14 research outputs found

    Early Priming Minimizes the Age-Related Immune Compromise of CD8+ T Cell Diversity and Function

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    The elderly are particularly susceptible to influenza A virus infections, with increased occurrence, disease severity and reduced vaccine efficacy attributed to declining immunity. Experimentally, the age-dependent decline in influenza-specific CD8+ T cell responsiveness reflects both functional compromise and the emergence of ‘repertoire holes’ arising from the loss of low frequency clonotypes. In this study, we asked whether early priming limits the time-related attrition of immune competence. Though primary responses in aged mice were compromised, animals vaccinated at 6 weeks then challenged >20 months later had T-cell responses that were normal in magnitude. Both functional quality and the persistence of ‘preferred’ TCR clonotypes that expand in a characteristic immunodominance hierarchy were maintained following early priming. Similar to the early priming, vaccination at 22 months followed by challenge retained a response magnitude equivalent to young mice. However, late priming resulted in reduced TCRβ diversity in comparison with vaccination earlier in life. Thus, early priming was critical to maintaining individual and population-wide TCRβ diversity. In summary, early exposure leads to the long-term maintenance of memory T cells and thus preserves optimal, influenza-specific CD8+ T-cell responsiveness and protects against the age-related attrition of naïve T-cell precursors. Our study supports development of vaccines that prime CD8+ T-cells early in life to elicit the broadest possible spectrum of CD8+ T-cell memory and preserve the magnitude, functionality and TCR usage of responding populations. In addition, our study provides the most comprehensive analysis of the aged (primary, secondary primed-early and secondary primed-late) TCR repertoires published to date

    Bias in the αβ T-cell repertoire: implications for disease pathogenesis and vaccination

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    The naïve T-cell repertoire is vast, containing millions of unique T-cell receptor (TCR) structures. Faced with such diversity, the mobilization of TCR structures from this enormous pool was once thought to be a stochastic, even chaotic, process. However, steady and systematic dissection over the last 20 years has revealed that this is not the case. Instead, the TCR repertoire deployed against individual antigens is routinely ordered and biased. Often, identical and near-identical TCR repertoires can be observed across different individuals, suggesting that the system encompasses an element of predictability. This review provides a catalog of αβ TCR bias by disease and by species, and discusses the mechanisms that govern this inherent and widespread phenomenon

    Lack of prominent peptide–major histocompatibility complex features limits repertoire diversity in virus-specific CD8+ T cell populations

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    Using both 'reverse genetics' and structural analysis, we have examined the in vivo relationship between antigenicity and T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire diversity. Influenza A virus infection of C57BL/6 mice induces profoundly different TCR repertoires specific for the nucleoprotein peptide of amino acids 366−374 (NP366) and the acid polymerase peptide of amino acids 224−233 (PA224) presented by H-2Db. Here we show the H-2Db−NP366 complex with a 'featureless' structure selected a limited TCR repertoire characterized by 'public' TCR usage. In contrast, the prominent H-2Db−PA224 complex selected diverse, individually 'private' TCR repertoires. Substitution of the arginine at position 7 of PA224 with an alanine reduced the accessible side chains of the epitope. Infection with an engineered virus containing a mutation at the site encoding the exposed arginine at position 7 of PA224 selected a restricted TCR repertoire similar in diversity to that of the H-2Db−NP366−specific response. Thus, the lack of prominent features in an antigenic complex of peptide and major histocompatibility complex class I is associated with a diminished spectrum of TCR usage