28 research outputs found

    Empirical Bayes models for multiple probe type microarrays at the probe level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>When analyzing microarray data a primary objective is often to find differentially expressed genes. With empirical Bayes and penalized t-tests the sample variances are adjusted towards a global estimate, producing more stable results compared to ordinary t-tests. However, for Affymetrix type data a clear dependency between variability and intensity-level generally exists, even for logged intensities, most clearly for data at the probe level but also for probe-set summarizes such as the MAS5 expression index. As a consequence, adjustment towards a global estimate results in an intensity-level dependent false positive rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose two new methods for finding differentially expressed genes, Probe level Locally moderated Weighted median-t (PLW) and Locally Moderated Weighted-t (LMW). Both methods use an empirical Bayes model taking the dependency between variability and intensity-level into account. A global covariance matrix is also used allowing for differing variances between arrays as well as array-to-array correlations. PLW is specially designed for Affymetrix type arrays (or other multiple-probe arrays). Instead of making inference on probe-set summaries, comparisons are made separately for each perfect-match probe and are then summarized into one score for the probe-set.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed methods are compared to 14 existing methods using five spike-in data sets. For RMA and GCRMA processed data, PLW has the most accurate ranking of regulated genes in four out of the five data sets, and LMW consistently performs better than all examined moderated t-tests when used on RMA, GCRMA, and MAS5 expression indexes.</p

    Evolution of the ferric reductase domain (FRD) superfamily: modularity, functional diversification, and signature motifs.

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    A heme-containing transmembrane ferric reductase domain (FRD) is found in bacterial and eukaryotic protein families, including ferric reductases (FRE), and NADPH oxidases (NOX). The aim of this study was to understand the phylogeny of the FRD superfamily. Bacteria contain FRD proteins consisting only of the ferric reductase domain, such as YedZ and short bFRE proteins. Full length FRE and NOX enzymes are mostly found in eukaryotic cells and all possess a dehydrogenase domain, allowing them to catalyze electron transfer from cytosolic NADPH to extracellular metal ions (FRE) or oxygen (NOX). Metazoa possess YedZ-related STEAP proteins, possibly derived from bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. Phylogenetic analyses suggests that FRE enzymes appeared early in evolution, followed by a transition towards EF-hand containing NOX enzymes (NOX5- and DUOX-like). An ancestral gene of the NOX(1-4) family probably lost the EF-hands and new regulatory mechanisms of increasing complexity evolved in this clade. Two signature motifs were identified: NOX enzymes are distinguished from FRE enzymes through a four amino acid motif spanning from transmembrane domain 3 (TM3) to TM4, and YedZ/STEAP proteins are identified by the replacement of the first canonical heme-spanning histidine by a highly conserved arginine. The FRD superfamily most likely originated in bacteria