72 research outputs found

    Short-term deleterious effects of standard isolation and cultivation methods on new tropical freshwater microalgae strains

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    Algae with potential biotechnological applications in different industries are commonly isolated from the environment in order to obtain pure (axenic) stocks that can be safely stored for long periods of time. To obtain axenic cultures, antibiotics are frequently employed, and cryopreservation is applied to preserve standing stocks. However, many of these now standard methods were developed using strains derived from pristine to near-pristine environments and cold to temperate regions. The potential effect of the said methods on the life cycle and biochemical profile of algae isolates from hyper-eutrophic and constant high-temperature tropical regions is not well understood. These effects could potentially render them unsuitable for their intended biotechnological application. In this study, we conducted a genetic characterization (18S rRNA) and evaluated the effect of purification (the use of the antibiotic chloramphenicol, CAP) and cryopreservation (dimethyl sulfoxide; DMSO–sucrose mix and glycerol) on the growth rate and lipid content of three new tropical freshwater algal isolates: Chorella sp. M2, Chlorella sp. M6, and Scenedesmus sp. R3, obtained from the Ecuadorian coast. The genetic and morphological characterization revealed a clear discrimination between these strains. All strains cultured with CAP exhibited a lower growth rate. Subsequent to cryopreservation, Chorella sp. M2, Chlorella sp. M6, and Scenedesmus sp. R3 presented no significant difference in growth rate between the cryopreservants. Further, a significantly higher lipid content was observed in the biomass cryopreserved with glycerol in relation to the DMSO–sucrose, with Chorella sp. M2 and Chlorella sp. M6 having twice as much as they had in the first treatment. These results highlight the relevance of selecting an appropriate method for storage, as the materials used can affect the biological performance of different tropical species, although it is still to be determined if the effects observed in this study are long lasting in subsequent cultures of these algae

    Structure of laponite-styrene precursor dispersions for production of advanced polymer-clay nanocomposites

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    One method for production of polymer-clay nanocomposites involves dispersal of surface-modified clay in a polymerisable monomeric solvent, followed by fast in situ polymerisation. In order to tailor the properties of the final material we aim to control the dispersion state of the clay in the precursor solvent. Here, we study dispersions of surface-modified Laponite, a synthetic clay, in styrene via large-scale Monte-Carlo simulations and experimentally, using small angle X-ray and static light scattering. By tuning the effective interaction between simulated laponite particles we are able to reproduce the experimental scattering intensity patterns for this system, with good accuracy over a wide range of length scales. However, this agreement could only be obtained by introducing a permanent electrostatic dipole moment into the plane of each Laponite particle, which we explain in terms of the distribution of substituted metal atoms within each Laponite particle. This suggests that Laponite dispersions, and perhaps other clay suspensions, should display some of the structural characteristics of dipolar fluids. Our simulated structures show aggregation regimes ranging from networks of long chains to dense clusters of Laponite particles, and we also obtain some intriguing ‘globular’ clusters, similar to capsids. We see no indication of any ‘house-of-cards’ structures. The simulation that most closely matches experimental results indicates that gel-like networks are obtained in Laponite dispersions, which however appear optically clear and non-sedimenting over extended periods of time. This suggests it could be difficult to obtain truly isotropic equilibrium dispersion as a starting point for synthesis of advanced polymer-clay nanocomposites with controlled structures

    Exploring the electron density localization in single MoS 2

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    The nature of the electron density localization in a MoS2 monolayer under 0 % to 11% tensile strain has been systematically studied by means of a localized electron detector function and the Quantum Theory of atoms in molecules. At 10% tensile strain, this monolayer become metallic. It was found that for less than 6.5% of applied stress, the same atomic structure of the equilibrium geometry (0% strain) is maintained; while over 6.5% strain induces a transformation to a structure where the sulfur atoms placed on the top and bottom layer form S2 groups. The localized electron detector function shows the presence of zones of highly electron delocalization extending throughout the Mo central layer. For less than 10% tensile strain, these zones comprise the BCPs and the remainder CPs in separates regions of the space; while for the structures beyond 10% strain, all the critical points are involved in a region of highly delocalized electrons that extends throughout the material. This dissimilar electron localization pattern is like to that previously reported for semiconductors such as Ge bulk and metallic systems such as transition metals bulk