25 research outputs found

    The Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam: cohort update 2016 and major findings

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    Assessment of the chance of infection of dairy cows with food-and-mouth disease virus after spread through water

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    Mond- en klauwzeer (MKZ) is een virale ziekte onder gedomesticeerde en wilde evenhoevige dieren. Het doel van deze studie was het schatten van de kans op infectie van melkkoeien door het drinken van met MKZ-virus besmet oppervlaktewater door illegale melklozingen. De volgende literatuurgegevens werden verzameld: MKZ-virus afsterving in waterige milieus, MKZ-virusconcentraties in melk, verdunning van de geloosde melk in rioolwater, virusverwijdering door afvalwaterzuivering, verdunning van afvalwater in oppervlaktewater, waterconsumptie van koeien, gemiddelde grootte van een kudde koeien en dosis respons gegevens voor ingeslikt MKZ-virus door runderen. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat illegale en ongecontroleerde lozingen van besmette melk in het rioolwatersysteem binnen een dag tot hoge infectiekansen kunnen leiden voor vee van bedrijven op 6 tot 50 km afstand van de plaats van lozing in het oppervlaktewater. Dit onderstreept de huidige regels die een dergelijke lozing verbieden en benadrukt de noodzaak van stringente controle tijdens een MKZ-uitbraak.Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a viral disease of domesticated and wild cloven-hoofed animals. The objective of this study was to determine the probability of infecting dairy cows that were drinking FMD virus contaminated surface water due to illegal discharges of contaminated milk. The following data were collected from literature: FMD virus inactivation in aqueous environments, FMD virus concentrations in milk, dilution in sewage water, virus removal by sewage treatment, dilution in surface water, water consumption of cows, size of a herd in a meadow and dose response data for ingested FMD virus by cattle. It was concluded that illegal and uncontrolled discharges of contaminated milk into the sewerage system may lead to high probabilities of infecting other cattle within one day at 6 to 50 km distance of the location of discharge. This clearly underlines current measures that prohibit such discharges and also asks for strict control.RIZAVROM-DGM-BW

    Assessment of the chance of infection of dairy cows with food-and-mouth disease virus after spread through water

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a viral disease of domesticated and wild cloven-hoofed animals. The objective of this study was to determine the probability of infecting dairy cows that were drinking FMD virus contaminated surface water due to illegal discharges of contaminated milk. The following data were collected from literature: FMD virus inactivation in aqueous environments, FMD virus concentrations in milk, dilution in sewage water, virus removal by sewage treatment, dilution in surface water, water consumption of cows, size of a herd in a meadow and dose response data for ingested FMD virus by cattle. It was concluded that illegal and uncontrolled discharges of contaminated milk into the sewerage system may lead to high probabilities of infecting other cattle within one day at 6 to 50 km distance of the location of discharge. This clearly underlines current measures that prohibit such discharges and also asks for strict control.Mond- en klauwzeer (MKZ) is een virale ziekte onder gedomesticeerde en wilde evenhoevige dieren. Het doel van deze studie was het schatten van de kans op infectie van melkkoeien door het drinken van met MKZ-virus besmet oppervlaktewater door illegale melklozingen. De volgende literatuurgegevens werden verzameld: MKZ-virus afsterving in waterige milieus, MKZ-virusconcentraties in melk, verdunning van de geloosde melk in rioolwater, virusverwijdering door afvalwaterzuivering, verdunning van afvalwater in oppervlaktewater, waterconsumptie van koeien, gemiddelde grootte van een kudde koeien en dosis respons gegevens voor ingeslikt MKZ-virus door runderen. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat illegale en ongecontroleerde lozingen van besmette melk in het rioolwatersysteem binnen een dag tot hoge infectiekansen kunnen leiden voor vee van bedrijven op 6 tot 50 km afstand van de plaats van lozing in het oppervlaktewater. Dit onderstreept de huidige regels die een dergelijke lozing verbieden en benadrukt de noodzaak van stringente controle tijdens een MKZ-uitbraak

    Schatting van de kans op infectie van melkkoeien door mond- en klauwzeervirus na verspreiding via water

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    Mond- en klauwzeer (MKZ) is een virale ziekte onder gedomesticeerde en wilde evenhoevige dieren. Het doel van deze studie was het schatten van de kans op infectie van melkkoeien door het drinken van met MKZ-virus besmet oppervlaktewater door illegale melklozingen. De volgende literatuurgegevens werden verzameld: MKZ-virus afsterving in waterige milieus, MKZ-virusconcentraties in melk, verdunning van de geloosde melk in rioolwater, virusverwijdering door afvalwaterzuivering, verdunning van afvalwater in oppervlaktewater, waterconsumptie van koeien, gemiddelde grootte van een kudde koeien en dosis respons gegevens voor ingeslikt MKZ-virus door runderen. Geconcludeerd kan worden dat illegale en ongecontroleerde lozingen van besmette melk in het rioolwatersysteem binnen een dag tot hoge infectiekansen kunnen leiden voor vee van bedrijven op 6 tot 50 km afstand van de plaats van lozing in het oppervlaktewater. Dit onderstreept de huidige regels die een dergelijke lozing verbieden en benadrukt de noodzaak van stringente controle tijdens een MKZ-uitbraak

    Symptom based and transmission-prevention based testing in long-term care facilities: Symptomatology, clinical course and mortality for residents with COVID-19

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    Objectives Initially, for preventing COVID-19 transmission in long-term care facilities (LTCF) primarily rely on presence of core symptoms (fever, cough, dyspnea), but LTCF residents may also show an atypical course of a SARS-CoV-2 infection. We described the clinical presentation and course of COVID-19 in LTCF residents who were tested either because of presence of core symptoms (S-based) or because of transmission prevention (TP-based) Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting and participants Amsta (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), is a 1185-bed LTCF. All LTCF residents who underwent SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing between March 16, 2020 and May 31, 2020 were included (n = 380). Measures Clinical symptoms, temperature and oxygen saturation were extracted from medical records, 7 days before testing up to 14 days after testing. Results SARS-CoV-2 was confirmed in 81 (21%) residents. Of these 81, 36 (44%) residents were tested S-based and 45 (56%) residents were tested TP-based. Yet, CT-values did not differ between the groups. In the 7 days prior to the test the most common symptoms in both groups were: falling (32%), somnolence (25%) and fatigue (21%). Two days before the test, we observed a stronger decrease in oxygen saturation and an increase in temperature for the S-based group compared to the T-based group that remained up to 10 days after testing. Residents with in the S-based group were 2.5 times more likely to decease within 30 days than residents in the TP-based group (HR, 2.56; 95% 1.3 to 5.2). Even though, 73% of the T-based group did eventually developed core symptoms. Conclusion and implications Many LTCF residents with a positive PCR did not have core symptoms when tested but had other signs/symptoms in the week before the positive test. Testing policies should therefore be adjusted to prevent transmission. Daily measures of temperature and oxygen saturation can contribute to earlier detection

    Sialylation of Campylobacter jejuni lipo-oligosaccharides: impact on phagocytosis and cytokine production in mice.

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    BACKGROUND: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a post-infectious polyradiculoneuropathy, frequently associated with antecedent Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) infection. The presence of sialic acid on C. jejuni lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) is considered a risk factor for development of GBS as it crucially determines the structural homology between LOS and gangliosides, explaining the induction of cross-reactive neurotoxic antibodies. Sialylated C. jejuni are recognised by TLR4 and sialoadhesin; however, the functional implications of these interactions in vivo are unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we investigated the effects of bacterial sialylation on phagocytosis and cytokine secretion by mouse myeloid cells in vitro and in vivo. Using fluorescently labelled GM1a/GD1a ganglioside-mimicking C. jejuni strains and corresponding (Cst-II-mutant) control strains lacking sialic acid, we show that sialylated C. jejuni was more efficiently phagocytosed in vitro by BM-MΦ, but not by BM-DC. In addition, LOS sialylation increased the production of IL-10, IL-6 and IFN-β by both BM-MΦ and BM-DC. Subsequent in vivo experiments revealed that sialylation augmented the deposition of fluorescent bacteria in splenic DC, but not macrophages. In addition, sialylation significantly amplified the production of type I interferons, which was independent of pDC. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results identify novel immune stimulatory effects of C. jejuni sialylation, which may be important in inducing cross-reactive humoral responses that cause GBS

    Sialylation of campylobacter jejuni lipo-oligosaccharides: impact on phagocytosis and cytokine production in mice

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    Background: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a post-infectious polyradiculoneuropathy, frequently associated with antecedent Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) infection. The presence of sialic acid on C. jejuni lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) is considered a risk factor for development of GBS as it crucially determines the structural homology between LOS and gangliosides, explaining the induction of cross-reactive neurotoxic antibodies. Sialylated C. jejuni are recognised by TLR4 and sialoadhesin; however, the functional implications of these interactions in vivo are unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study we investigated the effects of bacterial sialylation on phagocytosis and cytokine secretion by mouse myeloid cells in vitro and in vivo. Using fluorescently labelled GM1a/GD1a ganglioside-mimicking C. jejuni strains and corresponding (Cst-II-mutant) control strains lacking sialic acid, we show that sialylated C. jejuni was more efficiently phagocytosed in vitro by BM-MΦ, but not by BM-DC. In addition, LOS sialylation increased the production of IL-10, IL-6 and IFN-β by both BM-MΦ and BM-DC. Subsequent in vivo experiments revealed that sialylation augmented the deposition of fluorescent bacteria in splenic DC, but not macrophages. In addition, sialylation significantly amplified the production of type I interferons, which was independent of pDC. Conclusions/Significance: These results identify novel immune stimulatory effects of C. jejuni sialylation, which may be important in inducing cross-reactive humoral responses that cause GBS. </p