28 research outputs found
Perencanaan Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Di Pelabuhan Majene Dengan Menerapkan Konsep Biophilic Design
The development of the fishing industry in Majene Regency, such as the increasing number of fishermen, the increasing number of Rumah Tangga Perikanan (RTP) catch, and the increase in fishery production are not proportional to the condition of the existing port facilities. The facilities at Majene Port are not utilized due to the damaged condition of the facilities and the poor arrangement of the area. This study aims to plan and design a Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) in Majene Port by applying the concept of Biophilic Design. The research method used is primary data collection by means of field surveys/observations and interviews, secondary data collection is carried out by collecting data on literature studies, journals or scientific works related to titles, books, reading materials related to titles, and other literature. Rxploratory data collection in the form of the results of primary data analysis and secondary data. The planning of the Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) at Majene Port is expected to empower fishermen and fishmonger, from providing more adequate fish landing base facilities and good area arrangement by using the biophilic concept to remove the community's bad perspective about the unpleasant odor at the fish landing base.Perkembangan industri perikanan di Kabupaten Majene seperti meningkatnya jumlah nelayan, meningkatnya jumlah Rumah Tangga Perikanan (RTP) tangkap, serta meningkatnya produksi perikanan tidak sebanding dengan kondisi fasilitas pelabuhan yang ada. Fasilitas pada Pelabuhan Majene tidak dimanfaatkan karena kondisi fasilitas yang rusak dan penataan kawasan yang buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan dan merancang Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) di Pelabuhan Majene dengan menerapkan konsep Biophilic Design. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data primer dengan cara survei lapangan/observasi dan wawancara, pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data studi literatur, jurnal atau karya ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan judul, buku, bahan bacaan yang berkaitan dengan judul, dan literatur lainnya. Pengumpulan data eksplorasi berupa hasil analisis data primer dan data sekunder. Perencanaan Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) di Pelabuhan Majene ini diharapkan lebih memberdayakan nelayan dan penjual ikan, dari penyediaan fasilitas pangkalan pendaratan ikan yang lebih memadai dan penataan kawasan yang baik dengan penggunaan konsep Biophilic untuk menghapus perspektif buruk masyarakat tentang bau yang kurang sedap pada pangkalan pendaratan ikan
Tabaqat al-Syafi'iyah al-Kubra
Kitab ini membahas tentang biografi ulama, di mana kitab ini khususnya mengumpulkan dan menguraikan biografi para Ulama ahli Fikih bermadzhab Syafi'i. Disusun berdasarkan thabaqat mereka, dari thabaqat awal sampai thabaqat ke dua, setelah itu diuraikan Nama mereka, Nasabnya, Riwayat hidup, Derajatnya di antara para ulama lainnya, dan sebagainya
Process development for cell aggregate arrays encapsulated in a synthetic hydrogel using negative dielectrophoresis.
Spatial patterning of cells is of great importance in tissue engineering and biotechnology, enabling, for example the creation of bottom-up histoarchitectures of heterogeneous cells, or cell aggregates for in vitro high-throughput toxicological and therapeutic studies within 3D microenvironments. In this paper, a single-step process for creating peelable and resilient hydrogels, encapsulating arrays of biological cell aggregates formed by negative DEP has been devised. The dielectrophoretic trapping within low-energy regions of the DEP-dot array reduces cell exposure to high field stresses while creating distinguishable, evenly spaced arrays of aggregates. In addition to using an optimal combination of PEG diacrylate pre-polymer solution concentration and a novel UV exposure mechanism, total processing time was reduced. With a continuous phase medium of PEG diacrylate at 15% v/v concentration, effective dielectrophoretic cell patterned arrays and photo-polymerisation of the mixture was achieved within a 4 min period. This unique single-step process was achieved using a 30 s UV exposure time frame within a dedicated, wide exposure area DEP light box system. To demonstrate the developed process, aggregates of yeast, human leukemic (K562) and HeLa cells were immobilised in an array format within the hydrogel. Relative cell viability for both cells within the hydrogels, after maintaining them in appropriate iso-osmotic media, over a week period was greater than 90%
Process development for cell aggregate arrays encapsulated in a synthetic hydrogel using negative dielectrophoresis.
Spatial patterning of cells is of great importance in tissue engineering and biotechnology, enabling, for example the creation of bottom-up histoarchitectures of heterogeneous cells, or cell aggregates for in vitro high-throughput toxicological and therapeutic studies within 3D microenvironments. In this paper, a single-step process for creating peelable and resilient hydrogels, encapsulating arrays of biological cell aggregates formed by negative DEP has been devised. The dielectrophoretic trapping within low-energy regions of the DEP-dot array reduces cell exposure to high field stresses while creating distinguishable, evenly spaced arrays of aggregates. In addition to using an optimal combination of PEG diacrylate pre-polymer solution concentration and a novel UV exposure mechanism, total processing time was reduced. With a continuous phase medium of PEG diacrylate at 15% v/v concentration, effective dielectrophoretic cell patterned arrays and photo-polymerisation of the mixture was achieved within a 4 min period. This unique single-step process was achieved using a 30 s UV exposure time frame within a dedicated, wide exposure area DEP light box system. To demonstrate the developed process, aggregates of yeast, human leukemic (K562) and HeLa cells were immobilised in an array format within the hydrogel. Relative cell viability for both cells within the hydrogels, after maintaining them in appropriate iso-osmotic media, over a week period was greater than 90%