42 research outputs found

    Efisiensi Saluran Pemasaran Jagung Manis di Desa Rasau Jaya I Kecamatan Rasau Jaya Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    This study aims to : 1) Determine the functions of marketing channels. 2) Determine the value of the cost advantage is issued by each each of maize marketing channels that exist in the study area. 3 ) Know efficiency of the marketing channels of corn. This study used a survey method that is done by taking a sample of the population and the questionnaire as a data collection tool that subject , and immediately went to study sites to obtain information necessary research. The most efficient channel is the channel the consumer to the produce


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    FMA dirancang sebagai wahana pembelajaran bagi petani dalam pengembangan agribisnis di pedesaan dengan skala usaha ekonomi yang lebih menguntungkan melalui peningkatan kapasitas pelaku utama dalam memenuhi spesifikasi produk atau komoditi unggulan daerah sesuai permintaan pasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan peranan wanita tani dan laki-laki tani pada pelaksanaan program FMA yang di lakukan dengan pendekatan partisipasi, akses, dan manfaat . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode komparatif dan lokasi penelitian dipilih secara sengaja (purposive), yaitu Desa Antibar dan Parit Banjar di Kecamatan Mempawah Timur. Populasi anggota FMA sebanyak 65 orang. Partisipasi, Akses dan Manfaat anggota FMA dalam program FMA diukur dengan menggunakan metode skoring, sedangkan untuk melihat perbedaan peranan antara laki-laki tani dan wanita tani dianalisis dengan Mann-Witney U Test.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peranan antara wanita tani dan laki-laki tani, dimana peranan wanita tani dan laki-laki ditinjau dari partisipasi dan akses sama-sama tinggi. Namun manfaat dari pelaksanaan program FMA lebih banyak di terima oleh wanita tani dilihat dari pelatihan budiday cabe, budidaya sayuran, pembuatan pupuk organik dan penggemukan sapi potong pada program FMA. Kata Kunci : Peranan wanita tani, partisipasi, akses dan manfaa

    Kajian Pengembangan Agribisnis Komoditas Unggulan Buah-buahan di Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    The purpose of this research are : 1). To determine the high priority of prime commodity of fruits to develop in Kubu Raya regency 2). To formulated the alternative strategy to develop agribusiness prime commodity of fruits in Kubu Raya regency 3).To formulated the direction of estate crops commodities development in Kubu Raya regency. This research has taken for six months. Data using primary data and sekunder. The respondents determined by using purposive sampling technique The method of this research was descriptive method by means of survey. Primary data was collected through questionnaire and depth-interviews. The samples were purposively taken, consists of the expert and stakeholders in Kubu Raya regency. Data analysis carried out by Location Quotient (LQ) analysis, using descriptive analysis and supported by Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix, External Factor Evaluation Matrix, TOWS (Threats, Opportunities, Weakness, Strength) matrix and scoring Analysis. The results showed, the internal factors, which tobe the strengths were: land resource, strategic location, local government policies, and existence of traders and seed breeders. On contrary, the weakness factors were: low technological use in post-harvest and product processing, fruits business management, institutional (farmer groups), and capital access. While, the external factors those to be opportunity were:promotion program in national and international events, increase in fruits demand, decentralization, horticulture development policies from Ministry ofAgriculture. Nonetheless, the treats factors were: fluctuated fruits prices,coordination among government agencies, trade liberalization and globalization, and quality standards system The seven strategy alternative are : 1). The increase production of fruits commodity 2). The developing area and prime commodities center 3). The empowering farmer institution 4). The developing of fruits management 5). The developing of agro industries 6). Optimizing the coordination among the involved agencies 7). Increasing the human resources competence. Keywords: Agribusiness, Prime commodities, Fruits, LQ, IFE, EFE, SWO


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    Oktavio Gunawan, 2013. Analisis Keuntungan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong Kelompok Usaha Bersama Di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Beternak sapi di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih merupakan bagian kehidupan bermasyarakat yang telah menyatu secara sosial dan budaya. Sapi digunakan sebagai alat untuk tabungan karena masyarakat di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih menjadikan sapi sebagai tabungan dengan cara memelihara sapi tanpa mempunyai rencana atau target panen meskipun sudah melewati masa potong untuk digunakan ketika peternak merasa memerlukan dana yang mendesak sehingga pada saat itu sapi akan dijual. Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah populasi ternak sapi dari tahun ke tahun yang selalu meningkat maka peneliti bermaksud untuk menghitung seberapa besar keuntungan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Usaha Bersama di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya yang berdasarkan jumlah kepemilikan ternak sapi potong. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Keuntungan peternak sapi potong yang ada di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih menguntungkan dengan rata-rata keuntungan per tahun yang diperoleh peternak pada Stratum A dengan kepemilikan sapi 1-2 ekor sebesar Rp. 2.760.222/Tahun, stratum B dengan kepemilikan sapi 3-4 ekor sebesar Rp. 6.822.500/Tahun, stratum C dengan kepemilikan sapi 5-6 ekor sebesar Rp. 9.653.813/Tahun dan stratum D dengan kepemilikan sapi > 7 ekor sebesar Rp. 15.676.238/Tahun. Kata kunci : Analisis Keuntungan, Sapi Poton


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    Oktavio Gunawan, 2013. Analisis Keuntungan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong Kelompok Usaha Bersama Di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Beternak sapi di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih merupakan bagian kehidupan bermasyarakat yang telah menyatu secara sosial dan budaya. Sapi digunakan sebagai alat untuk tabungan karena masyarakat di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih menjadikan sapi sebagai tabungan dengan cara memelihara sapi tanpa mempunyai rencana atau target panen meskipun sudah melewati masa potong untuk digunakan ketika peternak merasa memerlukan dana yang mendesak sehingga pada saat itu sapi akan dijual. Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah populasi ternak sapi dari tahun ke tahun yang selalu meningkat maka peneliti bermaksud untuk menghitung seberapa besar keuntungan usaha yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Usaha Bersama di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih Kecamatan Sungai Kakap Kabupaten Kubu Raya yang berdasarkan jumlah kepemilikan ternak sapi potong. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Keuntungan peternak sapi potong yang ada di Desa Sungai Kakap Dusun Cendrawasih menguntungkan dengan rata-rata keuntungan per tahun yang diperoleh peternak pada Stratum A dengan kepemilikan sapi 1-2 ekor sebesar Rp. 2.760.222/Tahun, stratum B dengan kepemilikan sapi 3-4 ekor sebesar Rp. 6.822.500/Tahun, stratum C dengan kepemilikan sapi 5-6 ekor sebesar Rp. 9.653.813/Tahun dan stratum D dengan kepemilikan sapi > 7 ekor sebesar Rp. 15.676.238/Tahun. Kata kunci : Analisis Keuntungan, Sapi Poton

    Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Mocaf di Kota Singkawang

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    Mocaf industry in West Kalimantan is located in Singkawang but it is still underdeveloped. Strategic development should be formulated to advance mocaf industry in Singkawang so that it can achieve its aims and increase the competitiveness in agro-industy. The aims of this research is to identify internal and external factors that influence the development of mocaf agro-industry; and to determine alternative strategies, the best strategy and development strategy priority. This is a descriptive research which location and number of respondents sample were purposively selected. Data collection used is Delphi Model. Internal and external factors analysis used are IFE Matrix and EFE Matrix. Determination of alternative strategy used is SWOT Analysis. Determination of the strategy priority used is QSPM Matrix. The strength of agro-industry is the excellence of mocaf characteristics. The weakness is the poor management skills of agro-industrialist. The opportunity is the increasing of flour industry. The threat for mocaf agro-industry is the tight competition at cassava industry. The most appropriate strategies are: optimize technology implementation and improve human resource capability. The first priority of development strategy is optimizing the implementation of processing technology to assure product quality. Keywords: strategy, agro-industry, mocaf


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    Investments in oil palm plantations should be carefully and thoroughly, because the large funding needs and continuous fund spending. The research goal is to determine the feasibility investment Ladang Sawit Kendawangan Plantation on condition decline of CPO and Kernel selling prices. This reseach used a combination of secondary data from relevant agencies and primary data by collecting some opinions from the plantation Manager and  Ladang Sawit Kendawangan Plantation employee subdistrict Kendawangan in Ketapang. The analysis method used is the investment criteria analysis which consists Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net B / C Ratio, Payback Periods and Sensitivity Analysis. The results from analysis feasibility of PT. Ladang Sawit Kendawangan Plantation an area of 2,485 Ha are still feasible, the feasibility level is indicated by the value of NPV  Rp 56,553,315,900 for 25 years earning period, IRR 22.05%, Net B / C ratio 1.24 and a payback period 4.6 years, The results of the sensitivity analysis with three scenarios: 1) a decrease in the price of CPO and Kernel 10%. 2) 10% increase in input costs. and 3) a decrease and cost increase of respectively 10%, showed the plantation is still feasible. Keywords : Investment Feasibility, Sensitivity analysis, Ladang Sawit Kendawangan Plantatio

    Evaluasi Kinerja Koperasi Perkebunan Sebagai Mitra Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit PT. Sepanjang Intisurya Mulia

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    The research aims to collect the information of the existing partnership model PT. Sepanjang Intisurya Mulia and to asses the performance of the partnership scheme and capacity building cooperative Sawit Trimulya Lestari Plantation in the village Pangkalan Teluk Cooperative Capacity Assessment (CCA)analysis method with a sample of 30 people taken randomly. The research results were showed the cooperative plantations Sawit Trimulya Lestari have 406 members with 812 ha land areahas good criteria. The assessment of performancemeasured through five aspects: a) Institutional have an excellent criteria(19.43%) and a good criteria (68.74%). b) Cooperative Business have an excellent criteria (2.04%) and a good criteria (95.92%). c) Services have an excellent criteria (20%) and a good criteria (80%). d) Members Participation have a good criteria (83.33%). e) Job Network have an excellent criteria (33.33%) and a good criteria (66.67%). Institutional aspects (11.83%), cooperative effort (2.04%) and participation of members (16.67%), are have a sufficient criteria that need to be improved the performance only in certain aspects and at the proper time. Excellent criteria indicate thatthe performance need to be maintained at the level of effectiveness in its application and good criteria indicate that in some aspects and indicators its necessary to optimize the performance in its application.The variables that should be improved is the development of human resources and infrastructure improvement. Keywords : Cooperative Performance, Cooperative Capacity Assessment, PT. Sepanjang Intisurya Muli

    Kajian Rantai Pasok Dan Pemasaran Daging Sapi Di Kabupaten Mempawah

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    Beef  is one of the food products that have no nutritional value in other to meet protein needs for the community. Beef supply chain is a concept that has a regulatory system relating to product flow, financial flow and information flow which jointly working to create and deliver a product into the hands of end users in the process of distribution of beef cattle live into beef. This study aims not only to determine the flow of products, financial flows and the flow of information in the beef supply chain, but also to analysis the efficiency of the level marketing. The study used description and analysc whith proportional random sampling and snowball sampling methods. The data is this study have been analysis by using marketing efficiency analysis, marketing margin, analysis and farmers share as well as profitability index. The results of this study as follow : (1) there streams in the beef supply chain in Mempawah Regency such as product flow, financial flows and information flow are not working well optimally; (2) the distribution channel of beef supply chain in Mempawah Regency is efficient based on efficiency of marketing value, marketing margins are profitable, the value of FS > MP and PI values that show the value of profits earned. Keywords : Supply Chain, Beef, Marketin