746 research outputs found

    Is That Twitter Hashtag Worth Reading

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    Online social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikis and Linkedin have made a great impact on the way we consume information in our day to day life. Now it has become increasingly important that we come across appropriate content from the social media to avoid information explosion. In case of Twitter, popular information can be tracked using hashtags. Studying the characteristics of tweets containing hashtags becomes important for a number of tasks, such as breaking news detection, personalized message recommendation, friends recommendation, and sentiment analysis among others. In this paper, we have analyzed Twitter data based on trending hashtags, which is widely used nowadays. We have used event based hashtags to know users' thoughts on those events and to decide whether the rest of the users might find it interesting or not. We have used topic modeling, which reveals the hidden thematic structure of the documents (tweets in this case) in addition to sentiment analysis in exploring and summarizing the content of the documents. A technique to find the interestingness of event based twitter hashtag and the associated sentiment has been proposed. The proposed technique helps twitter follower to read, relevant and interesting hashtag.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Presented at the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics (WCI-2015

    Circular economy and closing nutrient cycles:planning sustainable bio-waste management system for Puolanka municipality

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    Abstract. The government of Finland has set five-year National waste plan (2018–2023) with the theme “From recycling to circular economy” and the plan aims to sustainable waste management and waste prevention. Adapting circular economy shall bring three positives: economic growth, social development and lower environmental impact, when progressing towards sustainable development. The theory part defines and details the terms circular economy and how it is better than linear system; industrial ecology; cradle to cradle; low-carbon economy; nutrient cycle and the significance on closing the cycle; then defining fertiliser and the types of fertilisers and why to choose natural fertilizers over chemical fertilizers? Also, there is a mention of relevant EU regulations and directives for maintaining the quality and providing best living environment for all. Lastly the technologies that are used for managing the municipal bio-waste and the comparative advantages of anaerobic digestion (AD) over composting on the basis of sustainability are defined. In the experimental part, the current situation of separately collected bio-waste in Puolanka municipality in Kainuu (Status quo: transported to Kajaani for composting in Majasaari waste center) was compared with the other possible scenarios: — Scenario I: If separately collected bio-waste were transported to Oulu to be treated in existing biogas plant — Scenario II: If separately collected bio-waste were treated in Puolanka locally in new biogas plant The aim was to recommend best suitable management-option for long-term sustainability of source separated bio-waste in Puolanka municipality based on closing the nutrient cycle and boosting circular economy. The data were collected and appropriate calculations for sizing and feasibility studies were made. The Sustainability Assessment tests were performed using RECENT project’s sustainability assessment templates based on calculations and collected information. It was observed from sustainability outcomes that Status quo would be the least preferred option even though it was economical than Scenario I because the use of composting technology caused greenhouse gas emissions and didn’t have long-term socio-economic benefits. Also, Scenario II had an advantage over Scenario I for an impact on environment and community since creating an own anaerobic digester provides community a privilege of clean renewable energy (biogas) and its energy output was possible to replace our dependency on fossil fuel consumption. It was found that Scenario II is totally attainable, with only 3,22 years of payback period. The calculative biogas energy output for a year with 165,478 t of bio-waste/year was 144,8 MWh that would be enough to replace the annual fuel demand of 10,9 petrol-based cars and 15,4 diesel-based cars. The value of annual digestate (sanitized co-product of biogas process) sales was 1 556,3 €; annual district heating revenue was 13 694 €; and reduction of 40,37 t of CO₂e per year. The economic boost with reduction of gate fee and transportation charges and increase in job or business opportunities at Puolanka itself makes it more evident that Scenario II, the proposed AD plant in Puolanka is the best solution for the source separated bio-waste management for closing nutrient cycle as well as in achieving circular economy through circulation of the waste as an input to convert into energy in maintaining long term benefits. Thus, this thesis is an intensive consolidation of theory and experiment to understand that circulation of resources boosts circular economy and closing the nutrient cycle in biosphere is important. The future recommendations would be a detailed study on the feasibility (in terms of investments) for Scenario II (maximum use of local bio-refineries). Also, co-digestion (adding two or more substrates) as feed-inputs would boost in the production of biogas contributing to high clean renewable energy output.Tiivistelmä. Suomen hallitus on tehnyt viiden vuoden (2018–2023) jätesuunnitelman ”Kierrätyksestä kiertotalouteen”, jonka tavoitteena on kestävä jätehuolto ja jätteiden synnyn ehkäiseminen. Kiertotalouden omaksuminen tuo mukanaan kolme positiivista asiaa: talouskasvun, sosiaalisen kehityksen ja ympäristövaikutusten pienenemisen, edeten samalla kohti kestävää kehitystä. Teoreettinen osa määrittelee ja täsmentää kiertotalouden termejä ja kuvaa sitä, miten kiertotalous on parempi kuin lineaarinen järjestelmä; kuvaa, mitä ovat teollinen ekologia, vähähiilinen talous, ravinnekierto ja ravinteiden kierron sulkemisen tärkeys, tarkastelee erilaisia lannoitetyyppejä ja syitä miksi valita luonnonlannoitteet keinolannoitteiden sijaan. Myös asiankuuluvat EU:n säännökset ja direktiivit laadun ylläpitämiseksi ja hyvän elinympäristön turvaamiseksi kerrotaan. Lopuksi selvitetään biojätteiden käsittelyyn käytetyt tekniikat ja anaerobisen mädätyksen edut kompostointiin verrattuna kestävyyden kannalta tarkasteltuna. Kokeellisessa osassa Kainuussa sijaitsevan Puolangan kunnan nykyistä erilliskerätyn biojätteen käsittelyä (kuljetus ja kompostointi Kajaanin Majasaaren jätekeskuksessa) verrattiin muihin mahdollisiin skenaarioihin: — Skenaario I: Erilliskerätyt biojätteet kuljetetaan Ouluun käsiteltäväksi nykyisessä biokaasulaitoksessa — Skenaario II: Erilliskerätyt biojätteet käsitellään Puolangassa paikallisesti uudessa biokaasulaitoksessa Tavoitteena oli suositella parasta ja sopivinta vaihtoehtoa näiden kolmen vaihtoehdon väliltä yleisen kestävyyden kannalta tarkasteltuna sekä ravinnekierron sulkemisen ja kiertotalouden edistämiseksi. Tiedot kerättiin ja tehtiin asianmukaiset laskelmat biokaasureaktorin mitoittamiseen ja biokaasulaitoksen taloudelliseen kannattavuuteen liittyen. Kestävyysarviointi suoritettiin käyttäen RECENT-projektin kestävyydenarviointitemplaatteja tehtyihin laskelmiin ja kerättyyn tietoon perustuen. Kestävyysarvioinnin tulosten perusteella todettiin, että nykytilanne olisi vähiten suositeltava vaihtoehto, vaikka se olisi ollut skenaarioon I verrattuna taloudellisempaa, koska kompostointiteknologian käyttö aiheutti päästöjä eikä sillä ollut pitkäaikaisia sosioekonomisia hyötyjä. Skenaariossa II oli myös etu skenaarioon I verrattuna, sillä skenaario II vaikutti ympäristöön ja yhteisöön, koska oman biokaasulaitoksen hankkiminen tarjoaa yhteisölle etuoikeuden puhtaaseen uusiutuvaan energiaan (biokaasu) ja sen energiantuotannolla olisi mahdollista vähentää riippuvuutta fossiilisista polttoaineista. Todettiin, että skenaario II on täysin saavutettavissa, ja sen takaisinmaksuaika on vain 3,22 vuotta. Biokaasun laskennallinen energiantuotanto 165,478 tonnille biojätettä vuodessa vuodessa oli 144,8 MWh, joka riittää korvaamaan 10,9 bensiiniauton ja 15,4 dieselauton vuosittaisen polttoaineenkulutuksen. Biokaasuprosessista saatavan mädätteen vuosittainen arvo oli 1 556,3 €; vuosittainen kaukolämmön tuoton arvo 13 694 euroa; ja hiilidioksidipäästöjen väheneminen 40,37 t CO₂e vuodessa. Puolangan saamat taloudelliset edut porttimaksujen ja kuljetuskustannusten alenemisen sekä työpaikkojen tai liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien lisääntymisen myötä lisää selvyyttä siitä, että Skenaario II, Puolangan uusi biokaasulaitos, on paras vaihtoehto jätteenkäsittelylle Puolangan kunnassa ravinnekierron sulkemiseksi ja kiertotalouden aikaansaamiseksi jätteiden kierrätyksen kautta jätteen ollessa syötteenä energiantuotannossa pitkän aikavälin hyötyjen ylläpitämiseksi. Tämä diplomityö on intensiivinen teorian ja käytännön yhdistely sen ymmärtämiseksi, että resurssien kierrättäminen vahvistaa kiertotaloutta ja ravinnekierron sulkeminen biosfäärissä on tärkeää. Suosituksia jatkotutkimuksille ovat yksityiskohtainen selvitys (investointien osalta) skenaarion II toteutettavuudesta (paikallisten biojalostamojen mahdollisimman suuri käyttö). Myös yhteismädätys (kaksi tai useampi syötettä samalla laitoksella) lisäisi biokaasun tuotantoa, mikä puolestaan lisäisi puhtaan uusiutuvan energian tuotantoa

    Explainable Artificial Intelligence to predict clinical outcomes for adults with Type 1 diabetes

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    Abstract. Type 1 diabetes patients are prone to life-threatening conditions. Severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis are such conditions that often require urgent hospital care. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been used to improve the quality of diabetes care and management. These techniques provide a more comprehensive and better experience for patients and their loved ones. The objective of this study is to implement an AI-based explainable solution to predict possible severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis events in T1D patients within the next 12 months. The initial models in this study were built with baseline factors identified in prior research. However, baseline factors alone did not provide enough information, and the models were improved by introducing more features and separating the population by gender. The final predictive models highlighted some of the baseline factors in the original study when predicting the outcomes. Decision support systems based on machine learning models have become a viable way to enhance patient safety by locating and prioritizing high-risk patients. The final models were used to build a decision support system that facilitates precision medicine by prioritizing the high-risk patient group. Moreover, it helps to potentially reduce medical expenses through more efficient resource management

    Media Narratives: The Kashmiri Pandit Story

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    While the media industry has been often criticized in the sense of bias and sensationalizing, it can be evinced that most of the narratives that inform the consciousness of the people are spun from the figments of media reports that have emerged across time and space. The world today is a saturated space with images and stories of variant kind that attribute meanings to a particular event or identity. In case of minority cultures, this formulation of identity overlaps with the mediation brought forth by the facets of religious affiliations, community, political ideologies and gender roles that pervade in the society. The condition of the Kashmiri Pandits in the contemporary parlance and the perspectives of opinion surrounding them in terms of what happened and is happening, is of critical importance. The paper is an attempt to understand the milieu of reporting as seen both in the old media, new media and social media

    Detection And Track Vehicle Position By With GPS Module With Internet Of Things

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    The fingerprint sensor module records the fingerprint images, and corresponds to the diversity of each fingerprint scanned by the sensor module. This is also in contrast to the only source kept in the component or database of the instrument cluster. Automatic monitoring tool that works using GPS and also the establishment of GSM networks, so that one can have the cheapest truck monitoring stock, and it can also work as a burglar alarm device. It is an inherent tool used for monitoring and for tracking any type of vehicle with GPS and also a global manufacturer of cellular interaction. A moving car will constantly appear. This system has a single instrument panel setup using the GPS as well as GSM modems integrated with the ARM CPU connected to the vehicle. After the emergency is pressed if a problem occurs, the SMS with the AT command is sent to the web server. Cars and trucks taken can also be tracked with a GPS tracker attached in the same way. Certain layers of specific safety and security are managed with an ARM 7-based controller that works due to the appropriate node. The complete equipment was analyzed using the inspection part using the car door agreement, vehicle immobilizer, etc. With equivalent connections, while Fingerprint documents come from Matlab, a totally-based GUI. Predictive effects confirmed the operation of the anti-theft instrument in operational environments

    Cost variation analysis of various brands of anti-retroviral agents currently available in Indian market: an economic perspective study

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    Background: The aim was to analyze the percentage cost variations among different brands of the commonly prescribed anti-retroviral agents in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus.Methods: The cost of different brands of commonly used Anti-Retroviral agents was sorted out by referring latest Indian drug index online, drug today, current index of medical specialties, Indian drug review.Results: The percentage variation in the cost was above 100% with most of the commonly used anti-retroviral agents. Overall sequinafir 500 mg shows maximum cost variation of 1490.3%, while nelfinavir (625 mg) shows minimum cost variation of 6.1% in single drug therapy. Lamivudine 300 mg and tenofovir 300 mg combination shows maximum cost variation of 14055% whereas, lamivudine 150 mg, zidovudine 300 mg and efavirenz 600 mg shows minimum cost variation of 10% in combination drug therapy.Conclusions: HIV is the most common infectious, life-threatening disease and drugs are to be prescribed for life-long period. If a costly brand is prescribed, the patients cannot afford to pay more money for their treatment. This also leads to poor patient compliance, dissatisfaction and failure of the treatment. Ideally, therefore, the drugs should be prescribed in such a way, to save the patient's economic burden and enhance the compliance of the treatment

    Aminoguanidine Reverses the Loss of Functional Hyperemia in a Rat Model of Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Flickering light dilates retinal arterioles and increases retinal blood flow, a response termed functional hyperemia. This response is diminished in diabetic patients even before the appearance of overt clinical retinopathy. The loss of functional hyperemia could deprive retinal neurons of oxygen and nutrients, possibly exacerbating the development of diabetic retinopathy. We have tested whether inhibiting inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) reverses the loss of functional hyperemia in diabetic rat retinas in vivo. Changes in retinal arteriole diameter were measured following diffuse flickering light stimulation in control rats, streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic rats and diabetic rats treated with aminoguanidine (AG; an iNOS inhibitor), either acutely via IV injection or chronically in drinking water. Flickering light-evoked large arteriole dilations (10.8 ± 1.1%) in control rats. This response was diminished by 61% in diabetic animals (4.2 ± 0.3%). Both acute and chronic treatment with AG restored flicker-induced arteriole dilations in diabetic rats (8.8 ± 0.9 and 9.5 ± 1.3%, respectively). The amplitude of the corneal electroretinogram b-wave was similar in control and diabetic animals. These findings demonstrate that inhibiting iNOS with AG is effective in preventing the loss of, and restoring, normal functional hyperemia in the diabetic rat retina. Previous work has demonstrated the efficacy of iNOS inhibitors in slowing the progression of diabetic retinopathy. This effect could be due, in part, to a restoration of functional hyperemia

    Combining depth and intensity images to produce enhanced object detection for use in a robotic colony

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    Robotic colonies that can communicate with each other and interact with their ambient environments can be utilized for a wide range of research and industrial applications. However amongst the problems that these colonies face is that of the isolating objects within an environment. Robotic colonies that can isolate objects within the environment can not only map that environment in de-tail, but interact with that ambient space. Many object recognition techniques ex-ist, however these are often complex and computationally expensive, leading to overly complex implementations. In this paper a simple model is proposed to isolate objects, these can then be recognize and tagged. The model will be using 2D and 3D perspectives of the perceptual data to produce a probability map of the outline of an object, therefore addressing the defects that exist with 2D and 3D image techniques. Some of the defects that will be addressed are; low level illumination and objects at similar depths. These issues may not be completely solved, however, the model provided will provide results confident enough for use in a robotic colony

    Augmented-LSTM and 1D-CNN-LSTM based DPD models for linearization of wideband power amplifiers

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    Abstract. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have gained popularity in modeling the nonlinear behavior of wideband power amplifiers. Recently, modern researchers have used two types of neural network architectures, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), to model power amplifier behavior and compensate for power amplifier distortion. Each architecture has its own advantages and limitations. In light of these, this study proposes two digital pre-distortion (DPD) models based on LSTM and CNN. The first proposed model is an augmented LSTM model, which effectively reduces distortion in wideband power amplifiers. The measurement results demonstrate that the proposed augmented LSTM model provides better linearization performance than existing state-of-the-art DPDs designed using ANNs. The second proposed model is a 1D-CNN-LSTM model that simplifies the augmented LSTM model by integrating a CNN layer before the LSTM layer. This integration reduces the number of input features to the LSTM layer, resulting in a low-complexity linearization for wideband PAs. The measurement results show that the 1D-CNN-LSTM model provides comparable results to the augmented LSTM model. In summary, this study proposes two novel DPD models based on LSTM and CNN, which effectively reduce distortion and provide low-complexity linearization for wideband PAs. The measurement results demonstrate that both models offer comparable performance to existing state-of-the-art DPDs designed using ANNs