9,636 research outputs found


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    Naik turunnya harga saham dapat mempengaruhi perusahaan dalam mengembalikan modal dan penguatan tingkat profitabilitas suatu perusahaan, karena jika harga saham sebuah perusahaan tersebut turun maka tingkat return modal yang telah dikeluarkan ditambah dengan keuntungan yang seharusnya diperoleh dari investasi akan diperoleh dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh tingkat suku bunga, inflasi, profitabilitas dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika terhadap harga saham PT. Gudang Garam Tbk. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan adalah tingkat suku bunga merupakan suku bunga SBI periode bulanan selama tiga tahun periode 2003-2005, tingkat inflasi bulanan selama tiga tahun periode tahun 2003-2005, nilai tukar rupiah terhadap US$, variabel dependen adalah harga saham PT. Gudang Garam Tbk closing period akhir bulanan selama tiga tahun periode tahun 2003-2005. Metode analisis data yang dipergunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen adalah regresi linear berganda, uji R2, uji F dan uji t. Berdasarkan analisis data, persamaan regresi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini: Y= 16673,128 + 361,918X1 – 475,583X2 – 0,509X3 + e. Interpretasi dari persamaan di atas: Nilai konstanta sebesar 16673,128, berarti jika diasumsikan tidak ada variabel suku bunga, inflasi dan nilai tukar maka nilai rata-rata harga saham sebesar 16673,128. Koefisien regresi variabel suku bunga sebesar 361,918, berarti jika variabel suku bunga naik 1 satuan akan menaikkan harga saham sebesar 361,918 dengan asumsi variabel inflasi dan nilai tukar tetap. Koefisien regresi variabel inflasi sebesar –475,583, berarti jika variabel inflasi naik 1 satuan akan menurunkan harga saham sebesar 475,583 dengan asumsi variabel suku bunga dan nilai tukar tetap. Koefisien regresi variabel nilai tukar sebesar –0,509, berarti jika variabel nilai tukar naik 1 satuan akan menurunkan harga saham sebesar 0,509 dengan asumsi variabel suku bunga dan inflasi tetap. Koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,545 atau 54,5%. Berarti variasi dari harga saham PT Gudang Garam dapat dijelaskan oleh suku bunga, inflasi dan nilai tukar rupiah sebesar 54,5%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 45,5% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain di luar ketiga faktor tersebut. Faktor-faktor tersebut bisa berasal dari internal perusahaan PT Gudang Garam maupun eksternal. Bedasarkan uji F ternyata faktor suku bunga, inflasi dan nilai tukar berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap harga saham. Sedangkan berdasarkan uji t hanya variabel inflasi yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai harga saham PT Gudang Garam

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 29., Thuidiaceae, Thuidium

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    For a revision of the African species see Touw (1976). The scarcity of Thuidium samples among the expedition’s collections is most surprising and inexplicable, considering the size of the expedition, the range of habitats and altitudes explored, and the many Thuidium collections made by others in this part of Africa

    Government centralization in late second and third century A.D. Asia Minor: a working hypothesis

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    This paper offers the working hypothesis that increased central government intervention in civic and provincial affairs in the late second- and third-century A.D. Roman Empire can be partly explained by the effects of the demographic contraction following the Antonine Plague pandemic. The sharp reduction in the number of people who could work and pay rents and taxes posed a direct threat to government revenues and elite incomes. The result, growing central government attempts at direct control of local surpluses and increased exploitation of the non-elite population, is then tentatively documented for Roman Asia Minor

    Emotions Management within Organizations

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    Emotions management in organizations is meant to habilitate the employees in administrating the emotional resources aiming at the correct adaptation to the organizational environment and the necessities in the work activity. The study of emotions in organizations has the purpose to know and optimize the employees’ emotional condition. The efficient leaders are interested in administrating the emotions, being aware of and capable to revaluate the factors which positively activate the employees emotional life. Emotions management is accomplished at two more important levels: personal level or subjective (represented by the person’s self-control capacity, the emotional intelligence, the ability to administrate the positive and negative emotions) and an interpersonal or social level, centered upon settling the emotional changes between employees and leaders, between employees and clients. From their settling into the practice point of view, the increase in the work performance and the benefits brought to the organizational environment, the concepts by which emotions management is accomplished/operate (positive emotions and negative emotions, emotional intelligence, emotional self-control, emotional labour etc.), this issue presents greater interest both for theorists and for the real doers/practitioners.emotions management, emotional labour, emotional contagion, emotional intelligence, organizational group


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    All participants in capital markets are asking how to finance investments or to invest money available. The answer to these questions depends on the situation you have: deficit or surplus capital. This article addresses issues concerning the place and role of capital market within the financial markets and in financing investments, trying to highlight the growing importance of this subsystem, shown both to economic agents and to all categories of investors.capital market, stock exchange, investment, economic development

    The National Committee for Liberation ("ARM"), 1960-1964 : sabotage and the question of the ideological subject

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    Subject Matter: The dissertation gives an account of the history of the National Committee for Liberation (NCL), an anti-apartheid sabotage organisation that existed between 1960 and 1964. The study is aimed both at narrating its growth and development in the context of South Africa in the 1950s and 1960s, and explaining its strategic and political choices. In particular, the reasons for its isolation from the broader muggle against Apartheid and its inability to transcend this isolation are investigated. Sources: Discussion of the context of the NCL's development depended on secondary historical works by scholars such as Tom Lodge, Paul Rich, C.J. Driver and Janet Robertson as well as archival sources. The analysis of liberal discourse in the 1950s and 1960s also drew heavily on primary sources such as the liberal journals Contact, Africa South and The New African. Secondary sources were also used for the discussion of the NCL's strategy in the context of the development of a theory of revolutionary guerrilla warfare after the Second World War: here the work of Robert Taber, John Bowyer Bell, Kenneth Grundy and Edward Feit was central. The history of the NCL itself was reconstructed from trial records, newspapers and personal interviews. Archival sources such as The Karis-Carter collection, the Hoover Institute microfilm collection of South African political documents, the Paton Papers, the Ernie Wentzel papers were also extensively used. Methodology: The discussion of the discourse of liberal NCL members depended on a post-structuralist theory of subjectivity. The conceptual underpinnings of the thesis were provided by on the work of Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, Michel Pecheux, Ernesto Laclau, Chantal Mouffe and Slavoj Zizek. Pechcux's elaboration of the Althusserian concept of interpellation formed the basis of a discourse analysis of NCL texts. In the interviews, some use was also made of techniques of ethnographic interviewing developed by qualitative sociologists such as James Spradley. Conclusions: The analysis focused on the way NCL discourse constructed NCL members as "ordinary persons", a subject-position which implied a radical opposition between political struggle and ideological commitment. The NCL's strategic difficulties were related to the contradictions this discourse, related to metropolitan political traditions that valorised civil society, manifested in the context of post-Sharpeville South Africa. These contradictions were explored in terms of the Lacanian notion of the "ideological fantasy". The dissertation thus closes with a consideration, both of the importance of the ideological traditions identified in the analysis of NCL discourse, and the methodological importance of non-reductive conceptualisations of political identity and ideology