364 research outputs found

    Psychological Indicators and Perceptions of Adolescents in Residential Care

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    Abstract The institutionalization of adolescents has been mentioned in the literature with positive and negative aspects. This study investigated 61 adolescents in residential care aiming to evaluate psychological problems and perceptions related to the care, using interviews and the YSR. Data was evaluated using quantitative and qualitative analysis, using gender, age and length of institutionalization as variables. Results indicated clinical scores for psychological problems, except for externalizing problems, in younger girls recently taken into care and older boys institutionalized for longer periods. The perceptions about the care were negative or indifferent; elements of positivity were expressed by adolescents institutionalized for longer periods. Instability in the permanence in the care service and the reasons for having been taken into care were manifested with psychological distress. There were few contacts with the family of origin; the adolescents mentioned the importance of their families and the desire to leave the institution. Members of the institutional teams were indicated as sources of care and protection. This study reflects the challenges for the positive development of this population

    Teamwork in a coronary care unit: facilitating and hindering aspects

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To identify, within a multidisciplinary team, the facilitating and hindering aspects for teamwork in a coronary care unit. METHOD A descriptive study, with qualitative and quantitative data, was carried out in the coronary care unit of a public hospital. The study population consisted of professionals working in the unit for at least one year. Those who were on leave or who were not located were excluded. The critical incident technique was used for data collection, by means of semi-structured interviews. For data analysis, content analysis and the critical incident technique were applied. RESULTS Participants were 45 professionals: 29 nursing professionals; 11 physicians; 4 physical therapists; and 1 psychologist. A total of 49 situations (77.6% with negative references); 385 behaviors (54.2% with positive references); and 182 consequences emerged (71.9% with negative references). Positive references facilitate teamwork, whereas negative references hinder it. A collaborative/communicative interprofessional relationship was evidenced as a facilitator; whereas poor collaboration among agents/inadequate management was a hindering aspect. CONCLUSION Despite the prevalence of negative situations and consequences, the emphasis on positive behaviors reveals the efforts the agents make in order to overcome obstacles and carry out teamwork

    Mechanisms of leukocyte lipid body formation and function in inflammation

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    An area of increasingly interest for the understanding of cell signaling are the spatio-temporal aspects of the different enzymes involved in lipid mediator generation (eicosanoid-forming enzymes, phospholipases and their regulatory kinases and phosphatases) and pools of lipid precursors. The compartmentalization of signaling components within discrete and dynamic sites in the cell is critical for specificity and efficiency of enzymatic reactions of phosphorilation, enzyme activation and function. We hypothesized that lipid bodies - inducible non-membrane bound cytoplasmic lipid domains - function as specialized intracellular sites of compartmentalization of signaling with major roles in lipid mediator formation within leukocytes engaged in inflammatory process. Over the past years substantial progresses have been made demonstrating that all enzymes involved in eicosanoid synthesis localize at lipid bodies and lipid bodies are distinct sites for eicosanoid generation. Here we will review our current knowledge on the mechanisms of formation and functions of lipid bodies pertinent to inflammation