8 research outputs found

    Prehrana kokoši obogaćena sušenom ili svježe ubranom biljkom Talinum triangulare: učinak na proizvodnju i lipidni profil jaja

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    This study investigated the comparative effects of administration of dried and fresh Talinum triangulare (Tt) plant supplements on the egg production and egg quality of laying hens. Two hundred and ten pullets, purchased at the age of 18 weeks, were randomly assigned to seven study groups: A1 , A2 , A3 ; B1 , B2 , B3 ; and C. Aqueous extracts derived from a dried sample of Tt were administered at 62.5, 250, and 1000 mg/L doses for treatment of Group A (A1, A2, and A3 ); or from freshly harvested samples of Tt at 62.5, 250, and 1000 mg/L dose for treatment of Group B (B1 , B2 , and B3 ). Hens in Group C (CC) served as an un-supplemented experimental control group. Laying rate and egg lipid profile were determined at two-month intervals following standard procedures. Supplementation with Tt significantly enhanced egg production, with extended higher laying rates in groups A and B. A significant (P<0.05) reduction in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) concentration and an increase in the high density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration of eggs were observed in the supplemented groups (A and B). Dietary supplementation with dried samples of Tt at doses of 250 and 1000 mg/L increased the number of eggs laid, and resulted in the production of eggs with lower LDL and higher HDL cholesterol. Further research is needed to elucidate the exact mechanisms behind the hypolipidemic principle and egg production enhancement.U ovom su radu istraženi komparativni učinci dodatka prehrani sušene i svježe biljke Talinum triangulare (Tt) na proizvodnju i kvalitetu jaja kokoši nesilica. Ukupno je 210 kokoši u dobi od 18 tjedana nasumično podijeljeno u sedam pokusnih skupina: A1 , A2 , A3 , B1 , B2 , B3 te C. Vodeni ekstrakti dobiveni od sušene biljke Talinum triangulare primijenjeni su u dozama od 62,5, 250 i 1000 mg/L u skupini A (A1 , A2 , and A3 ), dok su ekstrakti dobiveni od svježe ubrane biljke Tt u istim dozama primijenjeni u skupini B (B1 , B2 , i B3 ). Kokoši u skupini C (CC) poslužile su kao kontrolna skupina i nisu dobile dodatak prehrani. Stopa nesivosti i lipidni profil jaja određeni su u dvomjesečnim intervalima prema standardnim postupcima. Dodatak ekstrakta Tt prehrani kokoši znakovito je povećao proizvodnju jaja uz povećanu stopu nesenja u skupinama A i B. Osim toga znakovito je smanjena (P<0,05) koncentracija lipoproteina niske gustoće (LDL), a povećana koncentracija lipoproteina visoke gustoće (HDL) u skupinama koje su dobivale dodatak prehrani (A i B). Prehrana s dodatkom ektrakta dobivenog od sušene biljke Tt u dozama od 250 i 1000 mg/L povećala je broj snesenih jaja i rezultirala proizvodnjom jaja s nižim LDL-om i višim HDL-om. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se razjasnili točni mehanizmi koji se nalaze u podlozi ovog hipolipidemijskog principa i povećanja proizvodnje jaja

    Učinci vodenih ekstrakata sušenog praška ili svježeg oblika Talinum triangulare na hematološke i biokemijske pokazatelje u seruma nesilica

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    The study investigated the effect of graded doses of aqueous extract of Talinum triangulare on the haematology and serum biochemistry of laying hens. Two hundred and ten pullets, procured at 18 weeks of age, were used for the study. They were randomly assigned to seven study groups (LAT1, LAT2, LAT3, LBT1, LBT2, LBT3, and LC). Each study group was replicated thrice and each replicate housed ten pullets. Extracts obtained from a dried pulverized form of T. triangulare were given at 62.5, 250, and 1000 mg/L doses in their drinking water for treatment groups LAT1, LAT2 and LAT3, respectively, while extracts obtained from freshly harvested Talinum triangulare were administered at 62.5, 250, and 1000 mg/L doses to groups LBT1, LBT2, and LBT3, also in their drinking water. Pullets in the LC group served as the untreated control and received no extract. Haematology and serum biochemistry were determined at two-month intervals within the 8 month period of administration of the extracts, following standard procedures. The results showed that there were no significant (P>0.05) variations amongst all the study groups in their packed cell volume, red blood cell counts, haemoglobin concentration, total leukocyte counts, serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransterase activities, and total proteins. The serum high density lipoprotein concentration was higher and serum low density lipoprotein concentration was lower significantly (P0,05) u hematokritu, broju eritrocita, koncentraciji hemoglobina, ukupnim broju leukocita, aktivnostima serumske alanin-aminotransferaze i aspartat-aminotransteraze te u ukupnim proteinima. Tijekom eksperimenta, posebice u 4. i 8. mjesecu, u skupini LAT3 u odnosu na ostale skupine koncentracija lipoproteina visoke gustoće u serumu bila je viša, a koncentracija lipoproteina niske gustoće u serumu niža (P<0,05). Zaključeno je da davanje T. triangulare nije imalo štetan utjecaj na zdravlje i proizvodni status nesilica, dok je pozitivan učinak utvrđen za njihov profil masnoća u serumu. Zbog svojih antilipemijskih svojstava osušeni prašak Talinum triangulare preporučuje se kao fitobiotički dodatak za zdrav proizvodni život kokoši nesilica, u dozi od 1000 mg/L

    Immunologic and haematologic effects of methanolic stem bark extract of Azadihiracta indica on chickens experimentally infected with velogenic newcastle disease virus (Kudu 113) strain

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    The study was aimed at evaluating the weight, haematologic and immunologic effects of crude methanolic stem bark extract of Azadihiracta indica stem bark on vaccinated chickens experimentally challenged with the velogenic Newcastle disease virus. One hundred day old cockerels were randomly divided into four equal groups (I, II, III and IV). Birds in all groups were vaccinated with La Sota strain of Newcastle disease vaccine. The birds were challenged with the velogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus (VNDV) at 42 days of age. Following challenge, groups I, II and III were given oral treatment of methanolic stem bark extract of Azadihiracta indica at 200mg/kg, 400mg/kg and 600mg/kg, respectively until day 56 of age, while group IV was not given the treatment. Thereafter, birds in all the groups were assessed for onset of clinical signs, changes in live body weight, humoral immune responses and haematologic changes. The birds in groups I, II and III showed no sign of Newcastle disease while birds in group IV exhibited mild depression and huddling. The mean body weight of the vaccinated-treated groups were significantly (p&lt;0.05) higher than that of the vaccinated-untreated group on day 56 of age. On days 63 and 70 of age, the mean body weight of group III was significantly higher than groups I and II. The mean haemagglutination inhibition titres of group III was significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) than groups I, II and IV. The mean PCV, Hb and RBC values of the vaccinated-treated group was significantly (p&gt;0.05) higher than the vaccinated-untreated group on day 49 of age. The WBC count of groups I and II were significantly higher (p&gt;0.05) than groups III and IV on days 49 and 56 of age. The mean absolute heterophil counts of vaccinated-treated groups was significantly (p&gt;0.05) higher than the vaccinated-untreated group on days 56 and 63 of age. The mean absolute lymphocyte counts of the vaccinated-treated increased significantly (p&gt;0.05) than that of vaccinated-untreated birds days 49 of age till the end of the experiment.Keywords: Azadihiracta indica, Stem bark extract, Chickens, Newcastle disease, Immune response, Haematological change

    Growth rate, haematology and serum biochemistry of broilers fed diets supplemented with choline chloride

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    The study evaluated the effect of choline chloride (CC) supplementation on growth rate, haematology and serum biochemistry of broilers. 120-day-old broiler chicks were randomly divided into four groups of 30 birds each and these were further sub-divided into 3 replicates of 10 birds each. Group A served as the control while the diets of groups B, C and D were supplemented with 0.5 g/kg, 0.75 g/kg and 1 g/kg of CC respectively. 6weeks post-supplementation, haematology, serum biochemistry, total weight gain, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics were determined. Group C (0.75 g/kg choline) had a significantly (p0.05) in the mean values of AST, ALT, total protein and creatinine across all groups. However, the ALP and cholesterol values of group D (4.42 U/L and 1.68 mg/dl respectively) were significantly (p0.05) in the relative weights of other organs of all four groups. The values of the breast weight/width, drumstick length/width, wing length and carcass length did not vary significantly across the supplemented-groups, but the breast-length, thigh weight/length/width, drumstick-weight, wing weight/width and carcass-weight of the control group were significantly higher than the supplemented-groups. Choline chloride supplementation at 0.75 g/kg may have contributed to improved feed efficiency but not with a corresponding excellent carcass yield

    Indiscriminate slaughter of pregnant goats for meat in Enugu, Nigeria: Causes, prevalence, implications and ways-out.

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    BackgroundThe indiscriminate slaughter of pregnant goats (SPGs) undermines meat production and food security especially in developing countries. It also connotes animal cruelty, depletion of goat population and may enhance the spread of zoonotic pathogens inhabiting the female reproductive tract during carcass processing. Consequently, this study determined the causes and prevalence of slaughtering pregnant goats for meat in Enugu, Nigeria. The study also estimated the economic losses associated with SPGs, discussed the negative public health consequences and suggested the ways-out.MethodsStructured, validated and pilot-tested questionnaire was used to ascertain the reasons for SPGs for meat among 78 willing and randomly selected respondents. The questionnaire survey was conducted in the form of interview. Pregnancy statuses of the goats slaughtered were ascertained by visual inspection and palpation of the eviscerated and longitudinally incised uteri and the horns for macroscopic evidence of pregnancy. Ages of the dams were estimated by dentition method. Estimation of the gestational age was performed by crown-rump length method. The study lasted for six months, comprised of three months (December to March) during the dry/hot season and another three months (May to August) during the wet/rainy season. Economic loss estimation was based on the current monetary values of a matured (30 kilogram) goat and one kilogram of chevon in Enugu, Nigeria; which was determined through market survey. Pearson's Chi-square test was used to determine whether there were significant (PResultsMajor reasons adduced for SPGs were: economic hardship (41%), ignorance of the goat's pregnancy status (21%), increased demand for chevon (13%) and feed scarcity during drought (11%). Of the 1,658 does examined during the six months study, 589 (35.5%) were pregnant. The majority (876/1658, 52.8%) of the female goats slaughtered were in their active reproductive age of ≤ 4 years, while 782 (47.2%) were aged > 4 years. Similarly, majority (1007/1658, 60.7%) of the does/nannies were slaughtered during the dry/hot season. A total of 907 foetuses at first (n = 332, 36.6%), second (n = 486, 53.6%) and third (n = 89, 9.8%) trimesters of gestation were recovered from the 589 PGs. Singleton, twin and triplet pregnancies were observed in 312 (53%), 236 (40%) and 41 (7%) PGs, respectively. About ₦34.44 million (83,390)wouldhavebeenearnedifthefoetuseswerebornaliveandraisedtomaturity.Additionally,19,136kgofchevon,valuedat47,841,000(83,390) would have been earned if the foetuses were born alive and raised to maturity. Additionally, 19,136 kg of chevon, valued at ₦47,841, 000 (115,838), which would have accrued from the wasted foetuses was also lost.ConclusionConsidering the economic, zoonotic and livestock production implications of this work, frantic efforts to reduce SPGs in Enugu, Nigeria is imperative. This could be achieved through advocacy, goat farmers' enlightenment, ante-mortem pregnancy diagnosis, provision of subsidized feed materials during the dry season and strict enforcement of the Nigerian Meat Edict law, which proscribes unapproved slaughter of gravid animals. These measures may improve food safety and security, improve goat reproduction and production, reduce protein malnutrition, limit dissemination of zoonotic pathogens during carcass processing and hence protect public health in Nigeria