35 research outputs found
Ontology and the mathematization of the scientific enterprise
In this basically expository paper we discuss the role of logic and mathematics
in researches concerning the ontology of scientific theories, and we
consider the particular case of quantum mechanics. We argue that systems
of logic in general, and classical logic in particular, may contribute
substantially with the ontology of any theory that has this logic in its
base. In the case of quantum mechanics, however, from the point of view
of philosophical discussions concerning identity and individuality, those
contributions may not be welcome for a specific interpretation, and an
alternative system of logic perhaps could be used instead of a classical
system. In this sense, we argue that the logic and ontology of a scientific
theory may be seen as mutually influencing each other. On the one hand,
logic contributes to shape the general features of the ontology of a theory;
on the other hand, the theory also puts constraints on the possible
understanding of ontology and, respectively, on possible systems of logic
that may be the underlying logic of the theory
Ontology and the mathematization of the scientific enterprise
In this basically expository paper we discuss the role of logic and mathematics
in researches concerning the ontology of scientific theories, and we
consider the particular case of quantum mechanics. We argue that systems
of logic in general, and classical logic in particular, may contribute
substantially with the ontology of any theory that has this logic in its
base. In the case of quantum mechanics, however, from the point of view
of philosophical discussions concerning identity and individuality, those
contributions may not be welcome for a specific interpretation, and an
alternative system of logic perhaps could be used instead of a classical
system. In this sense, we argue that the logic and ontology of a scientific
theory may be seen as mutually influencing each other. On the one hand,
logic contributes to shape the general features of the ontology of a theory;
on the other hand, the theory also puts constraints on the possible
understanding of ontology and, respectively, on possible systems of logic
that may be the underlying logic of the theory
Desenvolvimento do sistema de monitoramento da pesca artesanal da RH-Paraguai - SIMPA.
O Sistema de Monitoramento da Pesca Artesanal da RH-Paraguai-SIMPA foi criado para armazenar, gerenciar e disponibilizar os dados do monitoramento da pesca de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul no âmbito do 'Estudo da produção da pesca profissional artesanal na Bacia do Alto Paraguai em 2018'. Foi desenvolvido pelo NTI-Embrapa Pantanal em linguagem de programação PHP para o gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL, para uso em uma plataforma Web, ambos softwares livres. Foi monitorado um total de 876 pescadores, sendo 491 no MT e 385 no MS na temporada de pesca de 2018. Nesse período, foram monitoradas 8.774 pescarias realizadas pelos pescadores de MT e 12.980 pelos pescadores de MS. O número mensal de pescarias registradas ao longo do ano variou de 505 a 1.383 no MT e de 1.178 a 1.834 em MS. O SIMPA revelou-se uma ferramenta amigável, segura e eficiente, atendendo plenamente aos objetivos propostos
Caracterização estrutural e funcional da subfamília gênica ARR-tipo B em macieira
A produtividade de pomares de macieira está estritamente relacionada ao processo de superação da dormência, o qual se caracteriza pela inabilidade do crescimento meristemático mesmo sob condições favoráveis. Embora eventos fisiológicos deste processo tenham sido elucidados, aspectos moleculares ainda são pouco compreendidos. A busca por elementos cis de regulação em genes DAM (Dormancy Associated MADS-box) de macieira revelou a presença de sítios de ligação a fatores de transcrição denominados Arabidopsis Response Regulators (ARR)?tipo B. Estes fatores fazem parte da via de sinalização de citocininas e seu papel na dormência ainda não foi elucidado. Pelo presente trabalho, temos por objetivo compreender a estrutura e a função dos elementos cis e trans associados aos fatores ARR-tipo B de macieira e avaliar se os mesmos podem estar atuando como possíveis repressores do estado dormente da planta.(Embrapa Uva e Vinho. Documentos, 99
Efficient assembly of full-length infectious clone of Brazilian IBDV isolate by homologous recombination in yeast.
The Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) causes immunosuppression in young chickens. Advances in molecular virology and vaccines for IBDV have been achieved by viral reverse genetics (VRG). VRG for IBDV has undergone changes over time, however all strategies used to generate particles of IBDV involves multiple rounds of amplification and need of in vitro ligation and restriction sites. The aim of this research was to build the world?s first VRG for IBDV by yeast-based homologous recombination; a more efficient, robust and simple process than cloning by in vitro ligation. The wild type IBDV (Wt-IBDV-Br) was isolated in Brazil and had its genome cloned in pJG-CMV-HDR vector by yeast-based homologous recombination. The clones were transfected into chicken embryo fibroblasts and the recovered virus (IC-IBDV-Br) showed genetic stability and similar phenotype to Wt-IBDV-Br, which were observed by nucleotide sequence, focus size/morphology and replication kinetics, respectively. Thus, IBDV reverse genetics by yeast-based homologous recombination provides tools to IBDV understanding and vaccines/viral vectors development
Genetic and molecular characterization of bud dormancy in apple: deciphering candidate gene roles in dormancy regulation.
Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that enables plants to survive unfavorable climatic conditions, for example during winter, and allows flowering to occur only when the conditions are more permissive, typically in spring