5,279 research outputs found

    Decoherence induced by a phase-damping reservoir

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    A phase damping reservoir composed by NN-bosons coupled to a system of interest through a cross-Kerr interaction is proposed and its effects on quantum superpo sitions are investigated. By means of analytical calculations we show that: i-) the reservoir induces a Gaussian decay of quantum coherences, and ii-) the inher ent incommensurate character of the spectral distribution yields irreversibility . A state-independent decoherence time and a master equation are both derived an alytically. These results, which have been extended for the thermodynamic limit, show that nondissipative decoherence can be suitably contemplated within the EI D approach. Finally, it is shown that the same mechanism yielding decoherence ar e also responsible for inducing dynamical disentanglement.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Control of a charging station for electric vehicles

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    A weighted average current control applied to a three-phase inductor-capacitor-inductor grid-connected battery charger for electric vehicles is presented in this paper. The proposed controller is based on a combination of the partial currents of the system (inverter and grid currents), which are feedback into the control loop. Therefore, by using this approach a reduction of the system order is achieved. The proposed controller allows a bidirectional control of the converter currents, thus allowing both, a controlled charge of the battery and the injection of the current with low distortion in the grid. Further, the implemented controller does not needs to measure the inverter currents. The control strategy is validated with simulation results. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    A design methodology for an innovative racing mini motorcycle frame

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    Sports equipment design is a young and evolving engineering discipline focused on the best simultaneous optimization of user and product as a system. In motorsports, in particular, the final performance during a race depends on many parameters related to the vehicle, circuit, weather, and tyres and the personal feelings of every single driver. Top teams in high-tech categories can invest huge amounts of money in developing simulators, but such economic commitment is not sustainable for all those teams that operate in minor but very popular categories, such as karts or mini-motorcycles. In these fields, the most common design approach is trial and error on physical prototypes. Such an approach leads to high costs, long optimization times, poor innovation, and inefficient management of the design knowledge. The present paper proposes a driver centred methodology for the design of an innovative mini racing motorcycle frame. It consists of two main phases: the drivers’ feelings translation into engineering requirements and constraints, and the exploration of the design solution space. Expected effects of the application of the proposed methodology are an overall increase in the degree of innovation, time compression, and cost reduction during the development process, with a significant impact on the competitiveness of small racing teams in minor categories

    Assessment of U.S. Cap-and-Trade Proposals

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    The MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis model is applied to synthetic policies that match key attributes of a set of cap-and-trade proposals being considered by the U.S. Congress in spring 2007. The bills fall into two groups: one specifies emissions reductions of 50% to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050; the other establishes a tightening target for emissions intensity and stipulates a time-path for a "safety valve" limit on the emission price that approximately stabilizes U.S. emissions at the 2008 level. Initial period prices are estimated between 7and7 and 50 per ton CO2-e with these prices rising by a factor of four by 2050. Welfare costs vary from near zero to less than 0.5% at the start, rising in the most stringent case to near 2% in 2050. If allowances were auctioned these proposals could produce revenue between 100billionand100 billion and 500 billion per year depending on the case. Outcomes from U.S. policies depend on mitigation effort abroads, and simulations are provided to illuminate terms-of-trade effects that influence the emissions prices and welfare effects, and even the environmental effectiveness, of U.S. actions. Sensitivity tests also are provided of several of key design features. Finally, the U.S. proposals, and the assumptions about effort elsewhere, are extended to 2100 to allow exploration of the potential role of these bills in the longer-term challenge of reducing climate change risk. Simulations show that the 50% to 80% targets are consistent with global goals of atmospheric stabilization at 450 to 550 ppmv CO2 but only if other nations, including the developing countries, follow suit.

    Home is the new gym: Exergame as a potential tool to maintain adequate fitness levels also during quarantine

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    Purpose. With the coronavirus outbreak, the preventive measures include staying at home and isolation, increasing sedentary behaviours and risk for worsening of chronic diseases. To explore alternative forms of home-based physical activity, the study aim was to evaluate physiological (heart rate [HR], respiratory exchange ratio [RER], oxygen consumption [ O2], energy expenditure [EE], metabolic equivalent task [MET]) and psychological (session rating of perceived exertion [sRPE], enjoyment) parameters of real (Zumba® class [ZC]) and exergame (Zumba® Fitness Rush [ZFR]) activities in relation to sex. Methods. Overall, 12 female (age: 24.7 ± 0.9 years) and 8 male (age: 25.3 ± 2.1 years) college students randomly performed 2 experimental 60-min sessions, ZC and ZFR, during which HR (expressed as percentage of individual maximal HR [%HRmax]), O2, RER, MET and EE were measured. After each session, sRPE and Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) were used to monitor exercise intensity and enjoyment, respectively. Results. Main effects for sex (p = 0.02) and modality (p < 0.0001) emerged for %HRmax, with women showing higher values than men and ZC showing higher values than ZFR. EE presented main effects for sex (p < 0.0001) and modality (p = 0.0002), with higher values in men and in ZC. Main effect (p = 0.0001) for modality emerged also for O2 and MET, with higher values in ZC regardless of sex. No significant differences were observed for RER, sRPE, or PACES. Conclusions. Although ZC elicited higher cardiovascular and metabolic responses, ZFR, classified as a moderate-to-vigorous activity, could be used to maintain regular physical activity in a safe home environment during the coronavirus crisis

    Enlightening the dynamical evolution of Galactic open clusters: an approach using Gaia DR3 and analytical descriptions

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    Most stars in our Galaxy form in stellar aggregates, which can become long-lived structures called open clusters (OCs). Along their dynamical evolution, their gradual depletion leave some imprints on their structure. In this work, we employed astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data from the \textit{Gaia} DR3 catalogue to uniformly characterize a sample of 60 OCs. Structural parameters (tidal, core and half-light radii, respectively, rtr_t, rcr_c and rhr_h), age, mass (McluM_{\textrm{clu}}), distance, reddening, besides Jacobi radius (RJR_J) and half-light relaxation time (trht_{rh}), are derived from radial density profiles and astrometrically decontaminated colour-magnitude diagrams. Ages and Galactocentric distances (RGR_G) range from 7.2\,\lesssim\,log(t.t.yr1^{-1})\,\lesssim\,9.8 and 6RG\,\lesssim\,R_G(kpc)\,\lesssim\,12. Analytical expressions derived from NN-body simulations, taken from the literature, are also employed to estimate the OC initial mass (MiniM_{\textrm{ini}}) and mass loss due to exclusively dynamical effects. Both rcr_c and the tidal filling ratio, rh/RJr_h/R_J, tend to decrease with the dynamical age (=t/trht/t_{rh}), indicating the shrinking of the OCs' internal structure as consequence of internal dynamical relaxation. This dependence seems differentially affected by the external tidal field, since OCs at smaller RGR_G tend to be dynamically older and have smaller Mclu/MiniM_{\textrm{clu}}/M_{\textrm{ini}} ratios. In this sense, for RG8R_G\lesssim8\,kpc, the rh/RJr_h/R_J ratio presents a slight positive correlation with RGR_G. Beyond this limit, there is a dichotomy in which more massive OCs tend to be more compact and therefore less subject to tidal stripping in comparison to those less massive and looser OCs at similar RGR_G. Besides, the rt/RJr_t/R_J ratio also tends to correlate positively with RGR_G.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Investigating dynamical properties of evolved Galactic open clusters

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    The stellar content of Galactic open clusters is gradually depleted during their evolution as a result of internal relaxation and external interactions. The final residues of the evolution of open clusters are called open cluster remnants, barely distinguishable from the field. We aimed to characterise and compare the dynamical states of a set of 16 such objects. The sample also includes 7 objects that are catalogued as dynamically evolved open clusters. We used photometric data from the 2MASS, astrometric data from the GAIA DR2 and a decontamination algorithm that was applied to the three-dimensional astrometric space of proper motions and parallaxes for stars in the objects' areas. The luminosity and mass functions and total masses for most open cluster remnants are derived here for the first time. Our analysis used predictions of N-body simulations to estimate the initial number of stars of the remnants from their dissolution timescales. The investigated open cluster remnants present masses and velocity dispersions within well-defined ranges: M between ~10-40M_Sun and sigma_v between ~1-7km/s. Some objects in the remnant sample have a limiting radius R_lim<~2pc, which means that they are more compact than the investigated open clusters; other remnants have R_lim between ~2-7pc, which is comparable to the open clusters. We suggest that the open cluster NGC2180 is entering a remnant evolutionary stage. In general, our clusters show signals of depletion of low-mass stars. This confirms their dynamically evolved states. We conclude that the open cluster remnants we studied are in fact remnants of initially very populous open clusters (No~10^3-10^4 stars). The outcome of the long-term evolution is to bring the final residues of the open clusters to dynamical states that are similar to each other, thus masking out the memory of the initial formation conditions of star clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&