15,982 research outputs found

    Bayesian analysis of CCDM Models

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    Creation of Cold Dark Matter (CCDM), in the context of Einstein Field Equations, leads to negative creation pressure, which can be used to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. In this work we tested six different spatially flat models for matter creation using statistical tools, at light of SN Ia data: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and Bayesian Evidence (BE). These approaches allow to compare models considering goodness of fit and number of free parameters, penalizing excess of complexity. We find that JO model is slightly favoured over LJO/Λ\LambdaCDM model, however, neither of these, nor Γ=3αH0\Gamma=3\alpha H_0 model can be discarded from the current analysis. Three other scenarios are discarded either from poor fitting, either from excess of free parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables. Corrected some text and language in new versio

    Ising model on the Apollonian network with node dependent interactions

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    This work considers an Ising model on the Apollonian network, where the exchange constant Ji,j∼1/(kikj)μJ_{i,j}\sim1/(k_ik_j)^\mu between two neighboring spins (i,j)(i,j) is a function of the degree kk of both spins. Using the exact geometrical construction rule for the network, the thermodynamical and magnetic properties are evaluated by iterating a system of discrete maps that allows for very precise results in the thermodynamic limit. The results can be compared to the predictions of a general framework for spins models on scale-free networks, where the node distribution P(k)∼k−γP(k)\sim k^{-\gamma}, with node dependent interacting constants. We observe that, by increasing μ\mu, the critical behavior of the model changes, from a phase transition at T=∞T=\infty for a uniform system (μ=0)(\mu=0), to a T=0 phase transition when μ=1\mu=1: in the thermodynamic limit, the system shows no exactly critical behavior at a finite temperature. The magnetization and magnetic susceptibility are found to present non-critical scaling properties.Comment: 6 figures, 12 figure file

    Critical exponents for the long-range Ising chain using a transfer matrix approach

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    The critical behavior of the Ising chain with long-range ferromagnetic interactions decaying with distance rαr^\alpha, 1<α<21<\alpha<2, is investigated using a numerically efficient transfer matrix (TM) method. Finite size approximations to the infinite chain are considered, in which both the number of spins and the number of interaction constants can be independently increased. Systems with interactions between spins up to 18 sites apart and up to 2500 spins in the chain are considered. We obtain data for the critical exponents ν\nu associated with the correlation length based on the Finite Range Scaling (FRS) hypothesis. FRS expressions require the evaluation of derivatives of the thermodynamical properties, which are obtained with the help of analytical recurrence expressions obtained within the TM framework. The Van den Broeck extrapolation procedure is applied in order to estimate the convergence of the exponents. The TM procedure reduces the dimension of the matrices and circumvents several numerical matrix operations.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Conference NEXT Sigma Ph

    Analytical approach to directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network

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    We investigate a set of directed sandpile models on the Apollonian network, which are inspired on the work by Dhar and Ramaswamy (PRL \textbf{63}, 1659 (1989)) for Euclidian lattices. They are characterized by a single parameter qq, that restricts the number of neighbors receiving grains from a toppling node. Due to the geometry of the network, two and three point correlation functions are amenable to exact treatment, leading to analytical results for the avalanche distributions in the limit of an infinite system, for q=1,2q=1,2. The exact recurrence expressions for the correlation functions are numerically iterated to obtain results for finite size systems, when larger values of qq are considered. Finally, a detailed description of the local flux properties is provided by a multifractal scaling analysis.Comment: 7 pages in two-column format, 10 illustrations, 5 figure

    Multifractal Properties of Aperiodic Ising Model: role of geometric fluctuations

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    The role of the geometric fluctuations on the multifractal properties of the local magnetization of aperiodic ferromagnetic Ising models on hierachical lattices is investigated. The geometric fluctuations are introduced by generalized Fibonacci sequences. The local magnetization is evaluated via an exact recurrent procedure encompassing a real space renormalization group decimation. The symmetries of the local magnetization patterns induced by the aperiodic couplings is found to be strongly (weakly) different, with respect to the ones of the corresponding homogeneous systems, when the geometric fluctuations are relevant (irrelevant) to change the critical properties of the system. At the criticality, the measure defined by the local magnetization is found to exhibit a non-trivial F(alpha) spectra being shifted to higher values of alpha when relevant geometric fluctuations are considered. The critical exponents are found to be related with some special points of the F(alpha) function and agree with previous results obtained by the quite distinct transfer matrix approach.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 Tables, 17 reference

    Critical properties of an aperiodic model for interacting polymers

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    We investigate the effects of aperiodic interactions on the critical behavior of an interacting two-polymer model on hierarchical lattices (equivalent to the Migadal-Kadanoff approximation for the model on Bravais lattices), via renormalization-group and tranfer-matrix calculations. The exact renormalization-group recursion relations always present a symmetric fixed point, associated with the critical behavior of the underlying uniform model. If the aperiodic interactions, defined by s ubstitution rules, lead to relevant geometric fluctuations, this fixed point becomes fully unstable, giving rise to novel attractors of different nature. We present an explicit example in which this new attractor is a two-cycle, with critical indices different from the uniform model. In case of the four-letter Rudin-Shapiro substitution rule, we find a surprising closed curve whose points are attractors of period two, associated with a marginal operator. Nevertheless, a scaling analysis indicates that this attractor may lead to a new critical universality class. In order to provide an independent confirmation of the scaling results, we turn to a direct thermodynamic calculation of the specific-heat exponent. The thermodynamic free energy is obtained from a transfer matrix formalism, which had been previously introduced for spin systems, and is now extended to the two-polymer model with aperiodic interactions.Comment: 19 pages, 6 eps figures, to appear in J. Phys A: Math. Ge

    On the necessity to include event-by-event fluctuations in experimental evaluation of elliptical flow

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    Elliptic flow at RHIC is computed event-by-event with NeXSPheRIO. We show that when symmetry of the particle distribution in relation to the reaction plane is assumed, as usually done in the experimental extraction of elliptic flow, there is a disagreement between the true and reconstructed elliptic flows (15-30% for η\eta=0, 30% for p⊥p_\perp=0.5 GeV). We suggest a possible way to take into account the asymmetry and get good agreement between these elliptic flows

    Non-nequilibrium model on Apollonian networks

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    We investigate the Majority-Vote Model with two states (−1,+1-1,+1) and a noise qq on Apollonian networks. The main result found here is the presence of the phase transition as a function of the noise parameter qq. We also studies de effect of redirecting a fraction pp of the links of the network. By means of Monte Carlo simulations, we obtained the exponent ratio γ/ν\gamma/\nu, β/ν\beta/\nu, and 1/ν1/\nu for several values of rewiring probability pp. The critical noise was determined qcq_{c} and U∗U^{*} also was calculated. The effective dimensionality of the system was observed to be independent on pp, and the value Deff≈1.0D_{eff} \approx1.0 is observed for these networks. Previous results on the Ising model in Apollonian Networks have reported no presence of a phase transition. Therefore, the results present here demonstrate that the Majority-Vote Model belongs to a different universality class as the equilibrium Ising Model on Apollonian Network.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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