5 research outputs found

    Removal and Reconstitution of the Carotenoid Antenna of Xanthorhodopsin

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    Salinixanthin, a C40-carotenoid acyl glycoside, serves as a light-harvesting antenna in the retinal-based proton pump xanthorhodopsin of Salinibacter ruber. In the crystallographic structure of this protein, the conjugated chain of salinixanthin is located at the protein–lipid boundary and interacts with residues of helices E and F. Its ring, with a 4-keto group, is rotated relative to the plane of the π-system of the carotenoid polyene chain and immobilized in a binding site near the β-ionone retinal ring. We show here that the carotenoid can be removed by oxidation with ammonium persulfate, with little effect on the other chromophore, retinal. The characteristic CD bands attributed to bound salinixanthin are now absent. The kinetics of the photocycle is only slightly perturbed, showing a 1.5-fold decrease in the overall turnover rate. The carotenoid-free protein can be reconstituted with salinixanthin extracted from the cell membrane of S. ruber. Reconstitution is accompanied by restoration of the characteristic vibronic structure of the absorption spectrum of the antenna carotenoid, its chirality, and the excited-state energy transfer to the retinal. Minor modification of salinixanthin, by reducing the carbonyl C=O double bond in the ring to a C-OH, suppresses its binding to the protein and eliminates the antenna function. This indicates that the presence of the 4-keto group is critical for carotenoid binding and efficient energy transfer

    Listing of Protein Spectra

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    Assessing written work by determining competence to achieve the module-specific learning outcomes.

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    This chapter describes lasers and other sources of coherent light that operate in a wide wavelength range. First, the general principles for the generation of coherent continuous-wave and pulsed radiation are treated including the interaction of radiation with matter, the properties of optical resonators and their modes as well as such processes as Q-switching and mode-locking. The general introduction is followed by sections on numerous types of lasers, the emphasis being on todayʼs most important sources of coherent light, in particular on solid-state lasers and several types of gas lasers. An important part of the chapter is devoted to the generation of coherent radiation by nonlinear processes with optical parametric oscillators, difference- and sum-frequency generation, and high-order harmonics. Radiation in the extended ultraviolet (EUV) and x-ray ranges can be generated by free electron lasers (FEL) and advanced x-ray sources. Ultrahigh light intensities up to 1021 W/cm2 open the door to studies of relativistic laser–matter interaction and laser particle acceleration. The chapter closes with a section on laser stabilization

    Lasers and Coherent Light Sources

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