541 research outputs found

    Limitation of dimethylsulfoniopropionate synthesis at high irradiance in natural phytoplankton communities of the Tropical Atlantic

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    Predictions of the ocean-atmosphere flux of dimethyl sulfide will be improved by understanding what controls seasonal and regional variations in dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) production. To investigate the influence of high levels of irradiance including ultraviolet radiation (UVR), on DMSP synthesis rates (μDMSP) and inorganic carbon fixation (μPOC) by natural phytoplankton communities, nine experiments were carried out at different locations in the low nutrient, high light environment of the northeastern Tropical Atlantic. Rates of μDMSP and μPOC were determined by measuring the incorporation of inorganic 13C into DMSP and particulate organic carbon. Based on measurements over discrete time intervals during the day, a unique μDMSP vs. irradiance (P vs. E) relationship was established. Comparison is made with the P vs. E relationship for μPOC, indicating that light saturation of μDMSP occurs at similar irradiance to μPOC and is closely coupled to carbon fixation on a diel basis. Photoinhibition during the middle of the day was exacerbated by exposure to UVR, causing an additional 55–60% inhibition of both μDMSP and μPOC at the highest light levels. In addition, decreased production of DMSP in response to UVR-induced photoxidative stress, contrasted with the increased net synthesis of photoprotective xanthophyll pigments. Together these results indicate that DMSP production by phytoplankton in the tropical ocean is not regulated in the short term by the necessity to control increasing photooxidative stress as irradiance increases during the day. The study provides new insight into the regulation of resource allocation into this biogeochemically important, multi-functional compatible solute

    Comparison of new and primary production models using SeaWiFS data in contrasting hydrographic zones of the northern North Atlantic.

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    The accuracy of two satellite models of marine primary (PP) and new production (NP) were assessed against 14C and 15N uptake measurements taken during six research cruises in the northern North Atlantic. The wavelength resolving model (WRM) was more accurate than the Vertical General Production Model (VGPM) for computation of both PP and NP. Mean monthly satellite maps of PP and NP for both models were generated from 1997 to 2010 using SeaWiFS data for the Irminger basin and North Atlantic. Intra- and inter-annual variability of the two models was compared in six hydrographic zones. Both models exhibited similar spatio-temporal patterns: PP and NP increased from April to June and decreased by August. Higher values were associated with the East Greenland Current (EGC), Iceland Basin (ICB) and the Reykjanes Ridge (RKR) and lower values occurred in the Central Irminger Current (CIC), North Irminger Current (NIC) and Southern Irminger Current (SIC). The annual PP and NP over the SeaWiFS record was 258 and 82 gC m-2 yr-1 respectively for the VGPM and 190 and 41 gC m-2 yr-1 for the WRM. Average annual cumulative sum in the anomalies of NP for the VGPM were positively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the EGC, CIC and SIC and negatively correlated with the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) in the ICB. By contrast, cumulative sum of the anomalies of NP for the WRM were significantly correlated with NAO only in the EGC and CIC. NP from both VGPM and WRM exhibited significant negative correlations with Arctic Oscillation (AO) in all hydrographic zones. The differences in estimates of PP and NP in these hydrographic zones arise principally from the parameterisation of the euphotic depth and the SST dependence of photo-physiological term in the VGPM, which has a greater sensitivity to variations in temperature than the WRM. In waters of 0 to 5C PP using the VGPM was 43% higher than WRM, from 5 to 10C the VGPM was 29% higher and from 10 to 15C the VGPM was 27% higher

    Determining Atlantic Ocean province contrasts and variations

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    The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) series of twenty-five cruises over the past twenty years has produced a rich depth-resolved biogeochemical in situ data resource consisting of a wealth of core variables. These multiple core datasets, key to the operation of AMT, such as temperature, salinity, oxygen and inorganic nutrients, are often only used as ancillary measurements for contextualising hypothesis-driven process studies. In this paper these core in situ variables, alongside data drawn from satellite Earth Observation (EO) and modelling, have been analysed to determine characteristic oceanic province variations encountered over the last twenty years on the AMT through the Atlantic Ocean. The EO and modelling analysis shows the variations of key environmental variables in each province, such as surface currents, the net heat flux and subsequent large scale biological responses, such as primary production. The in situ core dataset analysis allows the variation in features such as the tropical oxygen minimum zone to be quantified as well as showing clear contrasts between the provinces in nutrient stoichiometry. Such observations and relationships can be used within basin scale biogeochemical models to set realistic variation ranges

    Organization of planktonic Tintinnina assemblages in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Marine plankton have different biogeographical distribution patterns. However, it is not clear how the entire plankton assemblage is composed of these species with distinct biogeographical patterns. Tintinnina (tintinnids) is single-celled planktonic protozoa commonly used as model organisms in planktonic studies. In this research, we investigated the organization of Tintinnina assemblages along the Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) spanning over 90 degrees of latitude during the 29th AMT cruise (2019). Tintinnina with high frequency of occurrence was classified into four biogeographic distribution patterns (equatorial, gyre, frontal, and deep Chl a maximum) according to their vertical and horizontal distribution. All species falling within each distribution pattern formed a sub-assemblage. Equatorial sub-assemblage dominated in upper waters of the equatorial zone and gyre centres. Equatorial and frontal sub-assemblages co-dominated in upper waters of the frontal zones. Deep Chlorophyll a maximum Layer (DCM) sub-assemblage dominated in the DCM waters. Some Tintinnina species with high abundance could be used as indicator species of sub-assemblages. The Tintinnina assemblages in the northern and southern hemispheres exhibited asymmetry in terms of species composition. The latitudinal gradient of Tintinnina species richness was bimodal, which was shaped by the superposition of the species number of the four sub-assemblages with latitude. The result of this study contributes to the understanding of Tintinnina assemblage in the equatorial zone and subtropical gyres of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. It is also valuable for predicting the influence of global warming on changes in Tintinnina distribution and species richness

    Tendinopathy—from basic science to treatment

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    Chronic tendon pathology (tendinopathy), although common, is difficult to treat. Tendons possess a highly organized fibrillar matrix, consisting of type I collagen and various 'minor' collagens, proteoglycans and glycoproteins. The tendon matrix is maintained by the resident tenocytes, and there is evidence of a continuous process of matrix remodeling, although the rate of turnover varies at different sites. A change in remodeling activity is associated with the onset of tendinopathy. Major molecular changes include increased expression of type III collagen, fibronectin, tenascin C, aggrecan and biglycan. These changes are consistent with repair, but they might also be an adaptive response to changes in mechanical loading. Repeated minor strain is thought to be the major precipitating factor in tendinopathy, although further work is required to determine whether it is mechanical overstimulation or understimulation that leads to the change in tenocyte activity. Metalloproteinase enzymes have an important role in the tendon matrix, being responsible for the degradation of collagen and proteoglycan in both healthy patients and those with disease. Metalloproteinases that show increased expression in painful tendinopathy include ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase)-12 and MMP (matrix metalloproteinase)-23. The role of these enzymes in tendon pathology is unknown, and further work is required to identify novel and specific molecular targets for therapy

    Morris dancers, matriarchs and paperbacks:Doing the village in contemporary Britain

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    To call a place rural is to categorize it as a particular kind of place and, often, to presume that particular kinds of being innately occur there. Over the past 20 years, however, trends in British rural studies have problematized easy ascription; this article is an ethnographic contribution within those trends. If it is no longer adequate to read the rural as a container for being, then, as I contend here, rurality can be explored anew through doing. I draw upon David Matless’s (1994) frame of ‘doing the village’ representationally, and amplify it to include concepts of place as representational and relational. I thus use ‘doing’ to read the multiple ways in which diverse residents in a Northern England village engage with both their real locality and with nationally shared rural imaginings

    A Novel Ca2+ Signaling Pathway Coordinates Environmental Phosphorus Sensing and Nitrogen Metabolism in Marine Diatoms

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    Diatoms are a diverse and globally important phytoplankton group, responsible for an estimated 20% of carbon fixation on Earth. They frequently form spatially extensive phytoplankton blooms, responding rapidly to increased availability of nutrients, including phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). Although it is well established that diatoms are common first responders to nutrient influxes in aquatic ecosystems, little is known of the sensory mechanisms that they employ for nutrient perception. Here, we show that P-limited diatoms use a Ca2+-dependentsignaling pathway, notpreviouslydescribed ineukaryotes,tosenseandrespondto thecritical macronutrient P. We demonstrate that P-Ca2+ signaling is conserved between a representative pennate (Phaeodactylum tricornutum) and centric (Thalassiosira pseudonana) diatom. Moreover, this pathway is ecologically relevant, being sensitive to sub-micromolar concentrations of inorganic phosphate and a range of environmentally abundant P forms. Notably, we show that diatom recovery from P limitation requires rapid and substantial increases in N assimilation and demonstrate that this process is dependent on P-Ca2+ signaling. P-Ca2+ signaling thus governs the capacity of diatoms to rapidly sense and respond to P resupply, mediating fundamental cross-talk between the vital nutrients P and N and maximizing diatom resource competition in regions of pulsed nutrient supply