13 research outputs found


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    Channel-aware scheduling strategies have emerged as an effective mechanism for improving the throughput of wireless data users by exploiting rate variations. The improvement in throughput comes however at the expense of an increase in the variability of the service rate received over time. While the larger variability only has a limited impact on delay-tolerant data transfers, it does severely affect delaysensitive applications. In order to examine the merits of channel-aware scheduling for the latter users, we consider a wireless system supporting a combination of streaming and elastic traffic. We first examine a scenario with rate-adaptive streaming traffic, and analyze the flow-level performance in terms of transfer delays and user throughputs for various canonical resource sharing schemes. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the analytical results yield remarkably accurate estimates, and indicate that channelaware scheduling achieves significant performance gains. Next we investigate a scenario where the streaming sources have an intrinsic rate profile and stringent delay requirements. In that case, channel-aware scheduling yields only modest performance gains, and may even be harmful

    Relaxation of arterial smooth muscle by water-soluble derivatives of coenzyme Q (ubiquinone)

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    Treatment of coenzyme Q with ozone, permanganate, and ferrous sulfate in presence of ascorbate or hydrogen peroxide yielded water-soluble degradation products, possibly having truncated side-chain and modified ring.These derivatives, but not the intact lipid-quinone, showed relaxation of phenylephrine-contracted rat arterial rings. Representative samples of these also decreased blood pressure when injected into the femoral vein in the rat.These effects offer an explanation for the hypotensive action of exogenous coenzyme Q regardless of its side-chain length

    Closed loop control system based hybrid energy system model

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    Over the past few years there has been enormous increase in the consumption of the Electrical energy, major part of which is extracted from the conventional way of power generation using fossil fuels, due to which the resource of the fossil fuels are draining and results of the some surveys shows that fossil fuel reserves may last only more for few decades. Hence utilization of the energy generated from the renewable energy resources like Solar, Wind, Bio-Mass, etc. has to be encouraged to save the atmosphere and as an alternative fuel for the energy generation. Among the renewable energy resources Solar and Wind power generation have been increasing significantly due to the availability of the resources, ease of the generation, etc. In this paper a closed loop control strategy has been proposed using three control circuits, among which the first control circuit is used in Solar energy system to track the operating point at which maximum power can be extracted from the Solar P-V system by tracing the power and voltage of the Array. The second control circuit is used in wind Energy System to track the maximum power point of Wind turbine generator using the wind speed and wind power under variable environmental conditions. The third control circuit is used in charge controller system to control the constant voltage charging of the battery. The detailed description of the entire closed loop control system for hybrid system has been given, along with the comprehensive simulation results. A software model is developed in Matlab/Simulin

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableAim: To evaluate and identify the most suitable parameter for easy and quick recognisation of rice genotypes possessing partial resistance to rice blast disease. Experimental Design: The tested varieties were grown in one meter long single-row plots surrounded by the blast susceptible spreader rows of Karuna, with a spacing of 10 x 5 cm in a Uniform Blast Nursery pattern. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Place and Duration of Study: The experiments were conducted at the Central Rice Research Institute farm, Cuttack, continuously for nine seasons from 1998 to 2001. Methodology: The disease severity was recorded at every alternate day intervals from disease initiation till end of epidemic. The disease scores were subjected to estimation of 12 parameters for evaluation of resistance. The data on 12 parameters for 42 rice genotypes tested across nine seasons were subjected to principal component analysis, in order to classify and ordinate the response of the genotypes and determine the relative importance of parameters. Results: The cluster analysis classified the 42 genotypes into 4 groups of A&B as susceptible and C&D as partial resistant (PR) clusters, during each season of study. The PR genotype groups were characterized by lower estimates of Final disease severity(FDS), Mean disease severity(MDS), Area under disease progress curve(AUDPC), Relative AUDPC(RAUDPC), logistic infection rate(r), Gompertz infection rate(k), genotype score on first(PC-1) and second(PC-2) principal components, logit line intercept(logit-a), Gompit line intercept(gompit-a), and higher estimates of days to reach 50% severity in logistic model(T50r ) and Gompertz model(T50k).Ordination of genotypes onto the PC-1 & PC-2 planes recognized 19 genotypes in group C and 12 genotypes in group D as PR, while rest of the 11 genotypes in cluster-A & B were susceptible. The relative importance of the parameters analyzed by factor analysis revealed that FDS, MDS, AUDPC, RAUDPC, r, k and PC-1 were the top ranking parameters with highly significant correlation among them. Conclusion: One can choose any of the above seven top ranking parameters for easy identification of PR genotypes, depending upon the available resources for computation. Among the 42 rice genotypes, 12 in cluster-D and 19 in cluster-C were identified as possessing partial resistance. The technique of principal component analysis, the ordination and positioning of genotypes on the ordination figure emerged as a valuable tool in identification of rice genotypes possessing PR to blast disease.Not Availabl

    A new quinone from Maesa indica (Roxb)A DC, (Myrsinaceae)

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    Isolation and structure elucidation of kiritiquinone, a new benzoquinone 2 5 dihydroxy-6-methyl 3 (hemeos 16-enyl)-1 4 benzoquinone from the frutis of Masca indica (Roxb) A DC is describe