268 research outputs found

    Matters of resilience: mattering relationships and renegotiated masculinity in resilient college males with histories of child sexual abuse

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    Reticence of child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors to disclose abuse is well documented (Alaggia, 2004). One particularly silent group throughout the course of CSA research has been males (Finkelhor, 1983; Hopper, 2010; Watkins & Bentovim, 1992). As a result, much of what is known about males with CSA histories today is limited. Recently, however, researchers qualitatively examined small samples of males with CSA histories to discover processes of recovery salient to males' experiences (Andersen, 2008; Hunter, 2007; Kia-Keating, Grossman, Sorsoli, & Epstein, 2005; Kia-Keating, Sorsoli, & Grossman, 2010). Several themes emerged from these narratives with enough consistency that cross-validation via quantitative investigation in larger samples is indicated in the interest of furthering knowledge in this field of research. Themes included (a) existence of a safe place relationship; (b) rejection of traditional norms of masculinity, adoption of a new notion of masculinity and acceptance of self within that new definition; and (c) reaching out to others in a spirit of altruism. This study sought to investigate the extent to which these variables were evidenced in a sample of college men reporting CSA. Fifty-five college-enrolled males with histories of child sexual abuse were surveyed to determine to what extent these variables impact the development of resilience. The Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire--Revised (SLESQ-R) was used to determine presence of CSA experiences. The Resilience Scale (RS) was used to measure the dependent variable. Independent variables were measured using Mattering to Others Questionnaire (MTOQ), Male Role Attitudes Scale (MRAS) and the Hoffman Gender Scale (HGS). Results indicated that mattering and altruism bore no significant relation to the development of resilience. Gender self-acceptance (HGS subscale), however, was found to predict significantly the development of resilience. Neither respondent demographic descriptors, nor the variety of criterion upon which inclusion in the study was based, was found to be significantly related to resilience

    Effects of Tier 1 enhancement training on teachers' percentage of correctly implemented instructional units

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    Early intervention models such as Response to Intervention have shown promise in reducing risk of academic failure (Bursuck et al., 2005; Foorman, Fletcher, Francis, & Schatschneider, 1998). General education teachers assume primary responsibility for instruction in RTI; however, many report lack of preparation for this role due to lack of high quality, sustained professional development (Schumaker et al., 2002). Professional development models that include a combination of inservice and coaching have demonstrated effectiveness in promoting sustained changes in teachers’ instruction (Yoon et al., 2008). This study examined the effects of inservice plus coaching on 1st grade teachers’ accurate delivery of instructional units in CM. The extent to which changes in instruction generalized to an untrained math session was also examined. Teachers were trained to use a combination of whole-class instruction strategies, including model-lead-test for introducing new concepts and correcting errors, choral responding, and response cards. Results indicated that all teachers improved their delivery of instruction after the inservice, with a second level of growth achieved after coaching. Results indicated some generalization to an untrained math session as well. Teachers also reported high levels of satisfaction using the strategies, as well as high levels of acceptability with the training model

    Assessing the effects of socio-demographic, social-psychological, socio-cultural, organizational, and community factors on the propensity of employees to utilize employee assistance programs (EAPs)

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    This study investigated, based on a proposed utilization model, the relationship of the following five domains on employees’ self-reported propensity to utilize employee assistance programs (EAPs): (a) socio-demographic, (b) social-psychological, (c) socio-cultural, (d) organizational, and (e) community. Propensity was divided into four areas: (a) propensity to self-refer, (b) propensity to act upon supervisor referral, (c) propensity to act upon peer/co-worker referral, and (d) overall propensity to utilize EAP services. Data relevant to the domains were gathered from a large industrial company and a small service company using a questionnaire and were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. Results indicated that a majority of employees had a high propensity to utilize EAP services. The greatest propensity was found in acting upon supervisor referral

    Physiological response of female sport divers to exercise during treadmill and underwater workbouts

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate certified female sport divers on selected physiological variables obtained during underwater and treadmill workbouts. The primary research question sought to determine the oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate measures of the subjects during an exercise bout while submerged on self-contained water breathing apparatus (scuba). An additional question asked whether the heart rate values obtained during the underwater exercise bout significantly differed from heart rate values obtained during a comparable workbout on the treadmill

    Nonpublic schools revisited : a comparative study of nonpublic education in North Carolina from 1975 until 1985

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    This study is designed to determine the changes that have occurred in nonpublic education in North Carolina since the time of an earlier study conducted by Lewis Franklin in 1975. Pertinent information was secured by tracing the development of nonpublic education in America and specifically in North Carolina, examining federal court decisions regarding desegregation and busing, examining North Carolina statutes pertaining to nonpublic education, and conducting a survey of nonpublic schools in North Carolina. A questionnaire similar to the one used by Franklin was prepared to address the following topics: the origin of nonpublic schools, organizational structure, school facilities, outside relations to local and state officials, and transportation. This questionnaire was mailed to 419 nonpublic schools, of which 331—nearly 79 percent—responded

    The service for the Lord's day

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    It is a paradox that dance and worship have been so infrequently linked in Protestant tradition, because at one time they were fused in one vital entity. To the choreographer, the relationship still has inherent meaning, and "The Service for the Lord's Day" was an expression of that feeling. Dancing is a natural human activity and instinctively can be a form of worship, as is evident in many cultures. However, the European Christians, forefathers of American Anglo-Saxon Protestants, attempted to discard dance over the centuries. That process impoverished worship, and today some Christians are interested in renewing the use of religious dance. According to Myron Nadel, religion and dance possess five characteristics in common which may facilitate the use of dance in worship. These characteristics are self-discipline, awareness of human imperfection, appreciation of beauty, use of rituals, and regular group activity. Dance in worship offers dancers the opportunity to give of themselves and to learn about themselves and their faith. The viewing congregation may identify with what is being expressed through seeing and hearing, and through a kinesthetic response. With a renewed understanding of dance's value in expression, communication, and human development, religious organizations today have begun to view the dance in a new, deeply spiritual way

    Preliminary Evidence For Two Independent Learning Mechanisms Via Electrodermal Responses To Visual Stimuli

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    There is debate among learning theorists regarding the mechanisms underlying human associative learning. Some researchers argue a single-process drives human associative learning, a propositional model guided by higher-order reasoning. Other researchers argue for a dual-process model, in which two independent processes drive human associative learning, one propositional and sensitive to stimulus prediction, the other automatic and sensitive to stimulus pairing. The current study intended to collect evidence supporting either the single-process model or dual-process model. We tested if the single-process model made either correct or incorrect predictions in the Perruchet paradigm. The Perruchet paradigm induces a state of uncertainty regarding stimulus prediction, dissociating participants’ expectancy of an unconditioned stimulus (US) and physiological/ behavioral response to a conditioned stimulus (CS), which results in unexplainable predictions in the context of the single-process model. The adapted Perruchet paradigm for the current study predicted an opposite linear pattern between expectancy of the US and skin conductance response (SCR) to the CS as a function of sequential stimulus pairing. The results generally supported this hypothesis, expanding the Perruchet effect to a visual stimulus paradigm and to a phasic SCR analytic procedure previously unexamined in this experimental context

    Defects in death-inducing signalling complex formation prevent JNK activation and Fas-mediated apoptosis in DU 145 prostate carcinoma cells

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    Androgen-independent prostate carcinomas are resistant to chemotherapy and cell lines derived from androgen-independent prostate carcinomas such as DU 145 cells are highly resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis. The incubation of DU 145 cells with anti-Fas IgM agonistic antibody of Fas receptor fails to activate JNK, a stress kinase involved in regulating apoptosis. We have previously shown that JNK activation is sufficient and necessary to promote Fas-mediated apoptosis in DU 145 cells. We investigate the mechanisms by which JNK activation and apoptosis are abrogated. HSP27 is overexpressed in DU 145 cells and has previously been reported to sequester DAXX and prevent JNK activation in cells treated with anti-Fas IgM. However, we find no evidence that HSP27 interacts with DAXX in DU 145 cells. Instead, we find that FADD does not interact with caspase-8 and this results in defective death-inducing signalling complex formation following Fas receptor activation
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