4,443 research outputs found

    Exploration of jet energy loss via direct γ\gamma-charged particle azimuthal correlation measurements

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    The multiplicities of charged particles azimuthally associated with direct photons and π0\pi^{0} have been measured for Au+Au, p+p, and d+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV in the STAR experiment. Charged particles with transverse momentum 0.5 << pTh±p_T^{h^{\pm}} << 16 GeV/c for p+p and d+Au, and 3 << pTh±p_T^{h^{\pm}} << 16 GeV/c for Au+Au and pseudorapidity ∣η∣\mid\eta\mid ≤\leq 1.5 in coincidence with direct photons and π0\pi^{0} of high transverse momentum 8 << pTγ,π0p_T^{\gamma,\pi^{0}} << 16 GeV/c at ∣η∣\mid\eta\mid ≤\leq 0.9 have been used for this analysis. Within the considered range of kinematics, the observed suppressions of the associated yields per direct γ\gamma in central Au+Au relative to p+p and d+Au are similar and constant with direct photon fractional energy zTz_{T} (zT=pTh±/pTγz_{T}=p_{T}^{h^{\pm}}/p_{T}^{\gamma}). The measured suppressions of the associated yields with direct γ\gamma are comparable to those with π0\pi^{0}. The data are compared to theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Quark Matter 2009, March 30 - April 4, Knoxville, Tennesse

    Density-metric unimodular gravity: vacuum maximal symmetry

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    We have investigated the vacuum maximally symmetric solutions of recently proposed density-metric unimodular gravity theory,the results are widely different from inflationary senario.The exponential dependence on time in deSitter space is substiuted by a power law. Open space-times with non-zero cosmological constant are excluded in this theoryComment: 15 pages, no figures,stability section omitte

    Loading a vapor cell magneto-optic trap using light-induced atom desorption

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    Low intensity white light was used to increase the loading rate of 87^{87}Rb atoms into a vapor cell magneto-optic trap by inducing non-thermal desorption of Rb atoms from the stainless steel walls of the vapor cell. An increased Rb partial pressure reached a new equilibrium value in less than 10 seconds after switching on the broadband light source. After the source was turned off, the partial pressure returned to its previous value in 1/e1/e times as short as 10 seconds.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Fermi edge singularities in X-ray spectra of strongly correlated fermions

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    We discuss the problem of the X-ray absorption in a system of interacting fermions and, in particular, those features in the X-ray spectra that can be used to discriminate between conventional Fermi-liquids and novel "strange metals". Focusing on the case of purely forward scattering off the core-hole potential, we account for the relevant interactions in the conduction band by means of the bosonization technique. We find that the X-ray Fermi edge singularities can still be present, although modified, even if the density of states vanishes at the Fermi energy, and that, in general, the relationship between the two appears to be quite subtle.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, Princeton preprin

    Effect of Magnetic Impurities on Suppression of the Transition Temperature in Disordered Superconductors

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    We calculate the first-order perturbative correction to the transition temperature TcT_c in a superconductor with both non-magnetic and magnetic impurities. We do this by first evaluating the correction to the effective potential, Ω(Δ)\Omega(\Delta), and then obtain the first-order correction to the order parameter, Δ\Delta, by finding the minimum of Ω(Δ)\Omega(\Delta). Setting Δ=0\Delta=0 finally allows TcT_c to be evaluated. TcT_c is now a function of both the resistance per square, R□R_\square, a measure of the non-magnetic disorder, and the spin-flip scattering rate, 1/τs1/\tau_s, a measure of the magnetic disorder. We find that the effective pair-breaking rate per magnetic impurity is virtually independent of the resistance per square of the film, in agreement with an experiment of Chervenak and Valles. This conclusion is supported by both the perturbative calculation, and by a non-perturbative re-summation technique.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Lower limb stiffness estimation during running: the effect of using kinematic constraints in muscle force optimization algorithms

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    The focus of this paper is on the effect of muscle force optimization algorithms on the human lower limb stiffness estimation. By using a forward dynamic neuromusculoskeletal model coupled with a muscle short-range stiffness model we computed the human joint stiffness of the lower limb during running. The joint stiffness values are calculated using two different muscle force optimization procedures, namely: Toque-based and Torque/Kinematic-based algorithm. A comparison between the processed EMG signal and the corresponding estimated muscle forces with the two optimization algorithms is provided. We found that the two stiffness estimates are strongly influenced by the adopted algorithm. We observed different magnitude and timing of both the estimated muscle forces and joint stiffness time profile with respect to each gait phase, as function of the optimization algorithm used


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    ABSTRAKKemiskinan adalah sebuah kondisi ketidakmampuan seseorang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dasarseperti makanan, pakaian, tempat berlindung, dan kesehatan. Kondisi ketidakmampuan ini ditandai dengan rendahnya kemampuan pendapatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok baik berupa pangan, sandang, maupun papan. Kemampuan pendapatan yang rendah ini juga akan berdampak berkurangnya kemampuan untuk memenuhi standar hidup rata-rata seperti standar kesehatan masyarakat dan standar pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh PAD, DAU, DAK dan DBH terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan Kota Manado.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pendapatan Asli Daerah berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap tingkat kemiskinan artinya jika pendapatan asli daerah meningkat, tingkat kemiskinan akan mengalami penurunan.  Dana Alokasi Umum berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan artinya apabila dana lokasi umum meningkat maka tingkat kemiskinan akan mengalami peningkatan akan tetapi tidak signifikan. Dana Alokasi Khusus berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan artinya apabila dana lokasi khusus meningkat maka tingkat kemiskinan akan mengalami peningkatan akan tetapi tidak signifikan. Dana Bagi Hasil berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan artinya apabila dana bagi hasil meningkat akan menurun angka kemiskinan. Kata Kunci: PAD, DAU, DAK, DBH dan Tingkat Kemiskinan ABSTRACTPoverty is a condition of one's inability to fulfill basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and health. This condition of incompetence is characterized by the low ability of income to fulfill basic needs in the form of food, clothing and shelter. This low income capability will also reduce the ability to meet average living standards such as public health standards and education standards. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the influence of PAD, DAU, DAK and DBH on the City Poverty Rate Manado.The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results of the study show that the Local Original Income has a negative and significant effect on the poverty level, which means that if the regional income increases, the poverty rate will decrease. The General Allocation Fund has a positive and not significant effect on poverty, meaning that if the general location funds increase, the poverty rate will increase but not significantly. The Special Allocation Fund has a positive and insignificant effect on poverty, meaning that if special location funds increase, the poverty rate will increase but not significantly. Profit Sharing funds have a negative and not significant effect on poverty, meaning that if the profit sharing funds increase, poverty will decrease. Keywords: PAD, DAU, DAK DBH and Povert

    Flow equation analysis of the anisotropic Kondo model

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    We use the new method of infinitesimal unitary transformations to calculate zero temperature correlation functions in the strong-coupling phase of the anisotropic Kondo model. We find the dynamics on all energy scales including the crossover behaviour from weak to strong coupling. The integrable structure of the Hamiltonian is not used in our approach. Our method should also be useful in other strong-coupling models since few other analytical methods allow the evaluation of their correlation functions on all energy scales.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 2 eps figures include
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