23 research outputs found

    Intensifying Maize Production Under Climate Change Scenarios in Central West Burkina Faso

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    Combination of poor soil fertility and climate change and variability is the biggest obstacle to agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. While each of these factors requires different promising adaptive and climate-resilient options, it is important to be able to disaggregate their effects. This can be accomplished with ordinary agronomic trials for soil fertility and climate year-to-year variability, but not for long-term climate change effects. In turn, by using climate historical records and scenario outputs from climate models to run dynamic models for crop growth and yield, it is possible to test the performance of crop management options in the past but also anticipate their performance under future climate change or variability. Nowadays, the overwhelming importance given to the use of crop models is motivated by the need of predicting crop production under future climate change, and outputs from running crop models may serve for devising climate risk adaptation strategies. In this study we predicted yield of one maize variety named Massongo for the time periods 1980–2010 (historical) and 2021–2050 (2030s, near future) across agronomic practices including the fertilizer input rates recommended by the national extension services (28 kg N, 20 kg P, and 13 kg K ha−1). The performance of the crop model DSSAT 4.6 for maize was first evaluated using on-farm experimental data that encompassed two seasons in the Sudano-Sahelian zone in six contrasting sites of Central West Burkina Faso. The efficiency of the crop model was evidenced by reliable simulations of total aboveground biomass and yields after calibration and validation. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the entire dataset for grain yield was 643 kg ha−1 and 2010 kg ha−1 for total aboveground biomass. Three regional climate change projections for Central West Burkina Faso indicate a decrease in rainfall during the growing period of maize. All the three scenarios project that the decrease in rainfall is to the tune of 3–9% in the 2030s under RCP4.5 in contrast to climate scenarios produced by the regional climate model GCM ICHEC-EC-Earth which predicted an increase of rainfall of 25% under RCP8.5. Simulations using the CERES-DSSAT model reveal that maize yields without fertilizer show the same trend as with fertilizer in response to climate change projections across RCPs. Under RCP4.5 with output from the climate model ICHEC-EC-Earth, yield can slightly increase compared to the historical baseline on average by less than 5%. In contrast, under RCP8.5, yield is increased by 13–22% with the two other climate models in fertilized and non-fertilized plots, respectively. Nevertheless, the average maize yield will stay below 2000 kg ha−1 under non-fertilized plots in RCP4.5 and with recommended mineral fertilizer rates regardless of the RCP scenarios produced by ICHEC-EC-Earth. Giving the fact that soil fertility improvement alone cannot compensate for the adverse impact of future climate on agricultural production particularly in case of high rainfall predicted by ICHEC-EC-Earth, it is recommended to combine various agricultural techniques and practices to improve uptake of nitrogen and to reduce nitrogen leaching such as the splitting of fertilizer applications, low-release nitrogen fertilizers, agroforestry, and any other soil and water conservation practices

    Identification of the vectors of lymphatic filariasis in the Lower Shire Valley, southern Malawi.

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    An investigation of lymphatic filariasis vectors in Malawi is reported. Anopheles funestus, A. arabiensis, and A. gambiae sensu stricto had high rates of filarial infection (2.2-3.1%) and carried infective larvae. Anopheles funestus was the predominant species collected (77.6%) and was the primary vector during the study period of April to May 2002

    Conservation agriculture in Southern Africa: Advances in knowledge

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    The increasing demand for food from limited available land, in light of declining soil fertility and future threats of climate variability and change have increased the need for more sustainable crop management systems. Conservation agriculture (CA) is based on the three principles of minimum soil disturbance, surface crop residue retention and crop rotations, and is one of the available options. In Southern Africa, CA has been intensively promoted for more than a decade to combat declining soil fertility and to stabilize crop yields. The objective of this review is to summarize recent advances in knowledge about the benefits of CA and highlight constraints to its widespread adoption within Southern Africa. Research results from Southern Africa showed that CA generally increased water infiltration, reduced soil erosion and run-off, thereby increasing available soil moisture and deeper drainage. Physical, chemical and biological soil parameters were also improved under CA in the medium to long term. CA increased crop productivity and also reduced on-farm labor, especially when direct seeding techniques and herbicides were used. As with other cropping systems, CA has constraints at both the field and farm level. Challenges to adoption in Southern Africa include the retention of sufficient crop residues, crop rotations, weed control, pest and diseases, farmer perception and economic limitations, including poorly developed markets. It was concluded that CA is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution and often needs significant adaptation and flexibility when implementing it across farming systems. However, CA may potentially reduce future soil fertility decline, the effects of seasonal dry-spells and may have a large impact on food security and farmers’ livelihoods if the challenges can be overcome

    Conservation agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Specific practices of conservation agriculture (CA) in sub-Saharan Africa are diverse and vary according to local farming conditions. However, despite more than two decades of investment in its development and dissemination, adoption of CA is low. Crop responses to CA are highly variable, and not always positive, which is an important hindrance for adoption, especially for resource-poor farmers who need immediate returns with their investments in CA in order to be able to feed their families. In contrast with commercial farms such as in Brazil, reduced costs with CA on smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa are not always observed. Another major challenge with the practice of CA is the use of crop residues for mulching since crop residues are a major source of feed for livestock, especially in semiarid regions, where biomass production is limited and livestock plays a crucial role in farming systems. Studies indicate that the three principles of CA, including mulching, are needed to increase crop yields compared with conventional tillage (CT)-based practices. Among the three principles of CA, mulching is certainly the one that is least observed in past and current cropping practices in Africa. CA has a potential to improve the soil water balance and increase soil fertility, and it is undoubtedly a cropping practice that can result in substantial benefits for certain farmers in Africa. The question is when and how it is the best approach for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa. In general, CA is more likely to be attractive for farmers with a strategy of intensification than for farmers who struggle to produce food for their family. The latter too often face multiple constraints that limit the possibilities to engage in technological innovations. Some farmers may not be interested in new technologies because they earn their income from off-farm activities. Good markets of input supply and sale of extra produce are a prerequisite condition for adoption of CA as they are for any other new agricultural technology that aims at intensification. In sub-Saharan Africa, there is certainly a need to better target CA to potential end users and adapt the CA practices to their local circumstances and specific farming contexts. (Résumé d'auteur

    How climate-smart is conservation agriculture (CA)? – its potential to deliver on adaptation, mitigation and productivity on smallholder farms in southern Africa

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