9 research outputs found

    Limitações Da Participação E Gestão “democrática” Na Rede Estadual Paulista

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    The recent claims of the students from São Paulo highlight the issue of democratic management. Students Associations, School Councils, and Parent-Teacher Associations have proven institutions, although rudimentary in practice, fundamental to carry out a democratic life in schools. This paper considers two features: do an investigation of the legal and political field of school democratic management since the first democratic opening signals to the neoliberal advance. Then, the inquire points up the proposals of management by educational policies in the State of São Paulo from the first “reorganization” at 1995, which could be identified as a “shocks” of business management with administrative, financial and pedagogical aspects, that interfere and devalue the democratic management in State schools. © 2016, Centro de Estudos Educacao e Sociedade - CEDES. All rights reserved.371371143115

    Factors associated with adherence to immunomodulator treatment in people with multiple sclerosis

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    Abstract To determine the association between factors and adherence to immunomodulator treatment in people with multiple sclerosis treated in reference centers. Cross-sectional study conducted with 188 people who used immunomodulators in three reference centers in Ceará from March to July 2012. Adherence was assessed using the Moriskscale and factors were assessed using a questionnaire addressing socioeconomic and personal characteristics, the disease, the use of immunomodulator and educational activities. The determination of the association was expressed in crude and adjusted odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Adherence rate was 46% and after the logistic regression model the adherence to immunomodulator treatment was positively associated with the following factors: age 18-38 years, time of diagnosis and treatment between 6 and 24 months, 0-3.5 score in the Expanded Disability Status Scale, perception of treatment benefits, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, phone contact with the doctor and not missing the return visit. This study is important because it allowed to determine the association between factors and adherence to immunomodulator treatment in multiple sclerosis, contributing to prevention and control actions

    Da universalização do ensino fundamental ao desafio da qualidade: uma análise histórica From the universalization of teaching to the challenge of quality: a historical analysis

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    Partindo de uma análise de dados referentes à matrícula no ensino fundamental e médio, o artigo argúi que a universalização do ensino fundamental, processo ainda não inteiramente concluído, representa mudança de qualidade na dinâmica das contradições educacionais no Brasil. Se, de um lado, é processo de amplo sentido democratizador, por meio do qual parcelas da população historicamente alijadas progridam no interior do sistema de ensino, por outro, faz com que os processos de diferenciação social e de exclusão mudem de qualidade e de lugar. Emerge daí a crescente importância do debate acerca da qualidade de ensino como componente do direito à educação.<br>This paper analyzes data on school enrollment in the fundamental and medium education in Brazil. It argues that the universalization of fundamental education, which is not yet concluded, represents a quality change in the dynamics of the educational contradictions in Brazil. Although it is a democratization process, through which social historically excluded groups can progress within the educational system, it changes the place and quality of social differentiation and exclusion. A debate on educational quality as a component of the right to education is thus more and more important