938 research outputs found

    Key Dynamics of Assimilation among First-Generation Turkish Immigrants Residing in Romania

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the consequences of integration and assimilation of first-generation young adults (over 18 years old) who are Turkish immigrants in Romania. This is a qualitative study with 31 first-generation Turkish immigrants in two different Romanian cities. The participants were interviewed and were asked open-ended questions relating to their culture, religion, and language. The comparative analyses of the two cities indicate that the processes and intensity of assimilation differ widely. The participants\u27 degree of assimilation or integration was related to various things, such as histories prior to migration, reason for relocation, and particular characteristics of their current city of inhabitation. The findings indicate that assimilation and integration do not follow fixed patterns, however must be considered in the wider socioeconomic, political, geographical, and personal contexts in which they occur

    Educational Practices for a New Nigeria: An Exploratory Study

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    This article reports on a qualitative study conducted at the Nigerian Turkish International Colleges (NTICs) in Abuja, Nigeria. Twenty-two participants comprised of three administrators, seven teachers, four parents, and eight students participated in the study. The data collected through observations, informal, formal and semi-structured in-depth individual interviews, focus groups, document analysis (of teachers’ syllabi, coursework materials, Nigerian nation-wide exam reports, and copies of district and state lesson design guidelines), and field notes were used for content analysis. Themes of the study were constructed to explore the schools’ role in promoting openness, mutual understanding, and habits of discourse vital to democracy in a society that is deeply divided along religious, ethnic, and geographical lines. This article explains the value of NTICs by focusing on the role of curriculum in promoting tolerance, unity, economic prosperity, and stability. This article also considers how these NTICs attempt to encourage the establishment of a civil society based upon democratic principles of governance while focusing on multicultural values. Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude entreprise aux Nigerian Turkish International Colleges (NTICs) à Abuja, au Nigeria. L’étude a impliqué 22 participants, dont trois administrateurs, sept enseignants, quatre parents et huit étudiants. Les données ont été recueillies lors de séances d’observation, d’entrevues individuelles approfondies (informelles, formelles et semi-structurées), de groupes de discussion, d’analyse documentaire (plans de cours des professeurs, matériel de cours, rapports portant sur des examens à l’échelle du Nigeria, lignes directrices de la part des districts et de l’état pour la conception des cours) et par des notes prises sur le terrain. Les thèmes élaborés pour l’étude visaient l’exploration du rôle de l’école dans la promotion de l’ouverture, la compréhension mutuelle et les habitudes de discours essentielles à la démocratie dans une société qui est profondément divisée selon des clivages religieux, ethniques et géographiques. Cet article explique la valeur des NTICs en se penchant sur le rôle des programmes d’études dans la promotion de la tolérance, l’unité, la prospérité économique et la stabilité. De plus, il considère les efforts de ces NTICs pour encourager l’établissement d’une société civile reposant sur des principes démocratiques de gouvernance tout en tenant compte de valeurs multiculturelles

    Teacher Attitudes Toward the Principal of Multilingual education: Advancing Research on Mother-Tongue Education in Turkey

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes of teacher toward heritage (mother tongue) languages based multilingual education and based on these findings to determine how teachers within public school settings perceive multilingual education. The sample comprised 150 teachers employed in public schools in Turkey. The survey method was used in this study, which used a 5-point Likert-type scale based on the multilingual education attitudes. The scale included 25 items and was prepared through the SurveyMonkey database. The survey was designed to determine the attitudes of teachers on heritage-language–based multilingual education and was conducted through the snowball sampling technique on teachers working in public schools in Turkey. A Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis on the data was conducted, and the reliability coefficient of the scale was .968. The results showed the positive attitudes of teachers concerning multilingual education policies

    Utjecaj materijala za oblaganje na svojstva posmiÄŤnog zida od furnirske ploÄŤe

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    Wooden buildings are intensely preferred especially in earthquake regions due to their many advantages such as lightness, durability, environmental friendliness, insulation and aesthetics. Shear walls provide the lateral resistance needed for light-frame wood structures to withstand earthquake loads. When sheathed with wooden structural panels such as plywood, shear walls can be strong, stiff, and ductile. This study focuses on the effects of production factors (wood species, thickness of panels) of plywood and fibre direction of sheathing material on the racking performance of the shear wall. The displacement at ultimate load decreased with increasing the thickness of plywood panels. It was also concluded that the black pine plywood panels were the best sheathing materials for the shear walls among wood species in terms of ductility. Scots pine plywood panels are the best sheathing materials for the shear walls among wood species in terms of load carrying capacity. Moreover, it was found that the wall formed perpendicular to fibre direction of sheathing materials could carry more load than the wall formed parallel to fibre direction.U potresnim su područjima osobito zastupljene drvene građevine zbog njihovih brojnih prednosti kao što su lakoća, trajnost, ekološka prihvatljivost, izolacija i estetika. Posmični zidovi osiguravaju bočnu otpornost kako bi lagane drvene konstrukcije izdržale potresna opterećenja. Kada su obloženi drvenim strukturnim pločama kao što je furnirska ploča, posmični zidovi mogu biti jaki, kruti i duktilni. Ovo je istraživanje fokusirano na učinke proizvodnih čimbenika furnirske ploče (vrstu drva, debljinu ploče) te na smjer vlakanaca materijala za oblaganje na svojstva posmičnog zida. Pokazalo se da se s povećanjem debljine furnirske ploče smanjuje pomak pri krajnjem opterećenju. Također je zaključeno da su sa stajališta duktilnosti furnirske ploče od drva crnog bora bolji izbor za oblaganje posmičnih zidova nego furnirske ploče od ostalih istraživanih vrsta drva. Sa stajališta nosivosti, za oblaganje posmičnih zidova najboljima su se pokazale furnirske ploče od drva bijelog bora. Osim toga, utvrđeno je da zid formiran okomito na smjer vlakanaca materijala za oblaganje može nositi veće opterećenje nego zid formiran paralelno sa smjerom vlakanaca materijala za oblaganje

    Diagnostic Imaging in Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

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    Temporal Lobe Parenchyma Herniation into the Transverse Sinus: MRI Findings in a Case

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    Brain parenchyma herniation into dural venous sinus which is a uncommon entity, can cause dural venous sinus filling and simulate sinus thrombosis and other pathologies. It is isointense to brain parenchyma on all sequences by magnetic resonance imaging, surrounded by a cerebrospinal fluid rim and is seen to be contiguous with brain tissue on images. We report a rare case with spontaneous occult herniation of temporal lobe tissue into the left transverse sinus that may associated with headache

    Parents’ Involvement in their Children’s Education: The Value of Parental Perceptions in Public Education

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    The purpose of this study was to gather data from public school parents that would contribute to the understanding of parental involvement with school choice for their children and of parental involvement with educational organizations. We employed a case study approach as the methodological basis for eliciting 22 multi-racial parents perceptions’ about school climate and their child’s school choice. Our comprehensive in-depth semi-structured interviews, field notes, observations, and documents data collection process incorporated feedback from potential respondents from the outset of the design process to enhance data quality. Verbatim transcripts and documents were analyzed using a content and thematic analysis approach. Four over-arching themes were identified; (i) factors that parents value in schools, (ii) concerns about other school choices, (iii) the features and programs that appeal to parents, and (iv) parental perceptions of the chosen school. The findings of this study revealed that parents choose schools for their children for the following reasons. The children were better served, the programs and features offered by schools appealed to most participants, the schools had strong academic programs, a proper school climate and culture were present, the setting embraced diversity and multicultural atmospheres, a safe and secure place was present, and instruction was focused on a small and caring environment

    Campus Attitudes Toward Academic and Social Inclusion of Students with Intellectual Disability

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    Empirical evidence suggests that college attendance by students with intellectual disability (ID) results in numerous short- and long-term academic and social benefits. However, insufficient literature has explored the attitudes of constituent groups of universities toward the social and academic inclusion of students with ID before introducing these students to educational programs on campus. This paper reports on the results of a survey applied to administrators, faculty, staff, and students of a Southeastern public university to examine their attitudes toward students with ID in college academics and social activities on campus. The differences in attitudes were also examined based on the participants’ academic discipline, gender, and role within the academic community. The results indicate that all constituencies on campus had positive attitudes toward the participation of students with ID in college academics. However, significant differences were found based on their academic disciplines; participants from the College of Education had the most positive attitudes, while those from the College of Business had the least positive responses. Recommendations for future research are included. The article emphasizes the benefits of planning inclusive post-secondary programs to include students with ID and create a welcoming education environment to provide the best possible education to all students

    Predviđanje optimalne gustoće ekspandiranog polistirena za najbolje performanse toplinske izolacije polistirenske kompozitne iverice primjenom umjetne neuronske mreže

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    The objective of this study is to predict the optimum expanded polystyrene (EPS) densities for the best insulation properties of the particleboards manufactured with waste EPS instead of formaldehyde-based adhesives used in particleboard production with artificial neural network (ANN). For this purpose, the waste EPS particles of five different densities were used in the production of composite particleboards. The experimental dana used in the study were obtained from the previous study. Half of the beech, poplar, alder, pine and spruce chips were dried in a drying oven and the other half were naturally conditioned at room temperature, and then 18 mm thick three-layer composite particleboards were produced. The thermal conductivity of panels was determined according to ASTM C 518. The prediction model with the best performance and acceptable deviations was determined by using statistical and graphical comparisons between the experimental data and the prediction values obtained as a result of ANN analysis. Then, using this prediction model, the thermal conductivity coefficient values were estimated for the intermediate EPS densities that were not experimentally tested. According to the analysis findings, the thermal insulation performance for both beech and spruce polystyrene composite particleboards (PCP) panels increased with using of waste EPS foams with a density of 30 kg/m3. The lowest thermal conductivity values were obtained from the EPS waste foams with the density of 18, 13 and 22 kg/m3 for the PCP panels produced with poplar, alder and pine in the natural drying, respectively. In the technical drying, these values were found to be 15, 14 and 11-13 kg/m3, respectively. Technical drying showed much better thermal performance than natural drying while poplar indicated the best performance among the wood species.Cilj je ove studije primjenom umjetne neuronske mreže (ANN) predvidjeti optimalne gustoće ekspandiranog polistirena (EPS) radi postizanja najboljih izolacijskih svojstava iverice proizvedene s otpadnim EPS-om umjesto s ljepilom na bazi formaldehida, kakvo se rabi u proizvodnji iverice. Stoga je za proizvodnju iverice upotrijebljen otpadni EPS pet različitih gustoća. Eksperimentalni podatci primijenjeni u studiji dobiveni su prijašnjim istraživanjem. Jedna je polovica iverja bukovine, topolovine, johovine, borovine i smrekovine osušena u sušioniku, a druga je polovica iverja kondicionirana na sobnoj temperaturi. Od osušenoga i kondicioniranog iverja proizvedene su troslojne kompozitne iverice debljine 18 mm. Toplinska vodljivost ploča određena je metodom ASTM C 518. Predikcijski model najboljih svojstava i prihvatljivih devijacija određen je statističkom i grafičkom usporedbom eksperimentalnih podataka s vrijednostima predviđenima ANN analizom. Potom su primjenom predikcijskog modela procijenjeni koeficijenti toplinske vodljivosti za one gustoće ekspandiranog polistirena koje nisu eksperimentalno ispitane. Prema toj analizi, termoizolacijska svojstva polistirenske kompozitne iverice (PCP) od bukovine i smrekovine poboljšana su pjenom od otpadnog EPS-a gustoće 30 kg/m3. Najniže vrijednosti toplinske vodljivosti za polistirensku kompozitnu ivericu od prirodno osušene topolovine, johovine i borovine dobivene su uz uporabu pjene otpadnog ESP-a gustoće 18, 13 i 22 kg/m3. Za polistirensku kompozitnu ivericu od tehnički osušenog iverja te su vrijednosti bile 15, 14 i 11-13 kg/m3. Tehničkim sušenjem iverja postignuta su znatno bolja toplinska svojstva polistirenske kompozitne iverice nego prirodnim sušenjem, a topolovina je pokazala najbolja svojstva od svih ispitivanih vrsta drva
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