3,351 research outputs found


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    The fulfillment of customers’ wishes in a profitable way requires that companies understand which aspects of their product and service are most valued by the customer. Conjoint analysis is considered to be one of the best methods for achieving this purpose. Conjoint analysis consists of generating and conducting specific experiments among customers with the purpose of modeling their purchasing decision. This article will give an overview of the method and apply it to an Estonian packaging company. As a result of the empirical study the author is able to estimate the value creation models of 34 respondents (customers) both on a group and individual basis.customer value, conjoint analysis, market research methods

    First order impulsive solutions

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    A mathematically rigorous derivation is given of first order corrections to multi-impulse approximations to the solutions to space flight optimization problems with bang-bang control. The rocket was subjected to an inverse square gravitational force and to a thrust force with constant magnitude. The mass decreased linearly with time. An optimal impulsive solution was obtained for a problem with given initial and final conditions. The method was then used to obtain first-order corrections to the initial values of the costate variables. Indications are given on how the theory may be extended to higher order corrections. The theory was applied to intercept and rendezvous problems

    Introduction of New and Underutilized Vaccines: Sustaining Access, Disease Control, and Infrastructure Development

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    For vaccines to reach the greatest number of people requires access, accelerated regional disease control, and the development of public health infrastructure

    Thrust chamber material technology program

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    This report covers work performed at Pratt & Whitney on development of copper-based materials for long-life, reusable, regeneratively cooled rocket engine thrust chambers. The program approached the goal of enhanced cyclic life through the application of rapid solidification to alloy development, to introduce fine dispersions to strengthen and stabilize the alloys at elevated temperatures. After screening of alloy systems, copper-based alloys containing Cr, Co, Hf, Ag, Ti, and Zr were processed by rapid-solidification atomization in bulk quantities. Those bulk alloys showing the most promise were characterized by tensile testing, thermal conductivity testing, and elevated-temperature, low-cycle fatigue (LFC) testing. Characterization indicated that Cu- 1.1 percent Hf exhibited the greatest potential as an improved-life thrust chamber material, exhibiting LCF life about four times that of NASA-Z. Other alloys (Cu- 0.6 percent Zr, and Cu- 0.6 percent Zr- 1.0 percent Cr) exhibited promise for use in this application, but needed more development work to balance properties

    Electrostatic hazards during launch vehicle flight operations

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    Electrostatic hazards during launch vehicle flight operation

    ToimeainepĂ”histe piirhindade mĂ”ju Eesti Haigekassa ravimihĂŒvitiste eelarvele ja ravimitarbijatele

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    Eesti Arsti aprillikuu numbris analĂŒĂŒsisin toimeainepĂ”histe piirhindade mĂ”ju Eesti Haigekassa ravimihĂŒvitiste eelarvele ja ravimitarbijatele (1). JĂ€rgnevalt vaatlen teise Eestis rakendatud ravimikulu kontrolli meetme – hinnakokkulepete – rakendamisega seotud probleeme. Eesti Arst 2004; 83 (6): 384–38

    Üleriigiline kampaania passiivse suitsetamise vĂ€hendamiseks

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    Oktoobris 2005 algas haigekassa rahastatav ĂŒleriigiline kampaania, mille eesmĂ€rgiks on juhtida mittesuitsetajate tĂ€helepanu passiivsest suitsetamisest tingitud terviseriskidele. Samale teemale keskendus ka 10.–17. oktoobrini Eestis toimunud rahvusvaheline vĂ€hinĂ€dal. Suitsetamine on paljude haiguste, sealhulgas ka vĂ€hi otsene riskitegur. WHO andmetel on praegu maailmas 1,3 miljardit suitsetajat ja igal aastal sureb tubakatoodete tarbimise tagajĂ€rjel 4,9 miljonit inimest. VĂ”itlus tubakavaba keskkonna eest on oluline teema kogu maailmas. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (11): 791–79

    Peritoneaalse kartsinomatoosi kombineeritud ravi tsĂŒtoreduktiivse operatsiooni ja intraperitoneaalse keemiaraviga

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    Levik kĂ”hukelmele on seedetrakti ja gĂŒnekoloogiliste kaugelearenenud kasvajate vĂ”i nende taaspuhkemise ĂŒks sagedasi ilminguid. Peritoneaalse kartsinomatoosi tervistava ravi vĂ”imalused on olnud ĂŒsna piiratud ja prognoos seetĂ”ttu halb. Kirurgia, intensiivravi ja keemiaravi areng on andnud uue vĂ”imaluse kahe lokaalse agressiivse ravimeetodi – tsĂŒtoreduktiivse operatsiooni ja intraperitoneaalse keemiaravi – efektiivseks kombineerimiseks Ă”igesti valitud haigetel, et tagada arvestatav elulemus vĂ”rreldes palliatiivse vĂ”i toetava raviga. NĂŒĂŒdseks on kogunenud piisavalt kliiniliste uuringute tulemusi selle lootustandva ravimeetodi teostatavuse, tĂ”hususe ja ohutuse kohta. Mitme peritoneaalse kasvaja ravis on see meetod vĂ€hikeskustes praeguseks kujunenud standardiks. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(10):657−66

    Musician’s Focal Dystonia: A Guide to Treatment and Prevention

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