689 research outputs found

    Conflict over resources generates conflict over mate choice: Reply to Smaldino and Newson

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2013.12.004Evolutionary computer simulations are an important part of the theoretical biologist's toolkit (Peck, 2004; DeAngelis & Mooij, 2005; Kokko, 2007), offering insights into a range of fundamental evolutionary processes, not least sexual selection (e.g. van Doorn & Weissing 2004, 2006; Fawcett et al., 2007, 2011; van Doorn et al., 2009; reviewed in Kuijper et al., 2012). Like all theoretical tools, they must be used with care (Hamblin, 2012). Smaldino & Newson (2013, henceforth S&N) have challenged our recent work on parent–offspring conflict over mate choice (Van den Berg et al., 2013), arguing that our simulations rely on unrealistic assumptions and that our conclusions are not supported. But all four points of criticism they present are misguided. (1) The accusation that the handicap principle cannot work in our model is wrong; Fig. 1a in Van den Berg et al. (2013) clearly demonstrates that a costly preference for a signal of male quality does evolve. (2) The assertion that mutation bias drove male quality close to zero in our model is wrong; in fact, male quality reached very high, stable levels in our simulations. (3) The assertion that overcompensation was responsible for our results is wrong; parent and offspring preferences also diverge in the absence of overcompensation. (4) The alternative explanation offered for our results is wrong, because it predicts the opposite pattern to that we actually observed in our simulations. Below we address each of these misunderstandings and consider two alternative hypotheses suggested by S&

    Discontinuation of a randomised controlled trial in general practice due to unsuccessful patient recruitment.

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    BACKGROUND: A randomised controlled trial (RCT) in general practice, recruiting incident patients with (sub)acute sciatica, was discontinued because of insufficient recruitment. AIM: To describe factors that influenced the recruitment process and ultimately led to discontinuation of this trial, and to enable others to learn from this experience. DESIGN & SETTING: A pragmatic RCT was designed to compare two pain medication prescription strategies for treatment of (sub)acute sciatica in general practice. After 1 year of patient recruitment, the trial was prematurely terminated. METHOD: To analyse the underperforming recruitment, patient information systems of 20 general practices were screened twice a month to search for eligible patients and identify reasons for non-eligibility. Secondly, after study termination, an open question was distributed to the participating GPs for their views on the recruitment process. RESULTS: A total of 116 GPs from 37 general practices collaborated in the trial. Only eight of 234 patients were included after 12 months. The 22 GPs who offered their opinion on the main reasons for unsuccessful recruitment considered that these were the low incidence rate and strict eligibility criteria, a strong patient and/or GP preference, and time constraints. CONCLUSION: For this RCT, multiple factors were related to recruitment problems but it remains unknown which determinants prevailed. As the research question is unanswered but remains relevant, it is recommended that GPs' daily practice is taken into account when designing an RCT, a pilot study should be performed for feasibility of recruitment, and GP assistants should be involved at an early stage

    Central adrenal insufficiency is rare in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome

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    CONTEXT: Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is associated with several hypothalamic-pituitary hormone deficiencies. There is no agreement on the prevalence of central adrenal insufficiency (CAI) in adults with PWS. In some countries, it is general practice to prescribe stress-dose hydrocortisone during physical or psychological stress in patients with PWS. Side effects of frequent hydrocortisone use are weight gain, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension-already major problems in adults with PWS. However, undertreatment of CAI can cause significant morbidity-or even mortality. OBJECTIVE: To prevent both over- and undertreatment with hydrocortisone, we assessed the prevalence of CAI in a large international cohort of adults with PWS. As the synacthen test shows variable results in PWS, we only use the metyrapone test (MTP) and insulin tolerance test (ITT). DESIGN: Metyrapone test or ITT in adults with PWS (N = 82) and review of medical files for symptoms of hypocortisolism related to surgery (N = 645). SETTING: Outpatient clinic. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Eighty-two adults with genetically confirmed PWS. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: For MTP, 11-deoxycortisol > 230 nmol/L was considered sufficient. For ITT, cortisol > 500 nmol/L (Dutch, French, and Swedish patients) or > 450 nmol/L (British patients) was considered sufficient. RESULTS: Central adrenal insufficiency was excluded in 81 of 82 patients. Among the 645 patients whose medical files were reviewed, 200 had undergone surgery without perioperative hydrocortisone treatment. None of them had displayed any features of hypocortisolism. CONCLUSIONS: Central adrenal insufficiency is rare (1.2%) in adults with PWS. Based on these results, we recommend against routinely prescribing hydrocortisone stress-doses in adults with PWS

    PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs and Pesticides in Cold-Pressed Vegetable Oils

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    The aim of this study was to investigate levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (marker and dioxin-like congeners), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (EPA 15 + 1), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (14 predominant congeners) and pesticides (74 compounds) in various cold-pressed vegetable oils. Poppy seed oil, rapeseed oil, sesame seed oil, pumpkinseed oil, hempseed oil, linaire oil, borage oil and evening star oil were investigated. Results of this study revealed that concentrations of PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs were low in majority of the investigated samples. However, high concentrations of organophosphorus insecticides were found. Chlorpyrifos methyl and pirimiphos methyl were the pesticide residues most commonly found in the studied oils. Concentration of 15 + 1 EPA PAHs was within the 17.85–37.16 μg kg−1 range, concentration of (marker) PCBs varied from 127 to 24,882 pg g−1, dioxin-like TEQ values were below 0.1 pg TEQ g−1. Concentration of PBDEs was below LOQ in most cases

    Aerodynamics of the Hovering Hummingbird

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    Despite profound musculoskeletal differences, hummingbirds (Trochilidae) are widely thought to employ aerodynamic mechanisms similar to those used by insects. The kinematic symmetry of the hummingbird upstroke and downstroke has led to the assumption that these halves of the wingbeat cycle contribute equally to weight support during hovering, as exhibited by insects of similar size. This assumption has been applied, either explicitly or implicitly, in widely used aerodynamic models, and in a variety of empirical tests. Here we provide measurements of the wake of hovering rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) obtained with digital particle image velocimetry that show force asymmetry: hummingbirds produce 75% of their weight support during the downstroke and only 25% during the upstroke. Some of this asymmetry is probably due to inversion of their cambered wings during upstroke. The wake of hummingbird wings also reveals evidence of leading-edge vortices created during the downstroke, indicating that they may operate at Reynolds numbers sufficiently low to exploit a key mechanism typical of insect hovering. Hummingbird hovering approaches that of insects, yet remains distinct because of effects resulting from an inherently dissimilar—avian—body plan

    Invasive Aspergillus fumigatus infection after Plasmodium falciparum malaria in an immuno-competent host: Case report and review of literature

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    Invasive fungal infection is rarely reported in association with malaria, even though malaria-associated inhibition of phagocyte function is a well-known condition. Invasive aspergillosis is frequently found in severely immuno-compromised patients but not in healthy individuals. Here, a case of pulmonary invasive aspergillosis in a previously healthy patient with severe P. falciparum malaria is presented, who was successfully treated with voriconazol and caspofungin. This is the first survival of malaria-associated invasive aspergillosis

    Clinicoradiological manifestations of paraganglioma syndromes associated with succinyl dehydrogenase enzyme mutation

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    BACKGROUND: Paragangliomas are rare tumours derived from the autonomic nervous system that have increasingly been recognised to have a genetic predisposition. Mutations of the enzyme succinyl dehydrogenase (SDH) have proven to result in paraganglioma formation. There are four subunits (A through D) that form the enzyme complex and are associated with different genophenotypic expressions of disease. SDHB and SDHD mutations are more common, whereas SDHA and SDHC mutations are rare. Patients with SDHB mutations are prone to extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas, malignant disease and extra-paraganglial neoplasia, whereas SDHD mutations have a greater propensity for multiple, benign head and neck paragangliomas. METHODS: Diagnosis of a sporadic paraganglioma or pheochromocytoma should lead to a full genetic workup of the patient and family if SDH mutations are found. RESULTS: Further annual screening will be required depending on the mutation, which can have a significant impact on radiologists and the resources of the radiology department. CONCLUSION: We present our imaging experience with a series of patients with proven SDH mutations resulting in paragangliomas with a review of the literature

    Genetic screening and democracy: lessons from debating genetic screening criteria in the Netherlands

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    Recent decades have witnessed increasing possibilities for genetic testing and screening. In clinical genetics, the doctor’s office defined a secluded space for discussion of sensitive reproductive options in cases of elevated risk for genetic disorders in individuals or their offspring. When prenatal screening for all pregnant women became conceivable, the potential increase in scale made social and ethical concerns relevant for the whole of society. Whereas genetic testing in clinical genetic practice was widely accepted, prenatal screening at a population level met with unease. Concerns were raised regarding social pressure to screen: the sum of individual choice might result in a ‘collective eugenics’. The government’s involvement also raised suspicion: actively offering screening evoked associations with eugenic population policies from the first half of the 20th century. By reconstructing elements of policy and public debate on prenatal screening in the Netherlands from the past 30 years, this article discusses how the government has gradually changed its role in balancing the interest of the individual and the collective on genetic reproductive issues. Against a background of increasing knowledge about and demand for prenatal screening among the population, governmental policy changed from focusing on protection by banning screening toward facilitating screening in a careful and ethically sound way by providing adequate information, decision aids and quality assessment instruments. In the meanwhile, invigorating democracy in public debate may entail discussing concepts of ‘the good life’ in relation to living with or without impairments and dealing with genetic information about oneself or one’s offspring