3,810 research outputs found

    Primavera: arroz precoce 'agulhinha' para os cerrados de Rondonia.

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    Avaliação de linhagens de arroz de terras altas no cerrado de Rondônia.

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    Resposta de arroz de sequeiro à abudação mineral no cerrado de Rondônia.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a resposta da cultura do arroz de sequeiro a diferentes níveis de adubação mineral NPK, na região de cerrado do Estadobitstream/item/79276/1/FOL-6151-0001.pd

    The Effectiveness of Web-Based Interventions to Promote Health Behaviour Change in Adolescents: A Systematic Review

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    Although web-based interventions are attractive to researchers and users, the evidence about their effectiveness in the promotion of health behaviour change is still limited. Our aim was to review the effectiveness of web-based interventions used in health behavioural change in adolescents regarding physical activity, eating habits, tobacco and alcohol use, sexual behaviour, and quality of sleep. Studies published from 2016 till the search was run (May-to-June 2021) were included if they were experimental or quasi-experimental studies, pre-post-test studies, clinical trials, or randomized controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of web-based intervention in promoting behaviour change in adolescents regarding those health behaviours. The risk of bias assessment was performed by using the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP)-Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. Fourteen studies were included. Most were in a school setting, non-probabilistic and relatively small samples. All had a short length of follow-up and were theory driven. Thirteen showed significant positive findings to support web-based interventions' effectiveness in promoting health behaviour change among adolescents but were classified as low evidence quality. Although this review shows that web-based interventions may contribute to health behaviour change among adolescents, these findings rely on low-quality evidence, so it is urgent to test these interventions in larger controlled trials with long-term maintenance

    Perfil proteico-imunogênico de proteínas detentoras de alto valor diagnóstico de lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes.

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    Os lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes, vírus da artrite encefalite caprina e vírus maedi visna, pertencem a família Retroviridae. São relacionados genética e antigenicamente, causam doenças crônicas e progressivas, levando a perdas produtivas e econômicas. A transmissão interespécie desses vírus pode ser preocupante devido a recombinação genética desses lentívirus. O estudo da proteômica desses vírus torna-se necessário para o conhecimento da função dos genes. A análise proteômica sorológica (SERPA) associada a espectrometria de massas (EM), dentre muitas possibilidades, permite o conhecimento de proteínas de valor diagnóstico. Com isso objetivou-se delinear o perfil proteíco-imunogênico bidimensional de lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes caracterizando proteínas detentoras de alto valor diagnóstico do antígeno dos lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes. Primeiramente realizou-se explant de células de membrana sinovial caprina e posteriormente, com o subcultivo das células, a produção do antígeno de três cepas virais MVV K1514, CAEV Cork e LVC-CE. Essas amostras foram submetidas à eletroforese bidimensional e western blot. Proteínas imunorreativas foram escolhidas para o sequenciamento através de espectrometria de massas. Como o resultado elaborou-se o perfil proteíco-imunogênico bidimensional das cepas de LVPR, inclusive da cepa viral do estado do Ceará (LVC-CE), dados inéditos para o país. Seis proteínas tiveram sequencias homologas compatíveis com proteínas de CAEV e MVV, referentes às proteínas p28, p19 e p15. Demonstrou-se a similaridade da resposta imune entre as cepas estudadas. A técnica SERPA associada à EM permitiu a identificação e caracterização peptídica das proteínas imunogênicas das cepas padrão CAEV Cork e MVV K1514, e da amostra de LVPR nativa do estado do Ceará. Abstract: The small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV), the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus and maedi visna virus belong to Retroviridae family. They are related genetically and antigenically, and induce chronic and progressive disease which leads to productive and economic losses. The interspecific transmission is worrying due to the genetic recombination of these viruses. The proteomic study is necessary in order to know the genes function. Serological proteome analysis (SERPA) in association with mass spectrometry, besides others possibilities, allow knowing high-value proteins for diagnosis. The aim of this study was to determine the two-dimensional proteinimmunogenic profile and characterize the high-value proteins for diagnostic of different strains of SRLV. Initially, goat synovial membrane cells were explanted and subculture for antigen production of three viral strains CAEV Cork, MVV K1514 and LVC-CE. These samples were submitted to two-dimensional electrophoresis and western blot. Immunoreactive proteins were chosen in order to be sequenced by mass spectrometry. The results showed two-dimensional protein-immunogenic profile of the SRLV strains. Six proteins had homologous sequences compatible to protein CAEV and MVV, related to protein p28 and p15. The SERPA in association with mass spectrometry allowed the immunogenic protein identification and peptide characterization of the two standard strains, CAEV Cork and MVV K1514, and also the national one isolated in Ceará state.Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, Sobral. Orientador: Raymundo Rizaldo Pinheiro; Coorientadora: Alice Andrioli Pinheiro

    Manuseio e aplicação de defensivos agrícolas em meloeiro.

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    O Nordeste brasileiro é responsável por 94% da produção nacional de melão (Cucumis melo L.), e grande parte dessa produção concentra-se nos pólos irrigados do Vale do Mossoró/Açu, no Rio Grande do Norte e no Baixo Jaguaribe, no Ceará. Os produtores dessas regiões praticam uma agricultura altamente tecnificada e utilizam grande quantidade de defensivos agrícolas para controlar pragas e fitopatógenos que ocorrem nas lavouras

    Plantio do algodão irrigado.

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