29 research outputs found

    Isolated peripheral nerve neuropathy associated wiht a single travma: Report of two cases

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    Muskulokutanöz sinir brakiyal pleksus lateral kordundan ayrılır. Biceps braki ve brakiyalis gibi kasları innerve eder. Ulnar sinir ise brakiyal pleksusun major terminal dalıdır. Ulnar sinirin terminal dalı derin ulnar motor daldır. Hipotenar kasları innerve eder. İzole travmatik sinir hasarı oldukça nadir görülmektedir. İzole travma nedeniyle sinir hasarı gelişmesi nadir bir durumdur. Biz bu yazıda atrofi ve ağrısız güçsüzlük yakınmasıyla başvuran iki izole sinir hasarı olgusu (65 yaşında kadın ve 40 yaşında erkek) sunduk. Olgularımızdaki muskulokutanöz ve derin ulnar motor dal nöropatisinin tek bir travmadan kaynaklandığını düşünmekteyiz. Yapılan elektrodiagnostik testler, izole muskulokutanöz ve derin ulnar motor sinir nöropatisini göstermiştir. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme ve elektrofizyolojik çalışmalar bu hastalıkların ayırıcı tanısında faydalıdır. Literatürde izole muskulokutanöz ve derin ulnar motor sinir hasarının, tek bir travma nedeniyle oluştuğunu bildiren çok az sayıda olgu sunumu vardır.The musculocutaneous nerve arises from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus. It innervates muscles such as the biceps brachi and brachialis. Ulnar nerve is the major terminal branche of brachial Plexus. The deep motor branch of the ulnar nerve is a terminal primarily motor branch of the ulnar nerve. At its origin it innervates the hypothenar muscles. Nerve injury due to isolated trauma is rarely seen. Musculocutaneous and deep ulnar motor branch neuropathy can be caused by repetitive trauma. We present report of two cases of (65 year old female and 40 year old male) isolated nerve injury who complaine of atrophy painless and weakness. Electrophysiological testing revealed a musculocutaneous and deep ulnar nerve neuropathy. Magnetic resonance imaging and electrodiagnostic studies may be useful in differentiating between these conditions. In the literature, there are very few cases in which ısolated lesions of the musculocutaneous and deep ulnar motor nerves lesion have been attributed to a single trauma

    Mechanical Thrombectomy for Minor Stroke Patients (NIHSS<6) With Large Vessel Occlusion

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    INTRODUCTION: Large vessel occlusion can present with minor stroke in 30% of cases. Although the efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy in minor stroke National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS<6) has been shown in subgroups of clinical trials, there is no randomized clinical trial focusing on this patient group. METHODS: 8 patients (3 female, 5 male) presenting with minor stroke (NIHSS<6) with large vessel occlusion on CT angiography were included. Thrombolytic treatment was administered in 5 patients presenting in 4.5 hours. Mechanical thrombectomy was performed within 6 hours in 5 patients and in 3 patients presenting beyond 6 hours. Modified treatment in cerebral ischemia (mTICI) 2b-3 was considered as successful recanalzation, functional outcome was evaluated at 90 day. RESULTS: 8 patients with ages between 40 and 81 years were included in the study. Successful recanalization (mTICI 2b-3) was achieved in all cases. 3 patients were not eligible for intravenous thrombolysis due to late arrival time. In these cases, after clinical deterioration occured mechanical thrombectomy was performed. 90 day mRS were 2, 4 and 5 in these 3 cases. 90 day modified Rankin Scale (mRS) were between 0-2 in all 5 patients treated within 6 hours. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although there are few cases, our study demonstrated that mechanical thrombectomy is more efficaceous in minor stroke patients when performed earl, as demonstrated in other studies

    Report of ischemic stroke mimicking isolated ulnar nerve paralysis

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    The cortical motor hand area is the precentral gyrus. Small cortical infarcts of this area can caused isolated hand weakness. Weakness can consist of either all fingers or ulnar-sided fingers. A 71-year-old man admitted to the emergency department with sudden weakness of the right fourth and fifth fingers Diffusion-weighted brain imaging of a magnetic resonance imaging scan revealed acute infarction of right precentral gyrus. Cardioembolus is the determined ischemic stroke subtype. This report presented a case of ischemic stroke mimicking isolated ulnar nerve paralysis

    Use of Percutaneous Aspiration Thrombectomy vs. Anticoagulation Therapy to Treat Acute Iliofemoral Venous Thrombosis: 1-year Follow-up Results of a Randomised, Clinical Trial

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy (PAT) followed by standard anticoagulant therapy, with anticoagulation therapy alone, for the treatment of acute proximal lower extremity deep vein thrombosis


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    Non-vitamin K oral antikoagülanların (NOAK) atrial fibrilasyonda inmenin önlenmesi amacıyla on yılı aşan bir süredir başarı ile kullanıldığı açıktır. Varfarine göre belirgin derecede az kanamaya yol açmaları ve inmeyi de eşit veya daha fazla oranda önleyebilmeleri yanı sıra kolay kullanım özellikleri primer proflakside atrial fibrilasyona bağlı inmeyi azaltma konusunda öne çıkmaktadır. Bunlar aynı zamanda genel inme prevalansının azalması anlamına gelmektedir. Yani AF nedenli inmenin engellenmesi toplum sağlığı için çağdaş bir gereklilik olarak algılanmalıdır. İnme klinik pratiğinde kardiyoloji uzmanları ile birlikte bu bağlamda çaba sarf eden nöroloji uzmanları için Türk Beyin Damar Hastalıkları Derneği bu uzman görüşünü hazırladı. Görüşler NOAK grubu ilaçların kullanımında sıkça karşılaşılan sorunlar ve bu problemler için güncel çözüm önerilerini içermektedir

    Awareness Of The Neurological Diseases: Comparisons Of The Attendies At Secondary and Tertiary Neurological Oupatient Centers In The Sample Of Ankara City

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    OBJECTIVE: Both neurological diseases and related disabilities are growing all over the world and in our country. Awareness of the neurological diseases is thought to be less than the expected. METHODS: The aim of this study is; to investigate the awareness of the neurological diseases in the secondary and tertiary neurological outpatient service attendies and to assess its correlations between the patient’s demographics. RESULTS: A total of 540 patients were included in the study. Alzheimer disease was found to be most known neurological disease and Multiple sclerosis was the least one. The awareness of the diseases correlated with the level of education. Younger patients were seem to be more aware about the neurological diseases than the older patients. Although currently widespread usage of internet/media, we found that patients prefer mostly to take advice from their family practitioners for being to attend to the neurological outpatient services. We comment that this result is a positive finding in terms of usage of health care system and patient-physician relationships. CONCLUSION: There is need for increasing the awareness of the neurological diseases for both early diagnosis of neurological diseases and to decrease the related disabilit