324 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of intensive care unit-acquired sepsis in Italy: results of the SPIN-UTI network

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    BACKGROUND: Sepsis is the major cause of mortality from any infectious disease worldwide. Sepsis may be the result of a healthcare associated infection (HAI): the most frequent adverse events during care delivery especially in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). The main aim of the present study was to describe the epidemiology of ICU-acquired sepsis and related outcomes among patients enrolled in the framework of the Italian Nosocomial Infections Surveillance in ICUs - SPIN-UTI project. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective multicenter study. METHODS: The SPIN-UTI network adopted the European protocols for patient-based HAI surveillance. RESULTS: During the five editions of the SPIN-UTI project, from 2008 to 2017, 47.0% of HAIs has led to sepsis in 832 patients. Overall, 57.0% episodes were classified as sepsis, 20.5% as severe sepsis and 22.5% as septic shock. The most common isolated microorganisms from sepsis episodes were Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The case fatality rate increased with the severity of sepsis and the mean length of ICU-stay was significantly higher in patients with ICU-acquired sepsis than in patients without. CONCLUSION: Our study provides evidence that ICU-acquired sepsis occurs frequently in Italian ICU patients and is associated with a high case fatality rate and increased length of stay. However, in order to explain these findings further analyses are needed in this population of ICU patient

    Experimenting clinical pathways in general practice: a focus group investigation with Italian General Practitioners

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    Background. Clinical governance is considered crucial in primary care. Since 2005, clinical pathways have been experimentally implemented at the Local Health Authority of Monza Brianza (ASLMB), Italy, to develop general practitioners\u2019 (GPs) care of patients affected by some chronic diseases. The experimentation was aimed at introducing clinical governance in primary care, increasing GPs\u2019 involvement in the care of their patients, and improving both patients\u2019 and professionals\u2019 satisfaction. In the period 2005-2006, 12% of the 763 employed GPs in the ASLMB were involved in the experiment, while this percentage increased to 15-20% in 2007-2008. Design and Methods. Twenty-four GPs were purposively sampled, randomly divided into two groups and asked to participate in focus groups (FGs) held in 2008, aimed at evaluating their perception of the experiment. The FGs were audio-recorded, dialogues were typed out and undergone to a thematic analysis, according to the Interpretative Phenomenological Approach. Results. Four major themes emerged: i) clinical pathways can result in GPs working in a more efficient and effective fashion; ii) they can assure higher levels of both patient and professional satisfaction, since they sustain a caring approach and strengthen the GPs\u2019 role; iii) nevertheless, clinical pathways increase the bureaucratic workload and problems can arise in relationships among GPs and the LHA; iv) the implementation of clinical pathways can be improved, especially by reducing bureaucracy and by assuring their continuity. Conclusions. Managerial aspects should be considered with care in order to experimentally introduce clinical pathways in general practice, and continuity of the experimentation should be guaranteed to improve GPs\u2019 adherence and commitment

    Hospital clinical pathways for children affected by juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common pediatric chronic rheumatic disease, which requires constant follow-up over the years, due to relapses during its progression. To maintain a good quality of life, it is important to limit admissions as far as possible. With the development of a Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Pathway (DTAP), we aim to select patients with suitable clinical conditions to be moved from routine hospital management to day care or outpatient treatment, evaluating the number of patients to whom this would apply. METHODS: Monocentric study regarding admissions for JIA between 2014 and 2016 in a Pediatric Unit of a university hospital in Milan. Through an analysis of the medical records, relevant information was extracted and collected in a Microsoft\u2122 Excel database; starting from the data collected during the first year, a DTAP was prepared for patients with active arthritis and appropriate clinical conditions. RESULTS: The study includes data from 223 JIA hospitalization cases involving 127 patients. Applying DTAP criteria, 32% patients would have avoided admissions and 23% would have been admitted less frequently. The data concerning the activities of the Unit for JIA patients showed a relevant drop in the number of hospitalizations since 2015, from 89 in 2014 to 66 and 68 in 2015 and 2016 respectively. CONCLUSION: The opportunity offered by DTAP, has suggested feasible changes in hospitalization management and it's use would promote the possibility of treating the children without hospitalization, or minimizing it. In conclusion DTAP application is a priority for the continuous improvement of clinical practice and quality of life for patients and their families

    Hospital clinical pathways for children affected by juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common pediatric chronic rheumatic disease, which requires constant follow-up over the years, due to relapses during its progression. To maintain a good quality of life, it is important to limit admissions as far as possible. With the development of a Diagnostic Therapeutic Assistance Pathway (DTAP), we aim to select patients with suitable clinical conditions to be moved from routine hospital management to day care or outpatient treatment, evaluating the number of patients to whom this would apply. METHODS: Monocentric study regarding admissions for JIA between 2014 and 2016 in a Pediatric Unit of a university hospital in Milan. Through an analysis of the medical records, relevant information was extracted and collected in a Microsoft™ Excel database; starting from the data collected during the first year, a DTAP was prepared for patients with active arthritis and appropriate clinical conditions. RESULTS: The study includes data from 223 JIA hospitalization cases involving 127 patients. Applying DTAP criteria, 32% patients would have avoided admissions and 23% would have been admitted less frequently. The data concerning the activities of the Unit for JIA patients showed a relevant drop in the number of hospitalizations since 2015, from 89 in 2014 to 66 and 68 in 2015 and 2016 respectively. CONCLUSION: The opportunity offered by DTAP, has suggested feasible changes in hospitalization management and it's use would promote the possibility of treating the children without hospitalization, or minimizing it. In conclusion DTAP application is a priority for the continuous improvement of clinical practice and quality of life for patients and their families

    CoViD-19, learning from the past: A wavelet and cross-correlation analysis of the epidemic dynamics looking to emergency calls and Twitter trends in Italian Lombardy region

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    The first case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Italy was detected on February the 20th in Lombardy region. Since that date, Lombardy has been the most affected Italian region by the epidemic, and its healthcare system underwent a severe overload during the outbreak. From a public health point of view, therefore, it is fundamental to provide healthcare services with tools that can reveal possible new health system stress periods with a certain time anticipation, which is the main aim of the present study. Moreover, the sequence of law decrees to face the epidemic and the large amount of news generated in the population feelings of anxiety and suspicion. Considering this whole complex context, it is easily understandable how people "overcrowded"social media with messages dealing with the pandemic, and emergency numbers were overwhelmed by the calls. Thus, in order to find potential predictors of possible new health system overloads, we analysed data both from Twitter and emergency services comparing them to the daily infected time series at a regional level. Particularly, we performed a wavelet analysis in the time-frequency plane, to finely discriminate over time the anticipation capability of the considered potential predictors. In addition, a cross-correlation analysis has been performed to find a synthetic indicator of the time delay between the predictor and the infected time series. Our results show that Twitter data are more related to social and political dynamics, while the emergency calls trends can be further evaluated as a powerful tool to potentially forecast new stress periods. Since we analysed aggregated regional data, and taking into account also the huge geographical heterogeneity of the epidemic spread, a future perspective would be to conduct the same analysis on a more local basis. Copyright

    Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Practice : the first Italian attempt to define the appropriateness of rehabilitation admission criteria through the application of the Delphi method

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    BACKGROUND: One of the consequences of today's global economic crisis is the need to control healthcare spending, in particular by improving the level of appropriateness. Thus, admission to rehabilitation has become an issue, especially as regards inappropriateness of resource allocation. The scientific literature suggests that more attention should be paid to the problem of clinical appropriateness in order to better identify the patients' actual needs. For the first time in Italy, this study aims at defining the appropriateness of intensive rehabilitation admission criteria through use of the Delphi method involving a panel of national experts. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A three-round Delphi survey was conducted according to international guidelines. Electronic questionnaires were individually sent via e-mail to ensure the participants' anonymity throughout the process. Questions were mostly based on rehabilitation literature. RESULTS: During the Delphi process, a total of 79 items were submitted to a heterogenous panel of rehabilitation experts who were asked to express their level of agreement to the item contents on a five-point Likert scale. At the end of the survey, a list of 19 appropriate criteria for admission to intensive rehabilitation facilities and 21 reasons for inappropriateness was drawn up. CONCLUSION: This study represents the first attempt in Italy to define shared and objective appropriateness criteria for admission to intensive rehabilitation. Out of the total number of experts invited to participate (31), only 16 completed the entire survey. This poor participation rate unfortunately demonstrates the lack of awareness among Italian rehabilitation professionals, which is a further sign of both the scarcity of scientific evidence in this area and the need to reach consensus on admission criteria

    Health determinants in italian type 2 diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients : a critical gender differences analysis

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    Different studies described the important role of wellbeing, self-care and self-efficacy (i.e. health determinants) to achieve best health outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients. However, literature has paid little attention to highlight the possible gender differences related to the T2DM perception of those health determinants. For these reason, the aim of this study was to describe T2DM patients' gender differences related to their wellbeing, self-care and self-efficacy. This study was performed by a secondary analysis of data from a cross-sectional research, conducted in an outpatient setting in Northern Italy. Data was collected from March 2014 and July 2016 in a cohort of 115 T2DM outpatients, aged from 60 to 91 years (mean = 69.78 \ub1 7.11). Our results showed that men perceived more general wellbeing than women, and more diabetes specific self-efficacy. No differences seemed to be related to self-care. Indeed, the stratification by gender of the bivariate analysis allowed to identify many peculiarities related to wellbeing domains and self-efficacy. This study had a pioneering nuance in Italian assessment of T2DM health determinants, and it could have a number of future implications. Further empirical researches should provide more information to deeply understand the T2DM patients' peculiarities, which could help nurses to improve a personalized care delivery
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