47 research outputs found

    Investigating the impact of feed and cutting speed on cutting forces for the increase of surface removal rate in face milling

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    Face milling is used for the manufacturing of engineering surfaces. A significant part of the produced surfaces pertains to flat surfaces with high quality. Surface quality, in turn, is connected to the machining conditions used in the process. In this paper, the influence of feed and cutting speed on cutting forces is experimentally investigated, with a view to increase surface removal rate A w (mm²/min) of the process. The experimental results are treated with ANOVA, indicate a high influence of the feed on all components of the cutting force. With the analysis, optimum conditions may be obtained with the aim of lower cutting forces

    Advances in CAD/CAM/CAE Technologies

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    CAD/CAM/CAE technologies find more and more applications in today’s industries, e.g., in the automotive, aerospace, and naval sectors. These technologies increase the productivity of engineers and researchers to a great extent, while at the same time allowing their research activities to achieve higher levels of performance. A number of difficult-to-perform design and manufacturing processes can be simulated using more methodologies available, i.e., experimental work combined with statistical tools (regression analysis, analysis of variance, Taguchi methodology, deep learning), finite element analysis applied early enough at the design cycle, CAD-based tools for design optimizations, CAM-based tools for machining optimizations

    FEM based investigation on thrust force and torque during Al7075-T6 drilling

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    As modern industry advances, the demand for more time and cost effective machining is rising. In order to achieve high levels of standard during machining it is necessary to employ sophisticated techniques for precise prediction of various important parameters that relate to the machining processes. Such technique is the implementation of finite element modelling (FEM) which can become a valuable tool for researchers and industry engineers alike. In this work, the 3D modelling of Al7075-T6 drilling process with solid carbide tooling is being presented. DEFORM3D™ finite element analysis (FEA) software was utilized for simulating the drilling process based on frequently used cutting conditions; cutting speed of 100m/min and feed of 0.15mm/rev, 0.20mm/rev and 0.25mm/rev respectively. In order to approximate the complex phenomena that occur during drilling, the most critical factors were considered in the presented model such as the developed friction, heat transfer and damage interaction between the tool and the workpiece. Additionally, a validation of the generated results for thrust force and torque was performed by comparing the simulated results with experimental data. Three drilling experiments were carried out with the aid of a CNC machining center and a four component dynamometer in order to acquire the experimental values of thrust force and torque. Most of the simulations yielded results in accordance to the experimental ones with the agreement percentage reaching 95% in most cases for both the thrust force and torque, confirming the validity of the models and the accuracy of the simulated results

    Finite Element Method in Machining Processes

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    Finite Element Method in Machining Processes provides a concise study on the way the Finite Element Method (FEM) is used in the case of manufacturing processes, primarily in machining. The basics of this kind of modeling are detailed to create a reference that will provide guidelines for those who start to study this method now, but also for scientists already involved in FEM and want to expand their research. A discussion on FEM, formulations and techniques currently in use is followed up by machining case studies. Orthogonal cutting, oblique cutting, 3D simulations for turning and milling, grinding, and state-of-the-art topics such as high speed machining and micromachining are explained with relevant examples. This is all supported by a literature review and a reference list for further study. As FEM is a key method for researchers in the manufacturing and especially in the machining sector, Finite Element Method in Machining Processes is a key reference for students studying manufacturing processes but also for industry professionals

    Advances and Trends in Non-Conventional, Abrasive and Precision Machining 2021

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    Advances and Trends in Non-conventional, Abrasive and Precision Machining 2021 [...

    Вивчення механіки колінного імпланту та аналіз методом аксіоматичного проектування

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    People from all around the globe get their knees injured every day either because of severe sport accidents or because of simple misstepping. Their lives are about to change drastically and dramatically. The pain and the limitation of their movements becomes an obstacle and treatment with painkillers only postpones the problem. In these cases, medical doctors suggest Total Knee Replacement surgery, in which a knee implant replaces the damaged parts of the human injured knee in order to recover partially or fully the normal motion of the knee and therefore the everyday activities of the person in need. In over 95% of the patients who underwent a Total Knee Replacement surgery, the pain was overcome in sort amount of time, a high percentage of the kinematics of the knee were brought back to normal, and the patients were able to continue their lives. In this paper, the main purpose is to study the knee mechanics, to deconstruct the kinematics and dynamics of this complex system, to develop a new, ambitious knee implant design for severe accidents, perform simulation tests and evaluate it by the rules of the Axiomatic Design Method.Люди у всьому світі щодня отримують травми колін з-за серйозних спортивних подій або через простої помилки. Їх життя драматично різко і радикально змінюється. Біль і обмеження їх рухів стають перешкодою, і лікування знеболюючими лише відкладає вирішення проблеми. У цих випадках лікарі рекомендують операцію з повної заміни колінного суглоба, при якій імплантант колінного суглоба замінює пошкоджені частини коліна людини, щоб частково або повністю відновити нормальний рух колінного суглоба і, отже, повсякденну діяльність потребує від людини. Більш ніж у 95% пацієнтів, які перенесли операцію з повної заміни колінного суглоба, біль була подолана за деякий час, високий відсоток кінематики колінного суглоба був повернений, і пацієнти змогли продовжити активне життя. У цій статті основна мета полягає в тому, щоб вивчити механіку колінного суглоба, розібрати кінематику і динаміку цієї складної системи, розробити новий амбітний дизайн імплантанта колінного суглоба для важких аварій, виконати імітаційні тести і оцінити його за правилами аксіоматичного методу проектування. Аксіоматичне проектування є надійним методом для проектування систем і продуктів, так що з самого початку можна дізнатися, чи буде дизайн успішним чи ні. Таким чином, відміняються такі методи, як метод спроб та помилок, які вимагають багато часу. В даній роботі метод аксіоматичного проектування використовується як міра оцінки, щоб перевірити, чи можна охарактеризувати остаточну конструкцію цього колінного імплантанту як хорошу конструкцію. Для того, щоб досягти гарної конструкції відповідно до аксіоматичного проектування, матриця проектування, що складається з функціональних вимог як рядків і конструктивних параметрів у вигляді стовпців, повинна бути діагональною матрицею або принаймні нижньою трикутною матрицею

    Influence of Ball-Burnishing Process on Surface Topography Parameters and Tribological Properties of Hardened Steel

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    The ball-burnishing process is a particular finishing treatment that can improve selected properties of different materials. In the present study, the ball-burnishing technique was used to investigate the effect of input parameters of processes on selected surface layer features like surface roughness and residual stresses of the 42CrMo4 steel surfaces. The burnishing process was conducted on Haas CNC Vertical Mill Center VF-3 using a tool with tungsten carbide tip. A further objective of our research was to improve tribological properties of the aforementioned steel by the ball-burnishing process. The results of the investigations showed that it was possible to reduce the root mean square height of the surface Sq from 0.522 μm to 0.051 μm and to increase wear resistance compared to ground samples

    Applicability of ANN models and Taguchi method for the determination of tool life in turning

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    Tool life is an important parameter in machining processes, affecting directly the quality of machined components and the process cost. It is already shown that various parameters can affect tool life such as process parameters, i.e. depth of cut, cutting speed and feed, or material properties of cutting tool and workpiece. The determination of the effect of each parameter on tool life is of crucial importance when designing the manufacturing process of a product in order to select suitable process parameter values and tool types. Several empirical formulas for the determination of tool life exist in the relevant literature; especially in the case of CBN cutting tools for turning, a cubic polynomial formula was proposed to model the relationship between tool life and cutting speed. The determination of the polynomial parameters was performed by conducting cutting experiments for several cutting speeds, without the aid of a design of experiments (DoE) method in order to model properly this non-linear relationship. In this paper, the feasibility of determining this non-linear relationship by conducting experiments designed by Taguchi method and using artificial neural networks (ANN) is investigated for several cases and conclusions on the applicability of this approach are presented

    Determination of the Efficiency of Hot Nano-Grinding of Mono-Crystalline Fcc Metals Using Molecular Dynamics Method

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    Abrasive processes are essential to the manufacturing field, due to their capability of rendering high-quality surfaces with minimum effect on workpiece integrity. As it is especially difficult to perform sufficient experimental work, numerical studies can be successfully employed to evaluate techniques for the improvement of the efficiency of nanometric abrasive processes. In the present study, for the first time, cases of nanogrinding on workpieces of three different fcc metals, namely, copper, nickel, and aluminum are investigated under different preheating temperatures, in order to determine the efficiency of the hot nano-grinding technique. For the simulations, a molecular dynamics model for peripheral nanogrinding is developed including multiple abrasive grains and realistic grain trajectory and grinding forces, and chip characteristics and subsurface alterations are evaluated. The results indicate that using elevated preheating temperatures is beneficial for nanogrinding, as forces can be considerably reduced and material removal can be facilitated, especially for temperatures over 40% of the material melting temperature (Tm). However, the detrimental effect on workpiece integrity is also evident at higher preheating temperatures, due to the high temperature on the whole workpiece, posing limitations to the applicability of the hot nano-grinding technique. Based on the findings of this study, preheating temperatures in the range of 0.4–0.55 Tm are recommended