125,324 research outputs found

    Study plasma interactions in the auroral ionosphere

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    Analyzed data from rocket flight, 29.007UE is presented. In a discrete electron arc the measured upward moving electrons are well accounted for by secondaries produced in collisional scattering of the measured downcoming electrons. No collective mechanisms need to invoke. The low energy downcoming electrons are accounted for by thermal plasma accelerated through a potential drop of a few kV that specularly reflects upward-moving lower energy electrons. No low altitude collective effects need to invoke in the arc. Simultaneous measurements of electric field by double probes on 29.007 and the Chatanika Radar allow one to infer that there are upward drifting ions above the discrete electron arc, and there is a westward neutral wind in the discrete arc. Two rocket payloads were built to investigate plasma effects in the pulsating aurora

    Remote sensing of water quality in reservoirs and lakes in semi-arid climates

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    Overlake measurements using aerial cameras (remote sensing) combined with water truth collected from boats most economically provided wide-band photographs rather than precise spectra. With use of false color infrared film (400-950 nm), the reflected spectral signatures seen from hundreds to thousands of meters above the lake merged to produce various color tones. Such colors were easily and inexpensively obtained and could be recognized by lake management personnel without any prior training. The characteristic spectral signatures of various algal types were also recognizable in part by the color tone produced by remote sensing

    A space station onboard scheduling assistant

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    One of the goals for the Space Station is to achieve greater autonomy, and have less reliance on ground commanding than previous space missions. This means that the crew will have to take an active role in scheduling and rescheduling their activities onboard, perhaps working from preliminary schedules generated on the ground. Scheduling is a time intensive task, whether performed manually or automatically, so the best approach to solving onboard scheduling problems may involve crew members working with an interactive software scheduling package. A project is described which investigates a system that uses knowledge based techniques for the rescheduling of experiments within the Materials Technology Laboratory of the Space Station. Particular attention is paid to: (1) methods for rapid response rescheduling to accommodate unplanned changes in resource availability, (2) the nature of the interface to the crew, (3) the representation of the many types of data within the knowledge base, and (4) the possibility of applying rule-based and constraint-based reasoning methods to onboard activity scheduling

    A comparison of Gemini and ERTS imagery obtained over southern Morocco

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    A mosaic constructed from three ERTS MSS band 5 images enlarged to 1:500,000 compares favorably with a similar scale geologic map of southern Morocco, and a near-similar scale Gemini 5 photo pair. A comparative plot of lineations and generalized geology on the three formats show that a significantly greater number of probable fractures are visible on the ERTS imagery than on the Gemini photography, and that both orbital formats show several times more lineaments than were previously mapped. A plot of mineral occurrences on the structural overlays indicates that definite structure-mineralization relationships exist; this finding is used to define underdeveloped areas which are prospective for mineralization. More detailed mapping is possible using MSS imagery than on Gemini 5 photographs, and in addition, the ERTS format is not restricted to limited coverage

    Research opportunities in bone demineralization, phase 3

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    Bone demineralization, calcium responses to weightlessness, endocrine responses to weightlessness, mechanisms of bone loss, biomedical research, pathogenesis, and endocrine effects are discussed

    Factors which influence the behavior of turbofan forced mixer nozzles

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    A finite difference procedure was used to compute the mixing for three experimentally tested mixer geometries. Good agreement was obtained between analysis and experiment when the mechanisms responsible for secondary flow generation were properly modeled. Vorticity generation due to flow turning and vorticity generated within the centerbody lobe passage were found to be important. Results are presented for two different temperature ratios between fan and core streams and for two different free stream turbulence levels. It was concluded that the dominant mechanisms in turbofan mixers is associated with the secondary flows arising within the lobe region and their development within the mixing section

    Vegetative and geologic mapping of the western Seward Peninsula, Alaska, based on ERTS-1 imagery

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    ERTS-1 scene 1009-22095 (Western Seward Peninsula, Alaska) has been studied, partly as a training exercise, to evaluate whether direct visual examination of individual and custom color-composite prints can provide new information on the vegetation and geology of this relatively well known area of Alaska. The vegetation analysis reveals seven major vegetation types, only four of which are described on existing vegetation maps. In addition, the ERTS analysis provides greater detail than the existing maps on the areal distribution of vegetation types. The geologic analysis demonstrates that most of the major rock units and geomorphic boundaries shown on the available geologic maps could also be identified on the ERTS data. Several major high-angle faults were observed, but the zones of thrust faults which are much less obvious

    Evaluation of a high performance, fixed-ratio, traction drive

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    A test program was initiated to evaluate the key operational and performance factors associated with the Nasvytis multiroller concept. Two sets of Nasvytis drives, each of slightly geometry, were parametrically tested on a back to back test stand. Initial results from these tests are reported. One of these units was later retrofitted to the power turbine of an automotive gas turbine engine and dynamometer tested

    Draft crystal structure of the vault shell at 9-A resolution.

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    Vaults are the largest known cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein structures and may function in innate immunity. The vault shell self-assembles from 96 copies of major vault protein and encapsulates two other proteins and a small RNA. We crystallized rat liver vaults and several recombinant vaults, all among the largest non-icosahedral particles to have been crystallized. The best crystals thus far were formed from empty vaults built from a cysteine-tag construct of major vault protein (termed cpMVP vaults), diffracting to about 9-A resolution. The asymmetric unit contains a half vault of molecular mass 4.65 MDa. X-ray phasing was initiated by molecular replacement, using density from cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). Phases were improved by density modification, including concentric 24- and 48-fold rotational symmetry averaging. From this, the continuous cryo-EM electron density separated into domain-like blocks. A draft atomic model of cpMVP was fit to this improved density from 15 domain models. Three domains were adapted from a nuclear magnetic resonance substructure. Nine domain models originated in ab initio tertiary structure prediction. Three C-terminal domains were built by fitting poly-alanine to the electron density. Locations of loops in this model provide sites to test vault functions and to exploit vaults as nanocapsules