32 research outputs found

    DPYD, TYMS and MTHFR Genes Polymorphism Frequencies in a Series of Turkish Colorectal Cancer Patients.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadFluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy is extensively used for the treatment of solid cancers, including colorectal cancer. However, fluoropyrimidine-driven toxicities are a major problem in the management of the disease. The grade and type of the toxicities depend on demographic factors, but substantial inter-individual variation in fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity is partly explained by genetic factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect ofDokuz Eylul University Research Foundatio

    Hsa-miR-21-3p associates with breast cancer patient survival and targets genes in tumor suppressive pathways.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBreast cancer is the cancer most often diagnosed in women. MicroRNAs (MIRs) are short RNA molecules that bind mRNA resulting in their downregulation. MIR21 has been shown to be an oncomiR in most cancer types, including breast cancer. Most of the effects of miR-21 have been attributed to hsa-miR-21-5p that is transcribed from the leading strand of MIR21, but hsa-miR-21-3p (miR-21-3p), transcribed from the lagging strand, is much less studied. The aim of the study is to analyze whether expression of miR-21-3p is prognostic for breast cancer. MiR-21-3p association with survival, clinical and pathological characteristics was analyzed in a large breast cancer cohort and validated in three separate cohorts, including TCGA and METABRIC. Analytical tools were also used to infer miR-21-3p function and to identify potential target genes and functional pathways. The results showed that in the exploration cohort, high miR-21-3p levels associated with shorter survival and lymph node positivity. In the three validation cohorts, high miR-21-3p levels associated with pathological characteristics that predict worse prognosis. Specifically, in the largest validation cohort, METABRIC (n = 1174), high miR-21-3p levels associated with large tumors, a high grade, lymph node and HER2 positivity, and shorter breast-cancer-specific survival (HR = 1.38, CI 1.13-1.68). This association remained significant after adjusting for confounding factors. The genes with expression levels that correlated with miR-21-3p were enriched in particular pathways, including the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and proliferation. Among the most significantly downregulated targets were MAT2A and the tumor suppressive genes STARD13 and ZNF132. The results from this study emphasize that both 3p- and 5p-arms from a MIR warrant independent study. The data show that miR-21-3p overexpression in breast tumors is a marker of worse breast cancer progression and it affects genes in pathways that drive breast cancer by down-regulating tumor suppressor genes. The results suggest miR-21-3p as a potential biomarker.This research was funded by grants to IR, RBB, BAA, OTJ and AdAr from the Icelandic Centre for Research (grant number 152530-051, www.rannis.is), The Scientific Fund of Landspitali – The National University Hospital in Iceland (grant numbers A-2016-033 and A-2019-042, www.landspitali.is), The Scientific Fund of The Icelandic Cancer Society (year 2017, www.krabb.is/english/), Gongum saman (https://gongumsaman.is/; years 2013 and 2017) and a grant to ArAm and IR from Gongum saman in 2018. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    High expression of the vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP1) is a potential marker of poor prognosis in HER2 positive breast cancer.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadBACKGROUND: Fusion genes result from genomic structural changes, which can lead to alterations in gene expression that supports tumor development. The aim of the study was to use fusion genes as a tool to identify new breast cancer (BC) genes with a role in BC progression. METHODS: Fusion genes from breast tumors and BC cell lines were collected from publications. RNA-Seq data from tumors and cell lines were retrieved from databanks and analyzed for fusions with SOAPfuse or the analysis was purchased. Fusion genes identified in both tumors (n = 1724) and cell lines (n = 45) were confirmed by qRT-PCR and sequencing. Their individual genes were ranked by selection criteria that included correlation of their mRNA level with copy number. The expression of the top ranked gene was measured by qRT-PCR in normal tissue and in breast tumors from an exploratory cohort (n = 141) and a validation cohort (n = 277). Expression levels were correlated with clinical and pathological factors as well as the patients' survival. The results were followed up in BC cohorts from TCGA (n = 818) and METABRIC (n = 2509). RESULTS: Vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP1) was the most promising candidate based on specific selection criteria. Its expression was higher in breast tumor tissue than normal tissue (p = 1x10-4), and its expression was significantly higher in HER2 positive than HER2 negative breast tumors in all four cohorts analyzed. High expression of VMP1 associated with breast cancer specific survival (BCSS) in cohort 1 (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.31, CI 1.27-4.18) and METABRIC (HR = 1.26, CI 1.02-1.57), and also after adjusting for HER2 expression in cohort 1 (HR = 2.03, CI 1.10-3.72). BCSS was not significant in cohort 2 or TCGA cohort, which may be due to differences in treatment regimens. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that high VMP1 expression is a potential marker of poor prognosis in HER2 positive BC. Further studies are needed to elucidate how VMP1 could affect pathways supportive of tumorigenesis

    Identification of novel progression-related candidate genes in breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women worldwide. It is also a highly heterogeneous disease that is characterized by an array of genetic rearrangements, including copy number alterations (CNA), translocations, inversions, insertions, and deletions. Despite progress in targeted therapy, tailored to the patient genetic background, disease relapse is not uncommon, even 6 to 10 years after the initial diagnosis. Because of variety of molecular subtypes and heterogenicity of breast cancer, identifying prognostic and predictive markers has been challenging. Thus, novel approaches to identifying breast cancer genes must be developed. Inter-chromosomal and intrachromosomal rearrangements can generate fusion genes with oncogenic properties (e.g., oncogene activation, tumor suppressor deletion/downregulation, or chimeric proteins capable of altering cellular pathways); and genes fusions can dysregulate expression of host genes and intragenic miRNAs. We speculated that genes frequently involved in gene fusions in breast tumors are likely associated with breast cancer development and progression. We developed a novel approach to identify new breast cancer genes. Here, we screened publicly available databanks for fusion genes in breast cancer cell lines and tumors, and candidates had to pass three criteria: 1) the breakpoint must be similar in breast tumors and cell lines, 2) the lesion must be recurrent in tumors, 3) but not located within an amplicon carrying a known oncogene (unless it is part of the fusion), and 4) possess a function supportive of tumorigenesis. Next, the genes that make up the selected fusion gene had to meet two conditions: 1) Show a high positive correlation between gene copy number variations and their mRNA levels, and 2) show a correlation between the expression of the genes and the clinical and pathological aspects of a breast cancer cohort accessible in an open database. Subsequently, Vacuole membrane protein (VMP1) was selected for further research. By screening two Icelandic breast cancer cohorts and confirming results in two, large, publicly available, breast-cancer cohorts, we identified vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP1) as a candidate gene involved in the development of breast tumors, particularly the HER2-positive subtype. The role of VMP1 was explored further in HER2 positive BC cell lines and although it did not affect proliferation further studies will reveal whether it affects cellular migration and invasion as well as drug resistance due to its role in autophagy. The study on VMP1 lead us to the study of a second gene, MIR21. Since there is considerable sequence overlap between the two genes, the possibility remained that expression from the two genes could affect one another. Also, while hsa-miR-21-5p is a well-known oncomir in breast cancer, its “sibling” hsa-miR-21-3p is hardly studied at all. Notably, we found hsa-miR-21-3p (which is transcribed from its own promoter, within intron 10 of VMP1) is a potential marker for breast tumors, confirming the validity of our approach. Data from these two studies showed that screening for fusion genes is a viable method for identifying novel cancer-associated genes. Further, functional cell-based experiments are expected to shed light on the biology of VMP1 and hsa-miR-21-3p, in health and disease.Brjóstakrabbamein er eitt algengasta krabbamein kvenna á heimsvísu. Myndun brjóstaæxla er af margvíslegum toga og m.a. geta breytingar í erfðaefni s.s. stökkbreytingar, genamögnun, litningayfirfærsla, viðsnúningar, innskot og úrfellingar ýtt undir myndun þess. Þrátt fyrir framfarir í einstaklingsmiðaðri meðferð sem byggir á erfðabakgrunni sjúklingsins þá getur meinið komið aftur, jafnvel sex til tíu árum eftir greiningu. Vegna margbreytilegs uppruna brjóstaæxla og mismunandi sameindafræðilegra undirhópa getur verið snúið að finna lífmörk (e. marker) sem spá fyrir um horfur sjúklinganna. Skilgreining nýrra gena sem taka þátt í æxlisþroska gefur skýrari mynd af því hvernig æxlin taka breytingum, sérstaklega á frumu- og sameindafræðigrunni. Slíka þekkingu mætti nota við að spá fyrir um horfur sjúklinga, genin mætti nota sem ný lyfjamörk og gæti hún leitt til betri eftirfylgni fyrir sjúklinginn. Stökk og snúningar litningabúta innan litnings eða á milli litninga geta leitt til myndunar samrunagena, sem sum hver fá við það illkynja eiginleika. Þau geta orðið ofvirk, e.k. æxlisgen, eða vanvirk, e.k. æxlisbæligen, og einnig myndað ný prótein sem geta haft áhrif á boðleiðir frumunnar. Samrunagen geta myndað samrunaprótein, þ.e. samsett úr hlutum tveggja gena, og geta þau ruglað tjáningu frá genum og microRNA (MIR), sem eru stundum staðsett innan þeirra. Við settum fram þá tilgátu að stakt gen sem kæmi endurtekið fyrir í samrunageni í brjóstaæxlum gæti mögulega verið áhrifagen í brjóstakrabbameinsþróun. Í verkefninu er stuðst við nýja nálgun til að skilgreina áður óþekkt áhrifagen brjóstakrabbameins. Hún er sú að bera saman samrunagen í brjóstaæxlum og í brjóstakrabbameinsfrumulínum og velja þau sem finnast í báðum. Til að verða fyrir valinu þurftu samrunagenin að uppfylla eftirfarandi skilyrði: 1) vera samsett á sem líkastan hátt í æxlum og frumulínum, 2) vera síendurtekin í æxlum, 3) ekki vera staðsett innan mögnunarsvæðis þekkts æxlisgens nema það væri hluti af samrunageninu, og 4) að genin hefðu virkni sem styður við æxlisþróun. Því næst þurftu genin, sem mynda völdu samrunagenin, að uppfylla tvö skilyrði: 1) sýna háa jákvæða fylgni á milli eintaka gens og mRNA magn þess og 2) sýna fylgni tjáningar gensins við klíníska og meinafræði þætti í sjúklingahópi sem er aðgengilegur í opnum gagnabanka. Í kjölfarið var Vacuole membrane protein (VMP1) valið til frekari rannsókna. Magn VMP1 mRNA var mælt í brjóstaæxlum tveggja íslenskra hópa. Marktæk tengsl sáust á milli hárrar VMP1 mRNA tjáningar við klíníska og meinafræðiþætti, sem tengjast verri horfum, og við skemmri sjúkdómsfría lifun. Tveir erlendir hópar brjóstakrabbameinssjúklinga voru notaðir til að staðfesta niðurstöðurnar og leiddu frekari rannsóknir í ljós að VMP1 tengdist helst skemmri lifun hjá sjúklingum með HER2 jákvæð æxli. Rannsóknir á VMP1 leiddu til rannsókna á hinu áhrifageni verkefnisins, sem er MIR21. Bæði genin eru staðsett á litningasvæði 17q23.1 og skarast 5´ endi MIR21 við 3´ enda VMP1. Vegna þessa var hugsanlegt að þau hefðu áhrif á tjáningu hvors annars þó hvort genið um sig hafi eigið stýrisvæði. Þrátt fyrir að hsa-miR-21-5p sé vel þekkt áhrifagen í brjóstakrabbameini (æxlismir) þá er „systkini“ þess hsa-miR-21-3p lítið rannsakað. Við könnuðum áhrif hsa-miR-21-3p í sömu sjúklingahópum og VMP1 og niðurstöður okkar benda til þess að hsa-miR-21-3p er einnig hugsanlegt áhrifagen í þróun brjóstaæxla. Niðurstöður þessara rannsókna sýna að aðferð okkar við að skima samrunagen til að finna hugsanleg áhrifagen í framvindu brjóstaæxla virkar. Rannsóknir á virkni VMP1 á sameindafræðigrunni eru hafnar í brjóstakrabbameinsfrumulínum.This work was supported by Grants from The Icelandic Centre for Research Fund (152530-051, www. rannis.is), Scientific Fund of Landspitali – The National University Hospital in Iceland (A-2015-039, A-2018-034, www.landspitali.is), grants from Gongum saman (2013, 2017, 2018 http://www.gongumsaman.is/) and Icelandic Cancer Society research funds for years 2019 and 2020

    Hepatopathy-Thrombocytopenia Syndrome During Actinomycin D Treatment May Be Related to MDR1 (ABCB1) Gene Polymorphisms

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    The antitumor agent actinomycin D has been used in the treatment of Wilms tumor for the past 40 years. Actinomycin D-induced hepatopathy-thrombocytopenia syndrome (HTS) is characterized as a rare syndrome. The mechanism underlying HTS may differ with individual multidrug resistance protein-1 (MDR1) genotype. The relationship between actinomycin D-related HTS and MDR1 gene mutations is presented in this case study of a pediatric patient with Wilms tumor. Our findings revealed that the girl had (-)1G>A, 1236C>T, 2677G>T, 3435C>T, and 61A>G MDR1 gene mutations. Understanding the function of genetic variants of MDR1 is an important aim for personalized cancer management