15 research outputs found

    Interactions of the Human MCM-BP Protein with MCM Complex Components and Dbf4

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    MCM-BP was discovered as a protein that co-purified from human cells with MCM proteins 3 through 7; results which were recapitulated in frogs, yeast and plants. Evidence in all of these organisms supports an important role for MCM-BP in DNA replication, including contributions to MCM complex unloading. However the mechanisms by which MCM-BP functions and associates with MCM complexes are not well understood. Here we show that human MCM-BP is capable of interacting with individual MCM proteins 2 through 7 when co-expressed in insect cells and can greatly increase the recovery of some recombinant MCM proteins. Glycerol gradient sedimentation analysis indicated that MCM-BP interacts most strongly with MCM4 and MCM7. Similar gradient analyses of human cell lysates showed that only a small amount of MCM-BP overlapped with the migration of MCM complexes and that MCM complexes were disrupted by exogenous MCM-BP. In addition, large complexes containing MCM-BP and MCM proteins were detected at mid to late S phase, suggesting that the formation of specific MCM-BP complexes is cell cycle regulated. We also identified an interaction between MCM-BP and the Dbf4 regulatory component of the DDK kinase in both yeast 2-hybrid and insect cell co-expression assays, and this interaction was verified by co-immunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins from human cells. In vitro kinase assays showed that MCM-BP was not a substrate for DDK but could inhibit DDK phosphorylation of MCM4,6,7 within MCM4,6,7 or MCM2-7 complexes, with little effect on DDK phosphorylation of MCM2. Since DDK is known to activate DNA replication through phosphorylation of these MCM proteins, our results suggest that MCM-BP may affect DNA replication in part by regulating MCM phosphorylation by DDK

    The MCM-Binding Protein ETG1 Aids Sister Chromatid Cohesion Required for Postreplicative Homologous Recombination Repair

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    The DNA replication process represents a source of DNA stress that causes potentially spontaneous genome damage. This effect might be strengthened by mutations in crucial replication factors, requiring the activation of DNA damage checkpoints to enable DNA repair before anaphase onset. Here, we demonstrate that depletion of the evolutionarily conserved minichromosome maintenance helicase-binding protein ETG1 of Arabidopsis thaliana resulted in a stringent late G2 cell cycle arrest. This arrest correlated with a partial loss of sister chromatid cohesion. The lack-of-cohesion phenotype was intensified in plants without functional CTF18, a replication fork factor needed for cohesion establishment. The synergistic effect of the etg1 and ctf18 mutants on sister chromatid cohesion strengthened the impact on plant growth of the replication stress caused by ETG1 deficiency because of inefficient DNA repair. We conclude that the ETG1 replication factor is required for efficient cohesion and that cohesion establishment is essential for proper development of plants suffering from endogenous DNA stress. Cohesion defects observed upon knockdown of its human counterpart suggest an equally important developmental role for the orthologous mammalian ETG1 protein

    Chemotherapy elicits pro-metastatic extracellular vesicles in breast cancer models

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    Cytotoxic chemotherapy is an effective treatment for invasive breast cancer. However, experimental studies in mice also suggest that chemotherapy has pro-metastatic effects. Primary tumours release extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, that can facilitate the seeding and growth of metastatic cancer cells in distant organs, but the effects of chemotherapy on tumour-derived EVs remain unclear. Here we show that two classes of cytotoxic drugs broadly employed in pre-operative (neoadjuvant) breast cancer therapy, taxanes and anthracyclines, elicit tumour-derived EVs with enhanced pro-metastatic capacity. Chemotherapy-elicited EVs are enriched in annexin A6 (ANXA6), a Ca2+-dependent protein that promotes NF-κB-dependent endothelial cell activation, Ccl2 induction and Ly6C+CCR2+ monocyte expansion in the pulmonary pre-metastatic niche to facilitate the establishment of lung metastasis. Genetic inactivation of Anxa6 in cancer cells or Ccr2 in host cells blunts the prometastatic effects of chemotherapy-elicited EVs. ANXA6 is detected, and potentially enriched, in the circulating EVs of breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy

    Revista de educación

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    Se aborda el problema del analfabetismo rudimentario en relación con la extensión y mejora de la escolarización, afirmando que es la sociedad de la información la que crea este nuevo analfabetismo. Las políticas educativas a nivel mundial aportan propuestas de soluciones al analfabetismo que abarcan el currículum y la instrucción, la profesión docente, el sistema y la estructura educativos, las actitudes nacionales hacia la educación y el analfabetismo en sentido estricto. Se expone el problema de las insuficiencias en este tema en Europa a través de la realización de nuevas investigaciones basadas en la experiencia norteamericana, donde se combinan métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos y el concepto de analfabetismo funcional. Las diferentes ciencias sociales y los saberes educativos empiezan a considerar la educación de adultos como objeto propio de estudio con el fin de superar la problemática educativa en la población adulta.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Proteomic profiling of retinoblastoma by high resolution mass spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Retinoblastoma is an ocular neoplastic cancer caused primarily due to the mutation/deletion of RB1 gene. Due to the rarity of the disease very limited information is available on molecular changes in primary retinoblastoma. High throughput analysis of retinoblastoma transcriptome is available however the proteomic landscape of retinoblastoma remains unexplored. In the present study we used high resolution mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics to identify proteins associated with pathogenesis of retinoblastoma. METHODS: We used five pooled normal retina and five pooled retinoblastoma tissues to prepare tissue lysates. Equivalent amount of proteins from each group was trypsin digested and labeled with iTRAQ tags. The samples were analyzed on Orbitrap Velos mass spectrometer. We further validated few of the differentially expressed proteins by immunohistochemistry on primary tumors. RESULTS: We identified and quantified a total of 3587 proteins in retinoblastoma when compared with normal adult retina. In total, we identified 899 proteins that were differentially expressed in retinoblastoma with a fold change of ≥2 of which 402 proteins were upregulated and 497 were down regulated. Insulin growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 1 (IGF2BP1), chromogranin A, fetuin A (ASHG), Rac GTPase-activating protein 1 and midkine that were found to be overexpressed in retinoblastoma were further confirmed by immunohistochemistry by staining 15 independent retinoblastoma tissue sections. We further verified the effect of IGF2BP1 on cell proliferation and migration capability of a retinoblastoma cell line using knockdown studies. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomic approach was applied to identify proteins differentially expressed in retinoblastoma tumor. This study identified the mitochondrial dysfunction and lipid metabolism pathways as the major pathways to be deregulated in retinoblastoma. Further knockdown studies of IGF2BP1 in retinoblastoma cell lines revealed it as a prospective therapeutic target for retinoblastoma. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12014-016-9128-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The DNA replication checkpoint aids survival of plants deficient in the novel replisome factor ETG1

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    Complete and accurate chromosomal DNA replication is essential for the maintenance of the genetic integrity of all organisms. Errors in replication are buffered by the activation of DNA stress checkpoints; however, in plants, the relative importance of a coordinated induction of DNA repair and cell cycle-arresting genes in the survival of replication mutants is unknown. In a systematic screen for Arabidopsis thaliana E2F target genes, the E2F TARGET GENE 1 (ETG1) was identified as a novel evolutionarily conserved replisome factor. ETG1 was associated with the minichromosome maintenance complex and was crucial for efficient DNA replication. Plants lacking the ETG1 gene had serrated leaves due to cell cycle inhibition triggered by the DNA replication checkpoints, as shown by the transcriptional induction of DNA stress checkpoint genes. The importance of checkpoint activation was highlighted by double mutant analysis: whereas etg1 mutant plants developed relatively normally, a synthetically lethal interaction was observed between etg1 and the checkpoint mutants wee1 and atr, demonstrating that activation of a G2 cell cycle checkpoint accounts for survival of ETG1-deficient plants