. Sterilization is one of technique to remove or minimize undesirable microbe that found in the carrier material. This present study aimed to reveal the effect of sterilization techniques on viability G. margarita spore and availability of Fe2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ contained in carrier material, compost and soil. The result of the study showed that autoclave sterilization, gamma ray radiation with dose of 40 and 50 kGy were able to sterilize carrier material in zeolite up to 0 cfu/g, while in the carrier material of irradiated compost with dose of 50 kGy was able to decrease amount of microbe as much as 76 times compared to autoclave sterilization. After one month incubation period, the autoclave sterilization on zeolite gave the highest spore viability, with 46.95%, while autoclave sterilization on compost gave the spore viability nothing live. At the 3 months post-incubation, sterilization using irradiation dose of 10 kGy on zeolite gave the highest spore viability with 45.81%, while the compost spore viability nothing live. The type sterilization had no effect on carrier material of zeolite and soil but had an effect on Fe2+ contained on compost . Sterilization using irradiation dose of 50 kGy on the zeolite\u27s carrier material was significantly affecting the Mn2+. As well as soil sterilization using autoclave the type sterilization on Zn2+ had no effect on soil\u27scarrier material, whereas it had its effect on Zn2+ from the zeolite and compost. Mycorrhiza Carrier Materials; Sterilization; Gamma Ray Irradiation Co-6