386 research outputs found


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    White clover was sown with tall fescue as tall fescue 25 %+white clover 75 %, tall fescue 50 %+white clover 50 %, tall fescue 75 %+white clover 25 %, 100% tall fescue and white clover. Plots were 2.5 x 5.0 m, arranged in a randomized block design with three replicates. Row distance 25 cm and sowing rates 10 kg ha-1 (white clover) and 20 kg ha-1 (tall fescue) were used. Plots were mowed about 5 cm (stubble height) and then allowed to re-grow to 25-30 cm (plant height). The green fodder yield, dry matter, crude protein, crude cellulose, K/P, Ca/P, Ca/Mg, K/Mg and Ca/K ratios were determined

    Conjugacy for Free Groups under Split Extensions

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    At the present paper we show that conjugacy is preserved and reflected by the natural homomorphism defined from a semigroup S to a group G, where G defines split extensions of some free groups. The main idea in the proofs is based on a geometrical structure as applied in the paper [8]

    Microgrids: Studies on Generalization and Protection

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    Bu çalışmada akıllı ağların en önemli güç katmanı uygulamaları olan dağıtık üretim ve mikro ağlar, uygulama kolaylığı sağlaması amacıyla genelleştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Öncelikle genelleştirilmiş dağıtık üreteç modeli ve kaynakları belirlendikten sonra alçak gerilim yerleşim alanlarında yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının yaygın olarak kullanımına olanak sağlayan bir mikro ağ yapısı ve dağıtım otomasyon mimarisi önerilmiştir. Önerilen felsefe yenilenebilir kaynakların mevcut dağıtım şebekelerine asgari maliyetle entegrasyonunu sağlayacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır. Çalışmadaki amaç yenilenebilir kaynakların yaygın kullanımıyla birlikte ortaya çıkan durumda akıllı ağlarda yenilenebilir kaynakların entegrasyonu konusunda standart bir uygulama prensibi sağlamaktır

    The next step of the word problem over monoids

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    It is known that a group presentation P can be regarded as a 2-complex with a single 0-cell. Thus we can consider a 3-complex with a single 0-cell which is known as a 3-presentation. Similarly, we can also consider 3-presentations for monoids. In this paper, by using spher- ical monoid pictures, we show that there exists a finite 3-monoid-presentation which has unsolvable ‘‘generalized identity problem’’ that can be thought as the next step (or one- dimension higher) of the word problem for monoids. We note that the method used in this paper has chemical and physical applications

    Red Cell Distribution Width and Acute Complications of Diabetes

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    Context. Red cell distribution width (RDW) has been associated with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), however data in relation to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar non-ketotic acidosis (HONK) remains unclear. Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between RDW, MCV, and RDW/MVC values and acute complications in T2DM. Patients and Methods. RDW was measured in 90 T2DM patients (30 DKA, 30 HONK and 30 T2DM without acute complications). Clinical variables were analyzed by One -Way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson analysis with SPSS software. Diagnostic screening tests and ROC curve analysis determined the cut-off point of MCV,RDW and RDW/MCV values. Results. DKA patients had higher levels of plasma glucose (524.20 +/- 201.43mg/dL, p<0.001), HbA1c (10.73 +/- 2.29%, p<0.001), osmotic pressure (310.32 mosm/L, p<0.001), RDW (14.61 +/- 1.75g/L, p<0.01), and the RDW/MCV ratio (0.17 +/- 0.04%, p<0.01), compared to HONK patients. RDW/MCV cut-off value was 0.15 with 90% sensitivity 50% specifity these values for only MCV were 76.67%-70%, for only RDW were 76.67%-63.33% respectively. The area under curve values for the ability to reflect DKA for RDW and the RDW/MCV ratio were 0.708 and 0.766, respectively (p<0.001). Conclusions. RDW and RDW/MCV ratio were found associated with DKA and valuable in predicting DKA. However these parameters were not valuable in predicting HONK

    Metamict zircon and structural characters: Pütürge metamorphite example

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    Mineralogical studies (rock named, zircon separate), geochemical analysis(LA-ICPMS) and cathodoluminescence (CL) image were applied to samples of the Pütürge metamorphites representing different facies such as amphibolites and greenschiste. Pütürge metamorphites are made up of pelite/semi-pelite, psammite, metagranite gneisse, schist, amphibolite, marble and quartzite type rocks. Mineral paragenesis, the transformation of the garnet mineral advancing on the kyanite-almandine-muscovite and staurolite-almandine sub-facies of the amphibolite facies of the massive to chlorite and biotite minerals along with the transformation of the kyanite mineral to muscovite mineral show that the massive has undergone two retrograde metamorphisms on the greenschist facies. The exhumation process of the metamorphites is seen as the cause of the retrograde metamorphism. The cathodoluminescence images of zircon minerals show a zoning that indicates a metamorphic growth where partial radiation damage in the shape of oscillatory zoning and porous structure also occurs pointing out the magmatic root. A zircon type with different textural and chemical components which might be called partially metamictte has developed. The luminescence feature in partially radiated zircon particles rich in radiogenetic minerals is rather high in comparison with other zircon particles. High temperature during the metamorphism of the massive and the ratio of the radiogenetic elements like U and Th in the mineral are effective in the textural and chemical difference between the core and rims of zirconsPütürge metamorfitlerinde mineralojik (kayaç adlandırılması, zirkon ayrımı), jeokimyasal (LA-ICPMS) ve Kathödölüminesans (CL) incelemeleri Pütürge metamorfitlerinin amfibolit ve yeşilşist fasiyesi gibi farklı fasiyesleirn özelliğini yansıtacak örneklerden alınmıştır. Pütürge metamorfitleri, pelit/semi-pelit, pisamit, metagranit, gnays, şist, amfibolit, mermer ve kuvarsitten oluşur. Mineral parajenezleri, masifin amfibolit fasiyesinin disten-almandin-muskovit ve stavrolit-almandin alt fasiyeslerinde ilerleyen, granat mineralinin klorit ve biyotit minerallerine dönüşümleri ve disten mineralinin muskovit mineralinine dönüşümü gibi özelliklerden yeşilşist fasiyesinde gerileyen türden iki metamorfizma geçirmiş olduğunu göstermektedir. Gerileyen metamorfizmaya metamorfitlerin yükselme süreci sebep olarak görülmektedir. Zirkon minerallerinin kathödölüminesans görüntülerinde, magmatik kökeni işaret eden ilksel (oscilatory) zonlanma ve gözenekli yapı şeklinde, kısmen radyasyon hasarının da geliştiği büyüme zonlanması görülür. Dokusal ve kimyasal bileşimleri farklı olan, kısmen metamikt diyebileceğimiz zirkon değişimi gelişmiştir. Radyojenetik kapantı minerallerince zengin metamikt zirkon tanelerinde, luminesans özellik diğer zirkon tanelerine nazaran yüksektir. Zirkonda, çekirdek ve kenar kısımları arasındaki dokusal ve kimyasal farklılığa, masifin metamorfizması sırasındaki yüksek sıcaklık ve U, Th gibi radyojenetik elementlerin mineral içerisindeki oranı etkili olmuştur


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    White clover was sown with tall fescue as tall fescue 25 %+white clover 75 %, tall fescue 50 %+white clover 50 %, tall fescue 75 %+white clover 25 %, 100% tall fescue and white clover. Plots were 2.5 x 5.0 m, arranged in a randomized block design with three replicates. Row distance 25 cm and sowing rates 10 kg ha-1 (white clover) and 20 kg ha-1 (tall fescue) were used. Plots were mowed about 5 cm (stubble height) and then allowed to re-grow to 25-30 cm (plant height). The green fodder yield, dry matter, crude protein, crude cellulose, K/P, Ca/P, Ca/Mg, K/Mg and Ca/K ratios were determined

    Transient conjugated heat transfer in thick walled pipes with uniform heat flux boundary condition

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    Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa, 1-4 July, 2007.Transient conjugated heat transfer in thick walled pipes for thermally developing laminar flow is investigated involving two dimensional wall and axial fluid conduction. The problem is solved numerically by a finite difference method for hydrodynamically developed flow in a two regional pipe, initially isothermal in which the upstream region is insulated and the downstream region is subjected to a suddenly applied uniform heat flux. A parametric study is done to analyze the effects of four defining parameters namely, wall thickness ratio, wall-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratio, wall-to-fluid thermal diffusivity ratio and the Peclet number. The results are given by non-dimensional interfacial heat flux values, and it is observed that, heat transfer characteristics are strongly dependent on the parameter values.cs201