53 research outputs found

    Evaluation of activated high volume fly ash systems using Na2SO4, lime and quicklime in mortars with high loss on ignition fly ashes

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    In general, concretes made with blended Portland cement containing high volumes of fly ash provide an alternative to conventional Portland cement concrete to enable carbon footprint reduction. This study evaluates the chemical activation of four fly ashes in blends with Portland cement, by assessing their effects on hydration and compressive strength. In this study, a sieving process is used to regulate the fly ash composition, which has an effect in the chemistry and reaction of the mix. The results show the importance of the amorphous content of the fly ash with respect to achieving a high compressive strength. The effect of sodium sulfate, added as an activator, is significant in terms of compressive strength at early age for two of the fly ashes studied; in this case, the parameter used to correlate with the compressive strength evolution is the amount of portlandite consumed through pozzolanic reactions. However, sodium sulfate does not have the same effect on fly ashes with a high amount of Fe2O3, in which portlandite consumption is much lower

    Fracture properties of GGBFS-blended fly ash geopolymer concrete cured in ambient temperature

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    Fracture characteristics are important part of concrete design against brittle failure. Recently, fly ash geopolymer binder is gaining significant interest as a greener alternative to traditional ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Hence it is important to understand the failure behaviour of fly ash based geopolymers for safe design of structures built with such materials. This paper presents the fracture properties of ambient-cured geopolymer concrete (GPC). Notched beam specimens of GPC mixtures based mainly on fly ash and a small percentage of ground granulated blast furnace slag were subjected to three-point bending test to evaluate fracture behaviour. The effect of mixture proportions on the fracture properties were compared with control as well as OPC concrete. The results show that fracture properties are influenced by the mixture compositions. Presence of additional water affected fracture properties adversely. Fracture energy is generally governed by tensile strength which correlates with compressive strength. Critical stress intensity factor varies with the variation of flexural strength. Geopolymer concrete specimens showed similar load–deflection behaviour as OPC concrete specimens. The ambient cured GPC showed relatively more ductility than the previously reported heat cured GPC, which is comparable to the OPC specimens. Fly ash based GPC achieved relatively higher fracture energy and similar values of KIC as compared to those of OPC concrete of similar compressive strength. Thus, fly ash based GPC designed for curing in ambient condition can achieve fracture properties comparable to those of normal OPC concrete

    Flexural strength and elastic modulus of ambient-cured blended low-calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete

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    Fly ash geopolymer is an emerging alternative binder with low environmental impact and potential to enhance sustainability of concrete construction. Most previous works examined the properties of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete (GPC) subjected to curing at elevated temperature. To extend the use of GPC in cast-in-situ applications, this paper investigated the properties of blended low-calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete cured in ambient condition. Geopolymer concretes were produced using low-calcium fly ash with a small percentage of additive such as ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS), ordinary Portland cement (OPC) or hydrated lime to enhance early age properties. Samples were cured in room environment (18–23 °C and 70 ± 10% relative humidity) until tested. The results show that, density of hardened GPC mixtures is similar to that of normal-weight OPC concrete. Inclusion of additives enhanced the mechanical strengths significantly as compared to control concrete. For similar compressive strength, flexural strength of ambient cured GPC was higher than that of OPC concrete. Modulus of elasticity of ambient cured GPC tend to be lower than that of OPC concrete of similar grade. Prediction of elastic modulus by Standards and empirical equations for OPC concrete were found not conservative for GPC. Thus, an equation for conservative prediction of elastic modulus of GPC is proposed