remote sensing data, the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) total electron content (TEC) observations, as well as ionosonde measurements. The main results are as follows: 1) The postsunset EPBs’ intensity exhibited a large day-to-day variation in the same UT intervals, which was fairly noticeable in the evening of December 07, yet considerably suppressed on December 08 and 09, and then dramatically revived and enhanced on December 10. 2) The postsunset linear Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth rate exhibited a different variation pattern. It had a relatively modest peak value on December 07 and 08, yet a larger peak value on December 09 and 10. There was a 2-h time lag of the growth rate peak time in the evening of December 09 from other nights. This analysis did not show an exact one-to-one relationship between the peak growth rate and the observed EPBs intensity. 3) The EPBs’ day-to-day variation has a better agreement with that of traveling ionospheric disturbances and atmospheric gravity waves signatures, which exhibited relatively strong wavelike perturbations preceding/accompanying the observed EPBs on December 07 and 10 yet relatively weak fluctuations on December 08 and 09. These coordinate observations indicate that the initial wavelike seeding perturbations associated with AGWs, together with the catalyzing factor of the instability growth rate, collectively played important roles to modulate the day-to-day variation of EPBs. A strong seeding perturbation could effectively compensate for a moderate strength of Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth rate and therefore their combined effect could facilitate EPB development. Lacking proper seeding perturbations would make it a more inefficient process for the development of EPBs, especially with a delayed peak value of Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth rate