794 research outputs found

    Nonlocality as a Benchmark for Universal Quantum Computation in Ising Anyon Topological Quantum Computers

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    An obstacle affecting any proposal for a topological quantum computer based on Ising anyons is that quasiparticle braiding can only implement a finite (non-universal) set of quantum operations. The computational power of this restricted set of operations (often called stabilizer operations) has been studied in quantum information theory, and it is known that no quantum-computational advantage can be obtained without the help of an additional non-stabilizer operation. Similarly, a bipartite two-qubit system based on Ising anyons cannot exhibit non-locality (in the sense of violating a Bell inequality) when only topologically protected stabilizer operations are performed. To produce correlations that cannot be described by a local hidden variable model again requires the use of a non-stabilizer operation. Using geometric techniques, we relate the sets of operations that enable universal quantum computing (UQC) with those that enable violation of a Bell inequality. Motivated by the fact that non-stabilizer operations are expected to be highly imperfect, our aim is to provide a benchmark for identifying UQC-enabling operations that is both experimentally practical and conceptually simple. We show that any (noisy) single-qubit non-stabilizer operation that, together with perfect stabilizer operations, enables violation of the simplest two-qubit Bell inequality can also be used to enable UQC. This benchmarking requires finding the expectation values of two distinct Pauli measurements on each qubit of a bipartite system.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    On the Relationship between Convex Bodies Related to Correlation Experiments with Dichotomic Observables

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    In this paper we explore further the connections between convex bodies related to quantum correlation experiments with dichotomic variables and related bodies studied in combinatorial optimization, especially cut polyhedra. Such a relationship was established in Avis, Imai, Ito and Sasaki (2005 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 10971-87) with respect to Bell inequalities. We show that several well known bodies related to cut polyhedra are equivalent to bodies such as those defined by Tsirelson (1993 Hadronic J. S. 8 329-45) to represent hidden deterministic behaviors, quantum behaviors, and no-signalling behaviors. Among other things, our results allow a unique representation of these bodies, give a necessary condition for vertices of the no-signalling polytope, and give a method for bounding the quantum violation of Bell inequalities by means of a body that contains the set of quantum behaviors. Optimization over this latter body may be performed efficiently by semidefinite programming. In the second part of the paper we apply these results to the study of classical correlation functions. We provide a complete list of tight inequalities for the two party case with (m,n) dichotomic observables when m=4,n=4 and when min{m,n}<=3, and give a new general family of correlation inequalities.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Noise Thresholds for Higher Dimensional Systems using the Discrete Wigner Function

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    For a quantum computer acting on d-dimensional systems, we analyze the computational power of circuits wherein stabilizer operations are perfect and we allow access to imperfect non-stabilizer states or operations. If the noise rate affecting the non-stabilizer resource is sufficiently high, then these states and operations can become simulable in the sense of the Gottesman-Knill theorem, reducing the overall power of the circuit to no better than classical. In this paper we find the depolarizing noise rate at which this happens, and consequently the most robust non-stabilizer states and non-Clifford gates. In doing so, we make use of the discrete Wigner function and derive facets of the so-called qudit Clifford polytope i.e. the inequalities defining the convex hull of all qudit Clifford gates. Our results for robust states are provably optimal. For robust gates we find a critical noise rate that, as dimension increases, rapidly approaches the the theoretical optimum of 100%. Some connections with the question of qudit magic state distillation are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 table; Minor changes vs. version

    Random perfect lattices and the sphere packing problem

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    Motivated by the search for best lattice sphere packings in Euclidean spaces of large dimensions we study randomly generated perfect lattices in moderately large dimensions (up to d=19 included). Perfect lattices are relevant in the solution of the problem of lattice sphere packing, because the best lattice packing is a perfect lattice and because they can be generated easily by an algorithm. Their number however grows super-exponentially with the dimension so to get an idea of their properties we propose to study a randomized version of the algorithm and to define a random ensemble with an effective temperature in a way reminiscent of a Monte-Carlo simulation. We therefore study the distribution of packing fractions and kissing numbers of these ensembles and show how as the temperature is decreased the best know packers are easily recovered. We find that, even at infinite temperature, the typical perfect lattices are considerably denser than known families (like A_d and D_d) and we propose two hypotheses between which we cannot distinguish in this paper: one in which they improve Minkowsky's bound phi\sim 2^{-(0.84+-0.06) d}, and a competitor, in which their packing fraction decreases super-exponentially, namely phi\sim d^{-a d} but with a very small coefficient a=0.06+-0.04. We also find properties of the random walk which are suggestive of a glassy system already for moderately small dimensions. We also analyze local structure of network of perfect lattices conjecturing that this is a scale-free network in all dimensions with constant scaling exponent 2.6+-0.1.Comment: 19 pages, 22 figure

    Polyhedral Analysis using Parametric Objectives

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    The abstract domain of polyhedra lies at the heart of many program analysis techniques. However, its operations can be expensive, precluding their application to polyhedra that involve many variables. This paper describes a new approach to computing polyhedral domain operations. The core of this approach is an algorithm to calculate variable elimination (projection) based on parametric linear programming. The algorithm enumerates only non-redundant inequalities of the projection space, hence permits anytime approximation of the output

    Bounds on the Complexity of Halfspace Intersections when the Bounded Faces have Small Dimension

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    We study the combinatorial complexity of D-dimensional polyhedra defined as the intersection of n halfspaces, with the property that the highest dimension of any bounded face is much smaller than D. We show that, if d is the maximum dimension of a bounded face, then the number of vertices of the polyhedron is O(n^d) and the total number of bounded faces of the polyhedron is O(n^d^2). For inputs in general position the number of bounded faces is O(n^d). For any fixed d, we show how to compute the set of all vertices, how to determine the maximum dimension of a bounded face of the polyhedron, and how to compute the set of bounded faces in polynomial time, by solving a polynomial number of linear programs

    Anti-de Sitter boundary in Poincare coordinates

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    We study the space-time boundary of a Poincare patch of Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space. We map the Poincare AdS boundary to the global coordinate chart and show why this boundary is not equivalent to the global AdS boundary. The Poincare AdS boundary is shown to contain points of the bulk of the entire AdS space. The Euclidean AdS space is also discussed. In this case one can define a semi-global chart that divides the AdS space in the same way as the corresponding Euclidean Poincare chart.Comment: In this revised version we add a discussion of the physical consequences of the choice of a coordinate system for AdS space. We changed figure 1 and added more references. Version to be published in Gen. Relat. Grav

    Background Geometry in Gauge Gravitation Theory

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    Dirac fermion fields are responsible for spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge gravitation theory because the spin structure associated with a tetrad field is not preserved under general covariant transformations. Two solutions of this problem can be suggested. (i) There exists the universal spin structure S→XS\to X such that any spin structure Sh→XS^h\to X associated with a tetrad field hh is a subbundle of the bundle S→XS\to X. In this model, gravitational fields correspond to different tetrad (or metric) fields. (ii) A background tetrad field hh and the associated spin structure ShS^h are fixed, while gravitational fields are identified with additional tensor fields q^\la{}_\m describing deviations \wt h^\la_a=q^\la{}_\m h^\m_a of hh. One can think of \wt h as being effective tetrad fields. We show that there exist gauge transformations which keep the background tetrad field hh and act on the effective fields by the general covariant transformation law. We come to Logunov's Relativistic Theory of Gravity generalized to dynamic connections and fermion fields.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Invariant Regularization of Anomaly-Free Chiral Theories

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    We present a generalization of the Frolov-Slavnov invariant regularization scheme for chiral fermion theories in curved spacetimes. local gauge symmetries of the theory, including local Lorentz invariance. The perturbative scheme works for arbitrary representations which satisfy the chiral gauge anomaly and the mixed Lorentz-gauge anomaly cancellation conditions. Anomalous theories on the other hand manifest themselves by having divergent fermion loops which remain unregularized by the scheme. Since the invariant scheme is promoted to also include local Lorentz invariance, spectator fields which do not couple to gravity cannot be, and are not, introduced. Furthermore, the scheme is truly chiral (Weyl) in that all fields, including the regulators, are left-handed; and only the left-handed spin connection is needed. The scheme is, therefore, well suited for the study of the interaction of matter with all four known forces in a completely chiral fashion. In contrast with the vectorlike formulation, the degeneracy between the Adler-Bell-Jackiw current and the fermion number current in the bare action is preserved by the chiral regularization scheme.Comment: 28pgs, LaTeX. Typos corrected. Further remarks on singlet current

    Properties of branes in curved spacetimes

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    A generic property of curved manifolds is the existence of focal points. We show that branes located at focal points of the geometry satisfy special properties. Examples of backgrounds to which our discussion applies are AdS_m x S^n and plane wave backgrounds. As an example, we show that a pair of AdS_2 branes located at the north and south pole of the S^5 in AdS_5 x S^5 are half supersymmetric and that they are dual to a two-monopole solution of N=4 SU(N) SYM theory. Our second example involves spacelike branes in the (Lorentzian) plane wave. We develop a modified lightcone gauge for the open string channel, analyze in detail the cylinder diagram and establish open-closed duality. When the branes are located at focal points of the geometry the amplitude acquires most of the characteristics of flat space amplitudes. In the open string channel the special properties are due to stringy modes that become massless.Comment: 41 pages; v2:typos corrected, ref adde
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