16 research outputs found

    Inovasi Pembelajaran Literasi Untuk Siswa di SDN 1 Mancilan Mojoagung Jombang

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    Elementary school is the first level of formal education for students in pursuing education. Where education in elementary schools has a contribution in building students' knowledge base used at the next level of education, therefore the implementation of learning in elementary schools must run optimally so that the objectives of holding elementary school education can be achieved. Reading skills are a way to get information about something written. Reading and writing skills are skills that a person acquired after they enter school. Therefore, these two types of language skills are the main learning offerings for students in lower elementary schools. These two skills materials are presented in one initial reading and writing package. Reading and writing must be immediately mastered by students in elementary school because these skills are directly related to the entire student learning process at school. In relation to this, the community service team and SDN 1 Mancilan found 13 students from grades 3-6 who experienced difficulties in reading and writing. Based on this, the community service team carried out reading and writing guidance for the 13 students by applying learning media in the form of modules, learning media in the form of spelling circles and standing words using spelling, syllable, and word method approach. To increase students' interest in literacy, the community service team carried out socialization and training on making wall magazine for grade 5 and 6 students using the Learning by Doing or LBD method. &nbsp

    Hubungan antara ukuran tubuh dan bobot badan pada induk sapi perah Friesian Holstein laktasi pertama

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between body size and bodyweight of the first lactating FH dairy cow. The research method used was linear regression analysis with 17 individuals at 27-29 months. The observed variables were body weight (BW), body length (BL), shoulder height (SH), and chest circumference (CC). The results showed that the correlation value between BW and BL was 0.6791 with the correlation regression equation Y = -724.63+7.68X1. SH and BW have a correlation value of 0.4043. CC with BW has a correlation value of 0.6863 with the regression equation Y = -733.455.90X1. The relationship between BL and SH has a correlation value of 0.2048. BL and CC have a correlation value of 0.4832. The conclusion of this study was that BW has a correlation of 67.91% to BL and 68.63% to CC of first lactating dairy cows, but does not have a correlation to SH. The more the BL and CC of the first lactating dairy cow increased, the more the weight of the dairy cow increased. BL does not have a correlation with SH and CC. SH has a 60.08% correlation with CC

    Penerapan Metode K-Means untuk Pengelompokan Data Kapal Barang (Studi Kasus: KSOP Pekanbaru)

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    Transportasi melalui laut sangat dibutuhkan bagi pembangunan nasional karena memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan ekonomi dan sektor transportasi kapal lainnya. Dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan terhadap kapal barangdi bidang transportasi laut, maka diperlukan pengelompokan data untuk meninjau pertumbuhan kapal barang di Riau. K-Means adalah teknik yang umum digunakan untuk mengelompokkan data yang membantu mengklasifikasikan data secara efektif. Algoritma ini tidak terpengaruh oleh deret data dan dimulai dengan penentuan acak dari pusat cluster selama perhitungan. Pada penelitian kapal barang ini bertujuan untuk melakukan klasifikasi data kapal barang di KSOP Pekanbaru, yang memungkinkan KSOP Pekanbaru untuk mengamati perkembangan kapal barang dengan mudah

    Review of artificial neural networks for gasoline, diesel and homogeneous charge compression ignition engine

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    In automotive applications, artificial neural network (ANN) is now considered as a favorable prediction tool. Since it does not need an understanding of the system or its underlying physics, an ANN model can be beneficial especially when the system is too complicated, and it is too costly to model it using a simulation program. Therefore, using ANN to model an internal combustion engine has been a growing research area in the last decade. Despite its promising capabilities, the use of ANN for engine applications needs deeper examination and further improvement. Research in ANN may reach its maturity and be saturated if the same approach is applied repeatedly with the same network type, training algorithm and input–output parameters. This review article critically discusses recent application of ANN in ICE. The discussion does not only include its use in the conventional engine (gasoline and diesel engine), but it also covers the ANN application in advanced combustion technology i.e., homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine. Overall, ANN has been successfully applied and it now becomes an indispensable tool to rapidly predict engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Practical implications and recommendations for future studies are presented at the end of this review