13 research outputs found

    Tanggap Tanaman Kedelai terhadap Inokulasi Rhizobium dan Asam Indol Asetat (IAA) pada Ultisol Darmaga

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    Some of rhizobacteria have been known to stimulate the growth of some crops through their fitohormon (IAA = indole acetic acid). Those rhizobacteria can stimulate the development of epidermis cells formation at root hair site and increase the infection sites to increase the nodulation and N2 fixation. The aims of this study were to study the effect of Rhizobium strains inoculation and indole acetic acid (IAA) application on crop growth, root nodulation. and N, P uptake of soybean on the Ultisols. The greenhouse experiment used Completely Randomize Design (CRD) with four replications. The treatments were: I) Without inoculation (blank), 2) 100 ppm N application, 3) 0.4 ppm IAA application, 4) Inoculation of Rhizobium 1004 (106), 5) Inoculation of Rhizobium 1004 (I05) + IAA, 6) Inoculation of Rhizobium RD-20 (104), 7) Inoculation of Rhizobium RD-20 (106), 8) Inoculation of Rhizobium SNI-2 (106). 9) Inoculation of Rhizobium SNI-2 106 + IAA. Result of the experiment indicated that inoculation of Rhizobium and IAA application increased crop growth, nodulation, and nutrient uptake of soybean. Inoculation of Rhizobium I004(106). RD-20(104)R, D-20(I06),S NI-2(I06), and IAA 0.4 ppm increased dry weight of crop by 33.5%,37.8,17.3%,35.1%,and 3.8% respectively compared to blank. Application of IAA at Rhizobium inoculation treatment of SNI-2(106) and 1004(106i)n creased dry nodule weight on soybean 40.9%, and 55.7 % respectively compared to without IAA application

    Soil Biology Contribution on Agricultural Land Suitability Evaluation of Wet Tropical Megabiodiversity Regions

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    Indonesia is in the region "wet tropical megabiodiversity" it would need to complete the system for agricultural land suitability evaluation in accordance with real conditions, thus increasing the value-added resources optimally and sustainable and accountable production investment. Soil organisms as a component of production support can act as an agent of energy and nutrient cycling in the soil, improving soil physical properties, and controlling pests and disease. For that soil, biological parameters that need to be considered in evaluating the suitability of land that already exist include: N-fixing or P-solubilizing bacteria groups that live symbiosis and free-living, the fungi solubilizing P and soil organic matter decomposition groups, BGA fixing and free-living N symbiotic groups, fauna groups are able to conserve soil organic matter and improve soil physical properties. Important steps that need to be done in the evaluation of land cover inventory of soil biological populations and its role on the growth of crops, and evaluate the suitability of the soil biological parameters of the functional value of commodity options

    Pengaruh Metode Sterilisasi Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Co-60 Terhadap Bahan Pembawa Dan Viabilitas Spora Gigaspora Margarita

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    . Sterilization is one of technique to remove or minimize undesirable microbe that found in the carrier material. This present study aimed to reveal the effect of sterilization techniques on viability G. margarita spore and availability of Fe2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ contained in carrier material, compost and soil. The result of the study showed that autoclave sterilization, gamma ray radiation with dose of 40 and 50 kGy were able to sterilize carrier material in zeolite up to 0 cfu/g, while in the carrier material of irradiated compost with dose of 50 kGy was able to decrease amount of microbe as much as 76 times compared to autoclave sterilization. After one month incubation period, the autoclave sterilization on zeolite gave the highest spore viability, with 46.95%, while autoclave sterilization on compost gave the spore viability nothing live. At the 3 months post-incubation, sterilization using irradiation dose of 10 kGy on zeolite gave the highest spore viability with 45.81%, while the compost spore viability nothing live. The type sterilization had no effect on carrier material of zeolite and soil but had an effect on Fe2+ contained on compost . Sterilization using irradiation dose of 50 kGy on the zeolite\u27s carrier material was significantly affecting the Mn2+. As well as soil sterilization using autoclave the type sterilization on Zn2+ had no effect on soil\u27scarrier material, whereas it had its effect on Zn2+ from the zeolite and compost. Mycorrhiza Carrier Materials; Sterilization; Gamma Ray Irradiation Co-6

    Pemanfaatan Sludge Industri Kertas sebagai Agen Pembenah Tanah pada Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara

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    Menumbuhkan bibit pada lahan bekas tambang batu bara dihadapkan pada berbagai macam kendala akibat kondisi lahan bekas tambang ini, yang kurang mendukung kurena pH lahan rendah, kandungun bahan organik lahan (BOT) rendah, kapasitas tukar kation (KTK) rendah, kurang seimbangnya unsur hara dan terjadi akumulasi logam berat, Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memanfaatkan limbah Industri kertas (sludge) sebagai agen pembenah tanah untuk memperbaiki kondisi lahan bekas tambang batubara sehingga menjadi lebih optimum untuk menumbuhkan pada polbag kemudian dicampur secara homogen dengan masing-masing 0%, 25% dan 50% dengan slude dan sludge yang sudah dikomposkan. diberi penyiramansetia[ 3 hari sekaliuntuk menirukan kondisi dilapangansetalah 2 minggudilakukan pengukuran pH.KTK,S Total dan kandungan sulfat tanah. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sludge 50% memberikan hasi yang paling baik, meningkatkan pH 103 %, KTK 167 %. S total don SO, diturunkan sebanyak 87,05 % dibanding kontrol. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sludge induslri kertas., mempunyai prespek yang baik untuk dikembangkan sebaga: agen pembenah tana