7 research outputs found

    Importance of triple endoscopy in the diagnosis of multiple primary tumors in patients with upper aerodigestive tract squamous cell carcinoma

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com carcinomas das vias aerodigestivas superiores (VADS) apresentam um alto risco de desenvolver outros cânceres tanto simultaneamente quanto subsequentemente. A maioria destes tumores ocorre nas VADS, pulmões ou esôfago. A tríplice endoscopia (laringoscopia, endoscopia digestiva alta e broncoscopia) possibilita o diagnostico de lesões precursoras e de tumores invasivos. No entanto, a maioria dos estudos limita-se a descrever a frequência de diagnósticos, mas não os resultados do tratamento e o impacto na sobrevida. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a importância da tríplice endoscopia para o diagnóstico de neoplasias primárias múltiplas e as diferenças no estadiamento e nas taxas de sobrevida de pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de VADS. Caracterizar o perfil e analisar fatores de risco para neoplasias primárias múltiplas. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo caso-controle retrospectivo em que foram incluídos pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide de VADS, submetidos à tríplice endoscopia antes do início do tratamento (grupo tríplice endoscopia), pareados, por sexo, idade e localização, estádio clínico e tratamento do tumor primário, com pacientes não submetidos à tríplice endoscopia na avaliação inicial (grupo controle). RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 135 pacientes em cada grupo. No grupo tríplice endoscopia ocorreram mais diagnósticos de segundo tumor primário (STP), 34 (17 simultâneos e 17 metacrônicos), do que no grupo controle, 20 (1 simultâneo e 19 metacrônicos). Não foi identificada diferença significativa entre o estadiamento dos tumores de grupo tríplice endoscopia e do grupo controle. As curvas de sobrevida global, específica por câncer, livre de doença e pós-STP foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. A sobrevida livre de STP foi maior no grupo controle. Na análise multivariada foram identificados como fatores prognósticos independentes para a sobrevida, o sexo (feminino, RR 0,51, IC 0,30 0,88), a idade (maior que 57 anos, RR 1,73, IC 1,29 2,31), a localização do tumor primário (laringe, RR 0,60, IC 0,39 0,93), o estádio N (N2 e N3, RR 1,78, IC 1,26 2,51) e o estádio clínico do tumor primário (III e IV, RR 2,75, IC 1,69 4,46). As variáveis independentes relacionadas ao diagnóstico e à ocorrência de STP foram a realização de tríplice endoscopia (RR 1,93; IC 95% 1,02 - 3,65), o tipo de tratamento do tumor primário (cirurgia exclusiva, RR 3,14; IC 95% 1,11 - 8,85) e o tempo de seguimento (maior que 24 meses, RR 3,69; IC 95% 1,19 - 11,47). CONCLUSÃO: Não ocorreu diferença no estádio clínico dos STP e nas sobrevidas global, específica por câncer, livre de doença e pós-STP entre o grupo tríplice endoscopia e o grupo controle. Foram identificados como fatores independentes relacionados ao diagnóstico e a ocorrência de STP o tratamento realizado (cirurgia exclusiva), o tempo de seguimento (maior que 24 meses) e a realização da tríplice endoscopia.INTRODUCTION: Patients with upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) carcinomas have a high risk of developing others cancers simultaneously or subsequently. Most of these tumors occur in UADT, lungs or esophagus. Triple endoscopy (laryngoscopy, endoscopy and bronchoscopy) enables the diagnosis of premalignant and invasive tumors. However, most of the studies describe only the frequency of the diagnosis, but not the results of treatment and its impact on survival. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the importance of triple endoscopy for the diagnosis of multiple primary tumors and the differences in clinical stage and survival rates of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the UADT. To characterize and to analyze the risk factors for multiple primary tumors. METHODS: This is a case-control study that included patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the UADT, that were submitted to a triple endoscopy before the first treatment (triple endoscopy group), matched by sex, age and location, clinical stage and treatment of primary tumor, with patients not undergoing triple endoscopy in the initial evaluation (control group). RESULTS: One hundred and thirty five patients were included in each group. The diagnosis of second primary tumor (SPT) was more frequent in the triple endoscopy group than in the control group, 34 (17 simultaneous and 17 metachronous) and 20 cases (1 simultaneous and 19 metachronous), respectively. No significant difference was found between the clinical stage of triple endoscopy group and the control group. The curves of overall survival, cancer specific, disease-free and after SPT were similar in both groups. The SPT free survival was higher in the control group. In the multivariate analysis were identified as independent prognostic factors for survival, sex (women, RR 0.51, CI 0.30 - 0.88), age (older than 57 years, RR 1.73, CI 1.29 - 2.31), the primary tumor site (larynx, RR 0.60, CI 0.39 - 0.93), N stage (N2 and N3, RR 1.78, CI 1.26 - 2.51) and the clinical stage of primary tumor (III and IV, RR 2.75, CI 1.69 - 4.46). The independent variables related to the diagnosis and the occurrence of SPT were triple endoscopy (RR 1.93, 95% CI 1.02 - 3.65), the primary tumor treatment (surgery alone, RR 3.14, 95% CI 1.11 - 8.85) and follow-up (greater than 24 months, RR 3.69, 95% CI 1.19 - 11.47). CONCLUSION: There was no difference in the clinical stage of the SPT and overall survival, cancer specific, disease-free and post SPT between the triple endoscopy group and control group. As independent predictors for the diagnosis and the occurrence of SPT were treatment performed (just surgery), follow-up time (greater than 24 months) and triple endoscopy

    Segundo tumor primário em pacientes com câncer de vias aerodigestivas superiores Second primary tumor in patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer

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    Nos primeiros três anos após o tratamento dos pacientes com carcinomas epidermoides de vias aerodigestivas superiores (VADS), observa-se elevada incidência de recidivas. Depois do terceiro ano, o aparecimento de um segundo tumor primário (STP) torna-se importante causa de morbi-mortalidade. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incidência e o perfil dos STP em pacientes com carcinoma epidermoide de VADS tratados com intenção curativa. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo em que foram analisadas a incidência, localização e tratamento dos STP e calculada sobrevida. RESULTADOS: Dos 624 casos analisados, 59 (9,4%) tiveram STP durante o seguimento (4 sincrônicos e 55 metacrônicos). A sobrevida livre de STP variou de 2 a 191,3 meses (mediana, 42,5 meses). Em 20 casos (33,9%) o STP foi diagnosticado após o quinto ano de seguimento. O local mais acometido por STP foi a mucosa das VADS (49,1%), seguida pelo pulmão (22,0%) e pelo esôfago (11,9%). A melhor sobrevida pós-STP foi dos casos de STP nas VADS (32,2% em 5 anos, mediana 16,2 meses). CONCLUSÃO: Nos pacientes avaliados a incidência de STP foi de 9,4%. Em 33,9% dos casos o STP foi diagnosticado após o quinto ano de seguimento. A localização mais frequente dos STP foi a mucosa das VADS.<br>In the first three years after treatment of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of upper aerodigestive tract (UADT), there is a high incidence of recurrences. After the third year, the occurrence of second primary tumor (SPT) is an important cause of morbimortality. AIM: To evaluate the incidence and the characteristics of the SPT in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of UADT, treated with curative intention. METHODS: Retrospective study where the incidence, localization and treatment of SPT had been analyzed and survival rates were calculated. RESULTS: Of the 624 analyzed cases, 59 (9.4%) had SPT during follow-up (4 synchronous and 55 metachronous). The SPT free survival rate ranged from 2 to 191.3 months (median of 42.5 months). In 20 cases (33.9%) the SPT was diagnosed after the fifth year of follow-up. The most frequent site of STP was the UADT mucosa (49.1%), followed by the lungs (22.0%) and the esophagus (11.9%). The best survival after-SPT occurred in cases of UADT STP (32.2% in 5 years, median 16.2 months). CONCLUSION: The STP incidence was 9.4%. In 33.9% of the cases, the SPT was diagnosed after the fifth year of follow-up. The most frequent localization of STP was the UADT mucosa

    Second Primary Tumors in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer

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    This is a review on second primary tumors in patients with head and neck cancer. These patients have a high risk of developing other cancers simultaneously or subsequently. The incidence of multiple primary tumors in this population can be as high as 27%. Recurrences are the most common cause of treatment failure within the first 2 years of follow-up. After the third year the diagnosis of a second primary tumor becomes the most important cause of morbimortality in head and neck cancer patients, especially in those treated for cancers early diagnosed. Most second primary tumors occur in the upper aerodigestive tract (40%-59%), lung (31%-37.5%), and esophagus (9%-44%). Patients who develop second primary tumor have a significant reduction of survival expectancy

    Jaw osteosarcoma and pregnancy: a rare coexistence

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    Osteosarcoma of the jaw represents less than 1% of all head and neck malignancies. This malignancy in pregnant women occurs in one per 1000 deliveries. We report a case of a 29-year-old woman, in the 33rd week of gestation, who presented with an expansive tumor destroying the maxillary alveolar bone, histologically composed of pleomorphic, round, spindle, or epithelioid cells and osteoid/chondroid matrix. Upon final diagnosis of osteosarcoma, the lesion was excised. To the best of our knowledge, only 10 cases of jaw osteosarcoma in pregnant women have been reported to date in the English language literature. The use of ancillary examinations, malignancy diagnosis, and cancer treatment can be challenging during pregnancy. Knowledge about jaw osteosarcoma in pregnancy can increase healthcare providers’ awareness, avoid delays and misdiagnosis and potentially improve maternal and neonatal outcomes

    Diagnosis of second primary tumor and long-term survival after single initial triple endoscopy in patients with head and neck cancer

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-12T16:53:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) have a high risk of developing second primary tumors (SPTs). Most of the studies concerning triple endoscopy (laryngoscopy, digestive tract endoscopy and bronchoscopy) describe the frequency and stage of the SPT, but not its impact on survival. This study is a matched pair analysis that included patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the UADT who were subjected to a triple endoscopy before the first treatment, matched with patients who did not undergo triple endoscopy. One hundred and thirty-five patients were included in each group. The diagnosis of an SPT was more frequent in the initial triple endoscopy group than in the control group (34 and 20 cases, respectively). In the initial triple endoscopy group, 50.0 % of these tumors were diagnosed simultaneously, whereas in the control, only 5.0 %. No significant differences in the survival rates or in clinical stage of the SPTs were found in the two groups. There was no difference in the clinical stage of the SPT and the survival rates of the patient groups who underwent triple endoscopy at the initial evaluation and those subjected to only a routine evaluation and follow-up.[Martins Priante, Antonio Vitor] Universidade de Taubaté (Unitau), Dept Med[Gross, Jefferson Luiz] Hosp AC Camargo Fund Antonio Prudente, Dept Thorac Surg, Sao Paulo, Brazil[Sztokfisz, Claudia Zitron] Hosp AC Camargo Fund Antonio Prudente, Dept Endoscopy Digest, Sao Paulo, Brazil[Nishimoto, Ines Nobuko; Kowalski, Luiz Paulo] Hosp AC Camargo Fund Antonio Prudente, Dept Head & Neck Surg & Otorhinolaryngol, Sao Paulo, Brazi

    Parotidectomy under sedation and locoregional anesthesia with monitoring of brain activity

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-12T16:53:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2017Background. Parotidectomy is usually performed while the patient is under general anesthesia, however, sedation with locoregional anesthesia could be an alternative. Methods. Fifteen adult patients with parotid tumors of the superficial lobe were included in this study. Anesthetic procedure consisted of sedation associated with cervical plexus and auriculotemporal nerve block. Sedation was managed based on the bispectral index. Results. Superficial parotidectomies were performed in 13 patients, and combined partial resections were performed in 2 patients. The mean operative time was 118.2 +/- 16.4 minutes. Conversion to general anesthesia was necessary in only 1 patient. Ten surgeries were performed on an outpatient basis. Definitive facial paralysis occurred in 1 patient. All patients reported total satisfaction with the procedure. Conclusion. In selected cases, parotidectomy under sedation plus locoregional anesthesia is feasible and safe. The careful selection of patients and the close collaboration with an anesthesiologist is the key to a successful procedure. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.[Scirea Tesseroli, Marco Antonio] Reg Oeste Hosp, Dept Head & Neck Surg, Chapeco, SC, Brazil[Zasso, Fabricio Battistela; Hepp, Humberto] Reg Oeste Hosp, Dept Anesthesiol, Chapeco, SC, Brazil[Martins Priante, Antonio Vitor] Universidade de Taubaté (Unitau), Dept Surg, Sao Paulo, Brazil[Loureiro de Mattos Filho, Andre Luiz] Sao Vicente Paulo Hosp, Dept Surg, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil[Sanabria, Alvaro] Univ Antioquia Fdn Colombianana Cancerol Clin Vid, Dept Surg, Medellin, Colombi