9 research outputs found

    Heroin addiction: the past and future

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    Substance misuse, in particular heroin addiction contributes to health and social problems. Although effective medical treatment was available, earlier efforts confined the treatment of heroin addicts to in-house rehabilitation which required them to be estranged from the community and their families for 2 years. The in-house rehabilitative programme, implemented for at least three decades has produced low abstinence rates. On the other hand, being ‘away’ meant that many heroin addicts faced employment problems and family relationship difficulties upon completing the in-house rehabilitation. However, recently, the concerted efforts by various government and non-government organisations, and the acknowledgement that heroin addiction is a medical illness has resulted in a revamp to approaching treatment of heroin addiction. At present, methadone substitution programmes have been offered as part of treatment programme for heroin addicts in Malaysia. This new programme has been shown to be effective in treating heroin addiction and would need support and cooperation from all groups involved

    Ensiklopedia kebudayaan aceh : aceh culture encyclopedia jilid I

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    viii, 340 hlm. : ilus. ; 28 cm

    Pengenalan dan Pemanfaatan Tanaman Sebagai Obat Kepada Masyarakat Gampong Limpok Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    The use of medicinal plants in society has existed since ancient times as a method of traditional medicine. The general public often lacks adequate education and information about the correct and safe use of medicinal plants. This can result in incorrect use and higher health risks. The aim of this research is to carry out more in-depth scientific research, implement strict regulations, provide education to the public, and promote sustainable and responsible practices of using medicinal plants. This research was conducted in July, 2023 in Gampong (Village) Limpok, Aceh Besar District. Research using descriptive qualitative method. Community data collection by interview, observation and documentation methods. The results of the study can be concluded that there are 32 plant species from the inventory that have long been used by the Gampong Limpok community as medicinal plants. Despite the potential benefits, there are also challenges and barriers that can arise in the community use of medicinal plants.Penggunaan tumbuhan obat di masyarakat telah ada sejak zaman kuno sebagai salah satu metode pengobatan tradisional. Masyarakat umum sering kali kurang mendapatkan pendidikan dan informasi yang cukup tentang penggunaan yang benar dan aman dari tumbuhan obat. Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan penggunaan yang salah dan risiko kesehatan yang lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli, Tahun 2023 di Gampong (Desa) Limpok, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 32 jenis tumbuhan hasil inventarisasi yang telah lama digunakan oleh masyarakat Gampong Limpok sebagai tanaman obat. Meskipun memiliki manfaat potensial, ada juga tantangan dan hambatan yang dapat muncul dalam penggunaan tumbuhan obat bagi masyarakat

    Encouraging dentists as agents of change in the fight against tobacco in Malaysia: An example of a dentist-psychiatrist collaborative effort

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    Dentist has long been recognized as a formal health profession. Health professionals have an important role to play in the fight against tobacco. Smoking tobacco is dangerous because it related disease and also due to it being labeled as a gateway to illicit drug abuse. As individuals, the dentist can help educate the population, as community members they can support anti-smoking policies and at a societal level, they can influence national and global tobacco control efforts. The associations between tobacco use and diseases affecting the oral cavity, such as periodontal disease and cancer, are now well recognized. This has lead to proposals from some members of the profession that members of the dental team should provide smoking cessation services. Before exploring effective ways to help smokers quit, it is important to understand the nature of the addictive process and how it affects both nicotine use and cessation attempts. The potential influence of dentists as agents of change is clear from even a brief consideration of the nature and conditions of the dentist-patient relationship. The dental practice setting provides a unique opportunity to assist tobacco users in achieving tobacco abstinence. The role of psychiatrists to support the effort, therefore, becomes all the more important