432 research outputs found

    Allergome microarray for detection of total repertoire af allergen-specific IgE in human serum

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    Allergy, or type 1 hypersensitivity, is defined as a malfunction of immune system where a person’s body is hypersensitized to react immunologically to non-immunogenic substances. These substances are usually innocuous environmental antigens such as pollen, house dust mites, animal epithelia, moulds, etc and collectively are known as allergens. Type I hypersensitivity is characterised by excessive activation of mast cells by IgE resulting in a systemic inflammatory response. Therefore, elevated levels of allergen specific IgEs in the serum is the key in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. The worldwide prevalence of allergy is dramatically increasing and it is of particular concern in industrialized countries. Fifty million Americans suffer from allergic diseases including asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, dermatitis and food allergy and in the UK it affects one in four people at some point in their lives. Therefore, there is an increasing need for a sensitive in vitro test capable of rapidly and accurately quantify allergen-specific IgE from patient sera. The aim of this project is to assess the potential of high throughput technology for simultaneous in vitro measurement of allergen-specific IgEs to a variety of well-known environmental and food allergens and the development of a novel diagnostic biochip for clinical use. For this purpose, a protein microarray platform based on non purified allergens has been developed, evaluated, and validated to generate proof-of- principle and to demonstrate the specificity and sensitivity of the array design. The protein microarray method developed for detection of specific IgE antibodies in human sera consist of four defined steps: 1. Printing: microspots containing total allergen extract and, antibodies are covalently immobilized onto activated glass microscope slides by means of high speed robotics. Minute volumes reagents are arrayed in 7 X 7 matrices, each spot diameter being 400 pm. 2. Processing: slides are initially developed with small volumes (100 pl_) of serum samples. A seguential series of reagents are applied to the slide including detecting antibody and amplification reagents conjugated to a fluourophore. The total assay time required is less than 3 hours. 3. Scanning slides are processed by means of a high sensitivity fluorescence-detecting scanner that is able to gather the fluorescence signal emitted by each array component. 4. Quantification and analysis: computational analysis of the image data. The studies carried out to validate the assay have shown that by using the tyramide amplification system it is possible to achieve an excellent degree of analytical sensitivity and analytical specificity. In addition, no cross-reactivity to other immunoglobulins at normal serum levels was detected. Reproducibility and repeatability are also within the standard requirements for this kind of immunoassay. Short-term stability studies have been performed to assess the stability of the assay over-time and the results are satisfactory over 90 days. Finally, the clinical validation of the microarray assay showed that the data generated with this system is substantially better than the reference method in terms of sensitivity, correlation between class score and fluorescent signal. The microarray technology has several advantages over existing diagnostic methods such as ELISA. This system offers high throughput and true parallelism; it is highly economical in the use of specimens and reagents and also provides a rapid and accurate detection method for the quantification of specific IgEs in human serum. The knowledge and experience gained in this project will be used in the evaluation of a pre-market microarray- based in vitro diagnostic device

    Thromboembolic Events with Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4/6 Inhibitors in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System

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    We analyzed thromboembolic events, recognized (AESIs), with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)4/6 inhibitors, using the Food and Drug Administration adverse event reporting system. Methods: Thromboembolic events were characterized in terms of spectrum [venous and arterial thromboembolism (VTE; ATE)] and clinical features by combining the disproportionality approach [reporting odds ratio (ROR) with 95% confidence interval (CI)] with individual case assessment. Results: A total of 1722 thromboembolic events were retained. Increased VTE reporting emerged for CDK4/6 inhibitors in the exploratory analyses (n = 659; ROR = 1.51; 95% CI = 1.39–1.63), with consistent disproportionality in the consolidated analyses (e.g., deep vein thrombosis with abemaciclib: 17; 1.98; 1.22–3.19). Higher-than-expected ATE reporting was found for ribociclib, including myocardial infarction (41; 1.82; 1.33–2.48), with rapid onset (median latency 1 vs. 6 months for other CDK4/6 inhibitors). Causality was highly probable or probable in 83.2% of cases, with a negligible proportion of pre-existing drug- and patient-related risk factors except for cardiovascular comorbidities (26%). Conclusions: Although causal association cannot be firmly inferred, oncologists should proactively monitor the occurrence of VTE with CDK4/6 inhibitors. The unexpected distinctive increased ATE reporting with ribociclib deserves urgent clarification though large comparative population-based studies. We support pharmacovigilance for the post-marketing characterization of AESIs, thus promoting real-time safe prescribing in oncology

    The Propionibacterium spp. extract reduces Candida albicans-induced damage to vaginal epithelial cells and increases mitochondrial response to Candida albicans infection in vitro

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    Introduction. Bacterial lysates are prepared by inactivated microorganisms and are extensively employed in clinical settings as immunomodulants and to improve mucosal immunity. However, despite their extensive clinical use, their effects on the host are only partially known. The Propionibacterium spp. extract (PE) is a bacterial lysate included as an active compound in a gel formulation used to treat the symptoms of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Here, we analyzed its possible beneficial effects in an in vitro model of vaginal epithelial cells infected with Candida. Materials and Methods. Initially, we analyzed the PE effects on C. albicans and C. parapsilosis growth by the microdilution method. We then assessed the capacity of PE to reduce C. albicans-induced damage of vaginal epithelial cells through the quantification of lactate-dehydrogenase released by damaged cells in the growth medium. Moreover, in order to test the capacity of the PE to modulate epithelial mitochondrial activity, we evaluated Reactive-Oxygen-Species (ROS) production by the infected epithelial cells, stimulated or not with PE. This was kinetically monitored through the analysis of emitted fluorescence, after addition of the MitoSOX Red probe. Results. Our results show that PE did not affect directly microbial growth. In addition, the epithelial cells stimulation with PE reduced C. albicans-induced cell damage. Moreover, the treatment with PE increased the epithelial cells mitochondrial activity in response to C. albicans infection in vitro. Discussion and Conclusions. Taken together, our results show that PE increases ROS production by epithelial cells in response to C. albicans infection. Therefore, our results suggest that the increased mitochondrial activity induced by PE, could protect epithelial cells against the damage induced by C. albicans infection

    Psychiatric Adverse Reactions to Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Inhibitors in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Analysis of Spontaneous Reports Submitted to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System

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    open7siBackground The development of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) has improved the survival outcomes of patients with advanced ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The adverse events (AEs) related to ALK inhibitors are fairly well known; notably, about 20% of patients receiving lorlatinib experienced cognitive effects and behavioral alterations in pivotal trials. Therefore, psychiatric disorders could represent AEs of special interest for all ALK TKIs, deserving careful assessment in the post-marketing setting. Objective We conducted a real-world pharmacovigilance study on psychiatric AEs with marketed ALK inhibitors in subjects with advanced NSCLC. Patients and methods We performed an observational, retrospective analysis of spontaneous reports submitted to the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Events Reporting System (FAERS, as of December 2020), selecting psychiatric AEs to ALK TKIs approved in NSCLC (crizotinib, ceritinib, alectinib, brigatinib, lorlatinib). These AEs were independently scrutinized by three oncologists applying predefined exclusion criteria, described in terms of clinical/demographic features and assessed for drug-related causality according to an adaptation of the WHO–UMC system, a standardized probabilistic algorithm. Results Among 584 reported psychiatric AEs, 95 cases were selected as potentially treatment related, with higher reporting frequency for lorlatinib (26, 2.8%), followed by brigatinib (10, 1.2%), alectinib (18, 0.7%), ceritinib (12, 0.6%), and crizo- tinib (29, 0.3%). Reported psychiatric symptoms were mood disorders (39), psychotic disorders (24), and anxiety, agitation, and irritability (25). In the majority (74%) of cases, psychiatric AEs were serious and required hospitalization in about 32% of patients; 15.8% of retained cases were considered as highly probable and 69.5% as probable. Drug discontinuation was recorded in 31.6% of the reported cases, with the highest proportion for lorlatinib (65.4%). Conclusion Notwithstanding limitations, our study found a higher proportion of psychiatric AEs with lorlatinib, but also raised the hypothesis of psychiatric reactions as a class effect of ALK TKIs.openSisi, Monia; Fusaroli, Michele; De Giglio, Andrea; Facchinetti, Francesco; Ardizzoni, Andrea; Raschi, Emanuel; Gelsomino, FrancescoSisi, Monia; Fusaroli, Michele; De Giglio, Andrea; Facchinetti, Francesco; Ardizzoni, Andrea; Raschi, Emanuel; Gelsomino, Francesc

    Emerging Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Treatment of Advanced Cutaneous Melanoma

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    : The prognosis of patients with advanced cutaneous melanoma has radically changed in the past decade. Nevertheless, primary or acquired resistance to systemic treatment occurs in many cases, highlighting the need for novel treatment strategies. This review has the purpose of summarizing the current area of interest for the treatment of metastatic or unresectable advanced cutaneous melanoma, including data from recently completed or ongoing clinical trials. The main fields of investigation include the identification of new immune checkpoint inhibitors (anti-LAG3, GITR agonist and anti-TIGIT), adoptive cell therapy, vaccines, engineered TCR therapy, IL-2 agonists, novel targets for targeted therapy (new MEK or RAF inhibitors, HDAC, IDO, ERK, Axl, ATR and PARP inhibitors), or combination strategies (antiangiogenetic agents plus immune checkpoint inhibitors, intra-tumoral immunotherapy in combination with systemic therapy). In many cases, only preliminary efficacy data from early phase trials are available, which require confirmation in larger patient cohorts. A more in-depth knowledge of the biological effects of the molecules and identifying predictive biomarkers remain crucial for selecting patient populations most likely to benefit from novel emerging treatment strategies

    In vitro and ex vivo studies on the antibacterial efficacy of sodium hypochlorite and two new generation endodontic irrigants, Tetraclean® and MTAD, in comparison with sodium hypochlorite.

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    The aim of this work was to compare the efficacy of two endodontic iorrigants of new generation, Tetraclean and MTAD. Their antimicrobial effectiveness was assessed by in vitro and in vivo studies. Sodium hypochlorite was included as standard reference irrigant

    Compounds released from Lactobacillus (L.) acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus and L. reuteri inhibit Candida parapsilosis pathogenic potential after infection of vaginal epithelial cells in vitro.

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    INTRODUCTION. Lactobacillus spp. are the most represented microorganisms in the vaginal microbiota of healthy women, where they provide a shelter against infections from several pathogens, such as the yeasts belonging to the genus Candida. The latter are responsible for the vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), a condition affecting up to 75% of women during their child-bearing age at least once in their lifetime. Moreover, 5-8% of such women develop the recurrent form of the disease (RVVC), consisting of at least 5 VVC episodes per year. Notwithstanding C. albicans is the main responsible of VVC cases, in the last decades, the incidence of VVC cases by non-albicans Candida (NAC) species has become prevalent, especially in some geographical areas. C. parapsilosis, in particular, has been reported to be second species most commonly isolated from women affected by VVC. However, little is known on this species, and on its role in the pathogenesis of VVC. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Cell-free supernatants (CFS) were obtained following an overnight culture of 4 different Lactobacilli species (L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. reuteri). Lactobacilli-released compounds, contained in CFS, were assessed for their effect on several virulence factors of C. parapsilosis (strain CLIB214), such as growth rate, capacity to form pseudohyphae, capacity to adhere to a vaginal epithelium in vitro (A-431 cells monolayer) and to induce cell damage. The latter was evaluated by measuring lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release from A431 cells. RESULTS. C. parapsilosis growth inhibition by L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and L. reuteri CFS was 47%, 55% and 52% respectively, whereas L. rhamnosus CFS effect was weaker (33% inhibition growth). All the Lactobacilli significantly inhibited C. parapsilosis adhesion to vaginal epithelial cells: upon incubation with CFS, only 5-7% of fungal cells adhered to epithelial cells, after 90 minutes incubation; differently, the adhesion of the control reached 19%. Interestingly, no effect on pseudohyphae formation by any of the CSF was ever observed. Finally, the C. parapsilosis-induced damage on A-431 cells was significantly reduced by the addition of the CSF. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. Our results show that the investigated species of Lactobacilli release compounds capable to impair several C. parapsilosis virulence factors, such as growth rate and adhesion to vaginal epithelial cells; interestingly, while not affecting fungal capacity to form pseudohyphae, such compounds significantly reduce Candida-mediated epithelial damage.. These data suggest that, in the context of vaginal microbiota, these Lactobacilli species may play an important role in counteracting the onset of mucosal Candida infections

    In vitro analysis of epithelial tolerability and anti-Candida effect of a new lactic acid-based vaginal gel formulation

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    INTRODUCTION. Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is the most prevalent vaginal infection in adult women. It is mainly caused by Candida albicans, and it affects 75% of healthy women at least once during their reproductive age; 5-10% of such women have recurrent episodes (RVVC), with more of 4 episodes of acute VVC per year. Symptoms of VVC include itching, burning, swelling and redness of the vaginal mucosa with white vaginal discharge. The urinary system can also be affected, with pain and burning when urinating. This condition seriously damages the well-being and the life quality of the affected women. Since Candida is a commensal fungus of the vaginal mucosa of healthy women, the main question is how the fungus can switch from harmless component of the vaginal microbiota to virulent pathogen. In this work we analyzed the capacity of lactic acid-based vaginal gel formulation Respecta® Balance Gel (RBG) to counteract C. albicans virulence after epithelial cells infection in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS. For the establishment of the in vitro infection model, we used a monolayer of the A-431 vaginal epithelial cell line and two different strains of C. albicans (strain SC5314 and the bioluminescent strain gLUC59). Dose-dependent experiments were performed to test the epithelial tolerability to RBG (IHS srl, Biofarma Group) by monitoring lactate-dehydrogenase (LDH) release from damaged cells. The capacity of RGB to counteract Candida-induced epithelial damage were analysed by monitoring LDH release from cells. Fungal growth and adhesion capacity during vaginal epithelial cells infection in the presence of RGB were evaluated by quantify the Relative Luminescent Units (RLU) and CFU counts, respectively. RESULTS. Our results show that, at dilution 1:150, RGB is well tolerated by the vaginal epithelium and consequently we used this dose for the subsequent experiments. RBG was able to significantly reduce (by 65%) C. albicans-induced damage of vaginal epithelial cells. This effect was accompanied with the capacity of RGB to significantly reduce Candida adhesion to the epithelium (adhesion reduction by 34%). Intriguingly, no inhibition of fungal growth was observed after 24h of infection in the presence of RGB in our experimental conditions. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. Our results show that RGB significantly reduce C. albicans-induced damage of vaginal epithelial cells. One of the mechanisms underlying this effect is the inhibition of C. albicans adhesion to the vaginal epithelial cells, which may prevent Candida from penetrating and damaging epithelial cells, hence counteract Candida virulence. Collectively our preliminary results suggest that RBG can strengthen the VVC therapy favoring the establishment of an ecosystem that prevent Candida virulence

    Overall treatment strategy for patients with metastatic NSCLC with activating EGFR mutations

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (EGFR-TKIs) are standard of care in the first-line (1L) setting for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) with activating EGFR mutations. EGFR activating mutations are a predictive factor for response to EGFR-TKIs. Meta-analyses have shown that patients with exon 21_L858R mutations exhibit reduced sensitivity to EGFR-TKIs, resulting in inferior patient outcomes compared to those with exon 19 deletion mutations, with worse overall survival, progression-free survival, objective response, and disease control rates. Clinical activity observed with 1L therapy with first-generation (1G), second-generation (2G), and third-generation (3G) EGFR-TKIs is not permanent, and resistance inevitably develops in all cases, supporting the importance of overall treatment planning. The introduction of the 3G EGFR-TKI, osimertinib, provides an opportunity to overcome T790M-mediated resistance to 1G, and 2G EGFR-TKIs. Additionally, with the use of osimertinib, fewer T790M mutations are being detected as T790M is not a reported resistance mechanism to 3G EGFR-TKIs. However, there are currently no approved targeted therapies after 3G EGFR-TKIs. In order to further improve patient outcomes, there is a need to explore additional options for the overall treatment strategy for patients, including 1L and beyond. Combination of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors and EGFR-TKIs or chemotherapy and EGFR-TKIs may be a potential therapeutic approach in the 1L setting. This review discusses current treatment options for mNSCLC with activating EGFR mutations based on tumor, patient, and treatment characteristics and how an overall treatment plan may be developed

    EDTA and Taurolidine affect Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in vitro: impairment of secretory profile and biofilm production onto peritoneal dialysis catheters

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    Introduction: peritoneal catheter-associated biofilm infection is reported to be the main cause of refractory peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis patients. The application of antimicrobial lock therapy, based on results on central venous catheters, may be a promising option also for treatment of biofilm-harboring peritoneal catheters. In this study, we investigated the effects of two lock solutions, EDTA and Taurolidine, on an “in-vitro” model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm-related peritoneal catheter infection. Materials and Methods: silicon peritoneal catheters were incubated for 24 h with a bioluminescent strain of P. aeruginosa. After washing, serial concentrations of Taurolidine (0.5, 0.25 and 0.125 %) and EDTA (2.5, 0.75 and 0.25 %), either alone or in combination, were applied for 24 h, once or twice, onto the contaminated catheters and then P. aeruginosa viability/persistence was evaluated in real time up to 120 h, by a Fluoroskan reader. Moreover, on selected supernatants from biofilm treated or not with EDTA and/or Taurolidine, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass (HPLC) analysis was performed to measure phenazine and pyocianine production. Results: Taurolidine alone or in combination with EDTA caused a significant decrease of bacterial load and biofilm persistence onto the contaminated catheters. The lock solution treatment did not lead to the sterilization of the devices; yet, it resulted in a substantial destructuration of the peritoneal catheter-associated P. aeruginosa biofilm. Moreover, HPLC analysis showed that the treatment of biofilm-harboring catheters with EDTA and Taurolidine deeply affected the secretion of some key virulence-related molecules by P. aeruginosa, such as phenazines and pyocianines. Discussion and conclusions: EDTA and Taurolidine affect the formation and persistence of P. aeruginosa biofilm onto peritoneal catheters; moreover, also the secretion of P. aeruginosa virulence factors is profoundly compromised. Future studies are needed to establish whether such lock solutions can be used to render peritoneal catheter-related infections more susceptible to antibiotic treatment, thus avoiding/reducing the onset of the antibiotic resistance phenomena
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