15 research outputs found

    Deficiências minerais em plantas de bertalha ( Basella alba, L.)

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    Basella alba is used as a major food on the Amazon region, north Brazil for its high mineral and vitamins content. The purpose of the present work was: a) obtain a clear picture of the macronutrient deficiency; b) growth of the plants in function of (1); c) analyptical levels found in the leaves. Young Basella alba plants (bertalha in Portuguese) were cultivated in pots containing fine pure quartz and irrigated by percolation with different nutrient solutions lacking one of the element at the time. Clear cut symptoms were obtained for all macronutrients. Only the omission of nitrogen and potassium affect the dry matter production of plants. The range in dry matter for unhealthy and healthy leaves were: N% = 1.25--3-55; P% = 0.17-0.36; K% = 0.46-3.55; Ca% = 0,62-1.78; Mg% = 0.37-0.80; S% = 0.19-0.13.Plantas de bertalha (Basella alba, L.) INPA-1 foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação em quartzo moído, irrigadas com soluções nutritivas conforme SARRUGE (1975) e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: completo, omissão de N, omissão de P, omissão de K, omissão de Ca, omissão de Mg e omissão de S, com o objetivo de: (a) obter sintomas de deficiência dos ma cronutrientes; (b) analisar o crescimento das plantas através da produção de matéria seca; (c) determinar a concentração dos macronutrientes nas folhas e caules das plantas cultivadas nos diversos tratamentos. Os sintomas visuais de deficiência foram identificados e descritos. As plantas foram coletadas e separadas em raiz, caule, folhas e determinaram-se os teores dos macronutrientes minerais neste material. Os resultados obtidos mostram: - os sintomas visuais de deficiência são bem definidos e de fácil caracterização para todos os nutrientes; - só foi possível detectar efeito na produção de matéria seca das folhas e caules para omissão de nitrogênio e para omissão de potássio nos caules; - os níveis de deficiência e adequação obtidos nas folhas foram respectivamente: N% = 1,25 e 2,63; P% = 0,17 e 0,36; K% = 0,46 e 3,55; Ca% = 0,62e 1,78; Mg% = 0,37 e 0,80; s%= 0,19 e 0,23. - os níveis de deficiência e adequação obtidos nos caules foram respectivamente: N% = 0,67 e 0,98; P% = 0,13 e 0,31; K% = 0,73 e 2,67; Ca% = 0,11 e 0,64; Mg% = 0,08 e 0,20; S% = 0,15 e 0,20

    Worms by number

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    This paper investigates alternation patterns in length, shape and orientation of dorsal cirri (fleshy segmental appendages) of phyllodocidans, a large group of polychaete worms (Annelida). We document the alternation patterns in several families of Phyllodocida (Syllidae, Hesionidae, Sigalionidae, Polynoidae, Aphroditidae and Acoetidae) and identify the simple mathematical rule bases that describe the progression of these sequences. Two fundamentally different binary alternation patterns were found on the first four segments: 1011 for nereidiform families and 1010 for aphroditiform families. The alternation pattern in all aphroditiform families matches a simple one-dimensional cellular automaton and that for Syllidae (nereidiform) matches the Fibonacci string sequence. Hesionidae (nereidiform) showed the greatest variation in alternation patterns, but all corresponded to various known substitution rules. Comparison of binary patterns of the first 22 segments using a distance measure supports the current ideas on phylogeny within Phyllodocida. These results suggest that gene(s) involved in post-larval segmental growth employ a switching sequence that corresponds to simple mathematical substitution rules

    Worms by number

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    This paper investigates alternation patterns in length, shape and orientation of dorsal cirri (fleshy segmental appendages) of phyllodocidans, a large group of polychaete worms (Annelida). We document the alternation patterns in several families of Phyllodocida (Syllidae, Hesionidae, Sigalionidae, Polynoidae, Aphroditidae and Acoetidae) and identify the simple mathematical rule bases that describe the progression of these sequences. Two fundamentally different binary alternation patterns were found on the first four segments: 1011 for nereidiform families and 1010 for aphroditiform families. The alternation pattern in all aphroditiform families matches a simple one-dimensional cellular automaton and that for Syllidae (nereidiform) matches the Fibonacci string sequence. Hesionidae (nereidiform) showed the greatest variation in alternation patterns, but all corresponded to various known substitution rules. Comparison of binary patterns of the first 22 segments using a distance measure supports the current ideas on phylogeny within Phyllodocida. These results suggest that gene(s) involved in post-larval segmental growth employ a switching sequence that corresponds to simple mathematical substitution rules