375 research outputs found

    Structural analysis of immunodominance in the antibody response to influenza virus haemagglutinin

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    The protective immune response to influenza virus is directed against the surface glycoprotein haemagglutinin (HA) which undergoes continuous antigenic drift in order to evade immune recognition. The recognition sites for neutralising antibodies have been located to five surface accessible regions (sites A-E) on the membrane distal ectodomain of the HA1 subunit. Although all five sites are recognised by neutralising antibodies, there is evidence for haplotype specific differences and immunodominance in the response to natural infection. BALB/c (H-2d) Mab predominantly recognise HA1 198, and CBA/Ca (H-2h) Mab, HA1 158. Restriction of the immune response and the observed immunodominance raises several important questions concerning the mechanisms of repertoire selection, which this investigation aims to address using BALB/k (MHC congenic) mice, to evaluate possible effects of MHC background on selected repertoires. The BALB/k antibody response to X31 HA was found to be a composite of both repertoires, recognising predominantly HA1 198(Ala→Glu) in four out of five donors and HA1 158(Gly→Glu) in the fifth, suggesting both non-MHC and MHC effects. Previous studies on antibody gene usage have shown restriction for anti-haptenic responses and diversity for anti-protein responses. Generally, antibody specificity for proteins is diverse. Since I had found immunodominance in the response to influenza HA protein, it was possible that antibody gene usage would resemble a hapten-like response and thereby account for this highly focused response. Extensive sequence analysis of antibody gene usage by influenza HA specific Mab revealed a diverse VL usage but restricted VH family usage by BALB/k HA1 198 specific Mab and very restricted VL and donor dependent restricted VH family usage by CBA/Ca HA1 158 specific Mab. VL and VH family usage was also mutually exclusive between the two strains and specificities. BALB/k HA1 158 specific Mab (a CBA/Ca-like response) were a composite of both repertoires, with very restricted VH family usage, but with diverse VL usage. It was evident that the immunodominant response per individual was a consequence of clonal expansion of one to three progenitor cells from both BALB/k (recognition of HA1 198), and CBA/Ca (recognition of HA1 158), however antibody gene usage appears to be stochastic in the BALB/k HA1 158 specific response. Furthermore, the observation that the same VL/VH family combinatorial association by Mab of two different specificities from two donors and such diverse VH/VL gene family usage indicates that fine specificity and immunodominance cannot be attributed to antibody V gene usage alone

    Manajemen Modal Kerja Yang Efektif Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Dan Mengendalikan Likuiditas (Studi Kasus Pada PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Periode 2011-2013)

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    The company conditions affected by working capital management to increase and controlled their liquidities. Where an company should provide sufficient for the operations of the company. In addition, the increase or decrease in liquidity can be seen from the working capital of the company. The objective of this research is to analyze how working capital management and their effectiveness can control and also increase company liquidities in PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Research type is descriptive type with quantitative approach. The analysis method is descriptive analysis with time series. The results showed that the company's liquidity ratio analysis for the last three years (2011, 2012, 2013) has fluctuated, in 2012 liquidity company decrease and in 2013 increased. It shows that the company's ability to pay current liabilities with current assets available still tend to be usetable


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    ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pertunjukan dan transmisi JangjawokanParanti Dangdan. Jangjawokan Paranti Dangdan merupakan sastra lisan dalam bentukmantra yang dimiliki masyarakat Sunda di Desa Karangjaya Kabupaten Pangandaran.Pada saat ini, Jangjawokan Paranti Dangdan masih eksis digunakan oleh perempuanDesa Karangjaya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut,penelitian ini dilakukan untuk (1) mengetahui pertunjukan Jangjawokan ParantiDangdan; dan (2) transmisi Jangjawokan Paranti Dangdan di kalangan perempuan DesaKarangjaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif dengantujuan mendeskripsikan objek yang diteliti berdasarkan fakta yang diperoleh. Sumber datadari penelitian ini adalah Jangjawokan Paranti Dangdan dan informasi-informasi yangdiperoleh secara langsung dari informan yang merupakan pewaris sekaligus pelestarimantra dalam lingkaran kekerabatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif naturilistikdengan teori transmisi Parry-Lord. Teori transmisi digunakan untuk mengungkappertunjukan dan pewarisan sastra lisan. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkap pertunjukanmantra di hadapan pewaris dan transmisi mantra yang meliputi syarat-syarat pewaris danritual pewarisan

    States of co-existence and border projects in port cities: Genoa and Rotterdam compared

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    In port cities there is a tendency to dislocate production activities in favour of logistic-productive dynamics. In addition, the transition from an industrial area model to a \u2018logistics hinterland\u2019 formula shifts attention to a territorial scale, focusing on spaces at the border between the port and city areas. Today, port\u2013city borders are commonly perceived as barriers but they could be dynamic development thresholds. Existing port cities exhibit different states of coexistence at their port\u2013city borders: sometimes they are forced situations originating from poor management, but they can also provide opportunities for mutual interaction and synergy. This paper compares port\u2013 city borders in Genoa and Rotterdam using interviews, relevant literature and mapping. Conclusions are drawn concerning the possibilities and potential for future port\u2013city borders

    Dampak Psikologis Tokoh Pria dan Wanita dalam Film Tangshan Da Dizhen

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    "Tangshan Earthquake" by Feng Xiaogang began shooting at the 2010 Aftershock of a background to the film. Movie tells the story of a mother for her daughter because of the expense of her choice between life and death caused deep trauma, the purpose of this study was to indicate the difference between sex behavior may cause deep psychological trauma. This article uses the collected literature research method, to "Aftershock" movie LiYuanni Stool and post-disaster psychological research scope and use of gender inequality theory, post-disaster trauma psychology to analyze the process of gender inequality in the movie protagonist psychology. Analysis showed that factors of gender inequality is mainly a social problem and a lack of self-consciousness of women. The uneven treatment of choice in pondering Fang Deng and mother for decades

    Tuturan Kepemimpinan Basuki Tjahaja Purnama

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    This study titled Leadership speech Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. Research aims to determine speech Tjahaja Basuki Purnama. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. This research data is Basuki Tjahaja Purnama speech conversation with the society of honesty, courtesy, and interesting. Source of research data is a video leadership Basuki Purnama Tjahaja of seven video obtained from the site youtube. From this video obtained by the speech of leadership that has honesty, courtesy, and attractiveness. This study used a technique that documents the source data used to complete the study in the form of written sources, films or videos, pictures or photographs and monumental works dmemberikan information for the research process. The research found the data as much as seventy-four, consisting of (1) thirty Data honesty analyzed based on the language used, (2) thirty-two data is courtesy were analyzed based on the language used, and (3) the attractiveness of the analyzed based on the language used

    Pengaruh Jenis Dan Konsenstrasi Bahan Pengikat Terhadap Karakteristik Fisik Serta Analisa Aktivitas Antioksidan Tablet Effervescent Dari Ekstrak Buah Beet (Beta Vulgaris)

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    Dalam penelitian ini dibuat tablet effervescent buah beet dengan variasi jenis dan konsentrasi zat pengikat dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan konsentrasi zat pengikat yang ditambahkan terhadap karakteristik fisik tablet serta mengetahui jenis dan konsentrasi penambahan zat pengikat yang menghasilkan karakteristik fisik tablet effervescent (Beta vulgaris) sesuai standar. Analisa yang dilakukan meliputi evaluasi karakteristik granul, evaluasi karakteristik tablet, analisa antioksidan, dan uji kesukaan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode two ways ANOVA pada taraf signifikansi α = 5%. Dari hasil pengamatan diketahui penambahan zat pengikat dengan berbagai jenis dan konsentrasi memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sudut diam, indeks pengetapan, waktu alir, kekerasan, waktu larut, warna dan rasa namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keseragaman bobot, aktivitas antioksidan, dan aroma tablet effervescent buah beet. Nilai aktivitas antioksidan dari tablet effervescent buah beet mengalami penurunan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan sampel control (sari buah segar). Karakteristik tablet terpilih terdapat pada penambahan zat pengikat gelatin 3% karena memiliki tingkat kekerasan yang medium, waktu larut yang singkat, bobot yang seragam, dan flavor yang baik

    Development and Validity of Fluid Intelligence Test Based on Cattle-Horn-Carrol Theory: a Pilot Project

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    This study aimed to examine the validity of the Fluid Intelligence Test, constructed based on the Cattel-Horn-Carroll theory. There were two sources of validity used in this study, which were evidence based on the internal structure and evidence based on relation with other variables. Sixty-four items have been composed and tested to 242 people. The data was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis technique and correlations technique to examine test validity. The result of this study showed that the prepared model worked quite well in describing the narrow abilities of fluid intelligence, as showed by the receipt of fit indexes accuracy of the model, such as Chi-Square value .42 (p = .518), Goodness Fit Index (GFI) = 1, and Rooted Mean Square Error (RMSEA) = .00. Similar result was also showed by its correlation with other variables, which are .717 (TIKI) and .606 (CFIT). This suggested that Fluid Intelligence Test has good validity

    Pengaruh Experiental Marketing Dan Emotional Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Konsumen Sepatu Nike Di Indonesia Dan Di Malaysia)

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    This research aims to understandOand determineOthe influence of variable experiential_marketing and emotional marketing on purchasePdecision partially, and to understand and{{determine the differences from the influence of experiential2marketing and9emotional marketing on purchase decision between consumer in Indonesia and in Malaysia. Type of thisjresearch))is 0explanatory research_with quantitativeplapproach. This researchddhave ajkvariables, there aref is Experient Marketing,Emotional Marketing, and Purchase Decision. Population inothis research is consumer Nike shoes in Indonesia and in Malaysia. The sample used in this research was 113 peoples, then sampling technique uses quota sampleand data collection methods questionnaire method. Data analysis on this research used by regression analysis and independentdfsample t-test. The resultsdjof independent sample t-test is, Experiential Marketing has significant influence to Purchase Decision, and also Emotional Marketing has significant influence to Purchase Decision. The result from independent sample t-test shows there is no significant differences of experiential marketing and emotional marketing influence on purchase decision betwee n Indonesian consumer and Malaysian consumer. Based on the result, Nike should increase their design of the shoes in order to get attention from consumer and increasing positive experience, also Nike should do an emotional approaching for their consumer by maintain their brand. Keyword: Experiential Marketing,_Emotional Marketing, Purchase Decision,Indonesia, Malaysia ABSTRAK Tujuan pada penelitian kali ini,untuk mengetahui dandfhmenjelaskanffpengaruhfjexperiential marketingdanfjemotional marketing terhadap variabel keputusan pembelian secaraparsial,jfdan juga untuk mengetahui & dan menjelaskan perbedaan pengaruh experient marketing dan juga emotional marketing terhadap & keputusan pembelian antara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Penelitian kali ini berupa penelitian penjelasan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian kali ini mempunyai variabel, yakni Experiential Marketing, Emotional Marketing, dan Keputusan Pembelian. Populas penelitian ini adalah konsumen sepatu Nike Indonesiadan di Malaysia. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 113 orang responden yang diambil, dan teknik pengambilannya berupa sampel kuota dan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Analisis data yang digunakan & adalah analisis regresi linier dan indepent sample t-test. Hasil analisis kali ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat sebuah pengaruh signifikan antara variabel Experiential Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, dan juga pada variabel Emotional Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Hasil analisis uji beda independent t-test menujukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan pada experiential marketing dan juga emotional_marketing terhadap keputusan pembelian antara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini sebaiknya Nike diharapkan mampu meningkatkan model sepatunya untuk menarik konsumen dan menambah pengalaman positif kosumen, dan mendekatkan kepada sisi emosional konsumen melalui pendekatan merek_Nike.Inc Kata kunci: Experiential Marketing,Emotional Marketing, Purchase Decision, Indonesia, MalaysiaKeyword: Experiential Marketing,_Emotional Marketing, Purchase Decision,Indonesia, Malaysia ABSTRAK Tujuan pada penelitian kali ini,untuk mengetahui dandfhmenjelaskanffpengaruhfjexperiential marketingdfdanfjemotional marketing terhadap variabelfjkeputusanfjpembelianfjdsecara_parsial,jfdan juga untuk mengetahui&&danhkmenjelaskan perbedaanfjhpengaruh*experientialjkmarketing dan jugaoemotional marketingdhterhadap&keputusan pembelianooantara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Penelitian kali ini berupa penelitian penjelasan_menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian_kali ini mempunyai variabel, yakni Experiential Marketing, Emotional Marketing, dan Keputusan Pembelian. Populasidjdpenelitiandjinidhdadalah konsumendjsepatu_Nikeujudi Indonesiadjdan didjjMalaysia. Sampel yangiiodigunakandjdalam penelitian&&inidjjsebanyak 113djdorang_responden yang diambil, dan_teknik pengambilannya berupa_sampel kuota dan metode pengumpulandjsdata menggunakan_angket.Analisiszdata yang digunakan&6adalah analisis regresi89linier dan indepent sample t-test. Hasil analisis kali ini didapatkan bahwa terdapat sebuah pengaruh signifikan antara variabel99ExperientialozMarketing00terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, dan juga pada variabel Emotional Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian. Hasil analisis uji beda independent t-test menujukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan pada experiential marketing dan juga emotional_marketing terhadap keputusan pembelian antara konsumen di Indonesia dan di Malaysia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini sebaiknya Nike diharapkan mampu meningkatkan model sepatunya untuk menarik konsumen dan menambah pengalaman positif kosumen, dan mendekatkan kepada sisi emosional konsumen melalui pendekatan merek_Nike.In

    Kajian Kapasitas Antioksidan Dan Penerimaan Sensoris Teh Celup Kulit Buah Naga (Pitaya Fruit) Dengan Penambahan Kulit Jeruk Lemon Dan Stevia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan sensori teh celup kulit buah naga dengan penambahan kulit jeruklemon dan stevia berbagai formulasi dengan perbedaan varietas, menentukan kapasitas antioksidan yaitu total fenol, total betasianin,dan aktivitas penangkapan radikal bebas DPPH serta derajat warna teh celup kulit buah naga dari berbagai formulasi dan berbagaivarietas. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RAF) yang terdiri dari dua faktor, yaituvariasi formulasi dan variasi perbedaan varietas kulit buah naga.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total fenol, total betacyanin, aktivitas penangkapan radikal bebas DPPH pada teh celupkulit buah naga mengalami penurunan seiring dengan peningkatan konsentrasi kulit jeruk lemon yang ditambahkan. Penambahankulit jeruk lemon berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar total fenol, kadar betasianin dan aktivitas penangkapan radikal bebas DPPHpada teh celup yang dihasilkan. Teh celup dengan formula ( kulit jeruk buah naga: kulit jeruk lemon: stevia) 90:0:10 memberikanhasil total fenol, total betasianin dan aktivitas penangkapan radikal DPPH paling tinggi. Dari perbedaan varietas kulit buah naga (super red, merah dan putih) menunjukkan bahwa total fenol, total betacyanin, dan aktivitas penangkapan radikal DPPH tertinggiterdapat pada teh celup kulit buah naga super red. Ditinjau dari penerimaan sensori menunjukkan bahwa sampel yang disukaipanelis adalah teh celup kulit buah naga super red dengan formula (kulit buah naga: kulit jek lemon: stevia) 50:40:10 dari semuaformulasi
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