217 research outputs found

    Influence of imipramine on the duration of immobility in chronic forced-swim-stressed rats.

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    We studied the influence of imipramine on the duration of immobility in chronic forced-swim-stressed rats. Both single and chronic administration of imipramine potently shortened immobility in naive rats during forced-swim testing. However, chronic, 14-day forced-swim stress testing blocked the immobility-decreasing effect induced by a single administration of imipramine. When imipramine was administered for 14 days concurrently with forced-swim stress testing, immobility was shortened significantly. From the viewpoint of imipramine's effect, these findings suggest that chronic forced-swim stress testing in rats may be an effective animal model for depression.</p

    Changepoint detection in base-resolution methylome data reveals a robust signature of methylated domain landscape

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    ABSTRACTLotta Dalenius Hahlin (2010) Mentorskap utifrÄn ett lösningsinriktat fokus. (Mentorship based on a solution-oriented focus. Skolutveckling och ledarskap, LÀrarutbildningen halvfart/distans, Malmö HögskolaMÄnga elever hoppar av sin gymnasieutbildning pga. av olika orsaker. En av orsakerna kan vara att eleven inte har tillrÀckligt stöd i sin mentor pÄ skolan. En mentor skall ju inte bara ta hand om elevens studiemÀssiga resultat utan fÄr Àven ta hand om de mÄnga sociala frÄgor som ofta uppstÄr runt eleven. Kan det vara sÄ att mentorn behöver en ram och metod att arbeta utifrÄn för att kunna stödja eleverna pÄ bÀsta sÀtt?Syftet med arbetet Àr att beskriva den metodik som ligger bakom ett lösningsinriktat mentorskap,och att skapa ett kompendium av anvÀndbara verktyg utifrÄn lösningsinriktad pedagogik. Detta kompendium kan mentorn anvÀnda som mall/ram i sin arbetsuppgift som mentor.Forskningen tyder pÄ att lyckade och bra samtal bygger pÄ bra förberedelse, pÄ öppna frÄgor och pÄ ömsesidig respekt för varandra och att man anvÀnder sig av ett visst förhÄllningssÀtt gentemot varandra. Vidare pekar litteraturstudien pÄ att mentorssamtalet bör ha tydliga mÄl och en gemensam uppfattning om vad man vill komma fram till för att eleven skall nÄ ökat ansvar, större sjÀlvinsikt och önskat lÀge.Arbetet tar upp de olika verktyg som man frÀmst anvÀnder inom lösningsinriktade metoder, och Àr utifrÄn litteraturen kommenterat för att ge en grundlÀggande kunskap och förförstÄelse för lÀsaren.Genom att som resultat skapa ett kompendium som mentorer kan anvÀnda i sitt arbete med det dagliga samtalet med eleverna, vill uppsatsen beskriva och ge grundlÀggande kunskap om de verktyg som finns i den lösningsinriktade verktygslÄdan. Syftet nÄs Àven med en enkÀtundersökning dÀr mentorer som fÄtt pröva pÄ metoden plockat ut fördelar och nackdelar med metoden.Uppsatsen visar att regelbunden anvÀndning och övning krÀvs för att kunna tillgodogöra sig metoden, och Àven att mentorn genomgÄr en grundlÀggande utbildning. Den kommer ocksÄ att visa att vinsterna och fördelarna med metoden överstiger de eventuella nackdelar som kan uppstÄ nÀr man som mentor börjar arbeta med metoden

    Tissue localization of C1q in HBs antigen positive liver disease patients by direct immunofluorescent technique

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    Tissue localization of a subcomponent of the first component of complement (CLq) was examined in one postmortem case of HBs antigen (HBs Ag) positive hepatocellular carcinoma and in six cases of chronic hepatitis from liver biopsy specimens. The direct immunofluorescent method was used after fixation with 2% para-formaldehyde in concentrated ammonium sulfate. CLq localization was found in collagen fibers and the cytoplasm of fibroblasts in the connective tissues of specimens examined. The localization was particularly marked in the region of the fundal glands of the gastric wall. Apart from collagen fibers, other sites of localization included the surface membrane of lymphocytes, especially those cells of the mesenteric lymph nodes. In HBs Ag positive specimens, immune deposit-like substances appeared localized intra-hepatically and in the renal glomeruli. Since C3 and C4 were identified concomitantly, it indicates that these substances were indeed immune diposits. Despite the finding that C3 and C4 were identified together in the hepatic cell cytoplasm, C1q itself was not demonstrated in all hepatic cell cytoplasms.</p

    Detection and characterization of antibody to liver cell membrane in sera from patients with chronic active liver diseases.

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    Sera from 84 patients with chronic liver disease [CLD] (74 chronic active) and from 53 blood donors were tested immunochemically for anti-liver cell membrane antibody (LMAb). LMAb to rat liver tested by an indirect immunofluorescent technique was positive in 53.3% of CLD patients with positive HB surface antibody (HBsAb) and 40.0% of HBsAb positive blood donors. Pepsin digestion of the sera indicated that the binding between liver cell membrane and IgG was at the Fc site on the immunoglobulin. The sera with positive LMAb from HBsAb positive blood donors had elevated Clq-binding activity (Clq-BA). The LMAb to rat liver was a macro-molecular IgG (19-22S IgG) when assayed by Sephadex G-200 column chromatography and 5-40% sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The results suggest that the LMAb in serum from a patient with chronic active liver disease may be an immune complex which consists of various antigens such as HB virus and its antibodies in serum.</p

    Percutaneous cryoablation for clinical T3a renal cell carcinoma (< 7 cm) with segmental vein involvement or perinephric fat invasion based on preoperative evaluation of high-resolution multidetector computed tomography scan

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    Purpose To retrospectively assess the feasibility, safety, renal function, technique efficacy rate, and survival of patients with clinical T3a renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Materials and methods Sixteen cryoablation sessions were performed in 14 patients (10 men; mean age, 69.8 ± 10.5 years; range, 49–90 years) with 14 clear cell T3a RCCs (mean, 3.3 ± 0.9 cm; range, 1.9–5.2 cm). One patient was on dialysis. Transcatheter arterial embolization was performed before cryoablation in 15 sessions. The primary endpoint was the technique efficacy rate. The secondary endpoints included feasibility, safety, renal function, and survival. Results Cryoablation was technically successful in all RCC cases. In two RCCs, cryoablation was performed twice because of local tumor progression. No major adverse events were observed. All patients were alive without metastases, with a median follow-up of 45 months (6−93 months). Complete response was achieved by cryoablation in 11 RCCs (78.6%). The primary and secondary technique efficacy rates were 77.1% and 84.4% at 1 year, 57.9% and 73.9% at 3 years, and 57.9% and 73.9% at 5 years, respectively. One patient underwent dialysis given a total contralateral nephrectomy due to another RCC 1 month after initial cryoablation and a total ipsilateral nephrectomy 46 months after initial cryoablation due to local progression. Except for two dialysis patients, of the 12 patients with a median follow-up of 41 months (6–93 months), none were on dialysis. Conclusion Cryoablation was safe and effective in T3a RCC, which mainly involved the renal venous branches and may represent an alternative treatment for inoperable patients

    Detection and characterization of circulating immune complexes during acute exacerbation of chronic viral hepatitis.

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    For the detection and characterization of circulating immune complexes (CIC) in various liver diseases, a Clq binding test was used. Though the CIC level was almost normal in HB surface antigen (HBsAg) positive asymptomatic carriers, the level increased in patients with liver diseases. During acute exacerbation of chronic viral hepatitis, the CIC level reached peaks 1 to 3 weeks before and after the hepatic cell necrosis. Study of the sedimentation rates of CIC in various liver diseases showed CIC in the 19s-22s region and in the 7s-19s region. In acid buffer, CIC was dissociated into 5 to 6 components by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). In one case of HBsAg positive severe chronic aggressive hepatitis, CIC was composed of HBsAg, IgG and another three or four undetermined components. During acute exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, minor changes of these dissociation patterns of CIC were observed.</p

    A Case of Mesangial Proliferative Nephritis Caused by Slow Cryoglobulin

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    The patient was a woman in her 60s. She was found to have proteinuria on a health checkup. She did not have any particular subjective symptoms, and no definitive diagnosis was made, despite serological findings indicative of immune abnormalities. A renal biopsy was performed. Light microscopy of renal tissue section revealed mesangial proliferative nephritis. Electron microscopic findings included electron-dense deposits and fibrillar/tubular structures with a diameter of 20–30 nm. These findings suggested the presence of cryoglobulin (CG), but CG was not detected in qualitative or quantitative hematologic tests. Thus, the serum samples were stored at 37°C for a long period of time and then cooled to 4°C. When the obtained precipitates were examined, CG was successfully detected. CG that precipitates only after a long period of time is referred to as slow cryoglobulin (sCG), and sCG is extremely rare. The present case is the first documented case, to our knowledge, of renal disorders caused by sCG. It should be noted that there are some cases in which it takes much time for CG to precipitate. Thus, when CG cannot be detected, it is necessary to spend much time to determine whether CG precipitates

    Hormonal Therapy Resistant Estrogen-receptor Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer Cohort (HORSE-BC) Study : Current Status of Treatment Selection in Japan

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    The Hormonal therapy resistant estrogen-receptor positive metastatic breast cancer cohort (HORSE-BC) study is a multicenter observational study evaluating the efficacy and safety of secondary endocrine therapy (ET) for postmenopausal cases of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with poor response to primary ET. In this initial report we analyze the HORSE-BC baseline data to clarify the current status of treatment selection for MBC in Japan. Baseline data for the 50 patients enrolled in HORSE-BC were analyzed, including patient characteristics, types of secondary ET, and reasons for selecting secondary ET. Postoperative recurrence was detected in 84% of patients (42/50) and de novo stage IV breast cancer in 16% (8/50). Forty-one patients (41/50; 82%) received fulvestrant, 5 patients (10%) received selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), 3 patients (6%) received ET plus a mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor, and 1 patient received an aromatase inhibitor (AI) as the secondary ET. Forty-five patients selected their secondary ET based on its therapeutic effect, while 14 patients selected it based on side effects. Most patients with progression after primary ET selected fulvestrant as the secondary ET based on its therapeutic and side effects. We await the final results from the HORSE-BC study

    Detection of tissue T-cell in patients with chronic active hepatitis using fragmented sheep red blood cell (SRBC) membrane.

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    Fragmented sheep red blood cell (SRBC) membrane was used for detection of T-cells in liver biopsy specimens from patients with chronic active hepatitis. SRBC was separated with Lymphoprep, sonicated, then filtered through a 3 mu Millipore-membrane as a fragmented SRBC reagent. Tissue T-cells were stained by an indirect immunofluorescent technique using SRBC reagent and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labelled rabbit anti-SRBC. Positively staining lymphocytes were present in portal tracts and in areas of piecemeal necrosis. There also seemed to be a positive correlation between the number of positively staining lymphocytes and the activity of chronic hepatitis; numerous lymphocytes being stained in areas of severe piecemeal necrosis. Our findings suggest that the fragmented SRBC technique for detection of T-cells is reliable and reproducible, that it could be used as a clinical routine method, and that it is useful for further elucidating the nature of host immune reactions on tissue levels.
